"These words... He never told me..."

"Because you've never sat down calmly and talked about it!"

What a lonely and proud man the old man is!

Su Xiang is also a stuffy gourd who keeps everything in his heart, so even if he and his grandchildren have the same mind and don't communicate properly, they can't know each other's correct ideas!

Lin Yiqian sighed earnestly: "go to the stylist design competition! Show your strength in front of the public. Forget the old man's wish."

Sue wanted to be silent and didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, he suddenly asked Lin Yiqian, "aren't you afraid I won't come back after winning the game?"

"I'm afraid! But if I had such a small pattern, I wouldn't have put it back to Moshen group in the early morning! Su thought, don't worry about going to the game!"

Lin Yi smiled, and Su wanted to be distracted for a moment.

He said, "businessmen are full of the smell of copper. You are a clean stream!"

"Thank you for your compliment!"

A few days later, Lin Yiqian got the news that Su wanted to sign up for the designer competition held by hi Shang!

Because the grassroots hishang staff in charge of the audition have not met Su Xiang, they do not know that the confidant designer who surprised them turned out to be the successor of their group.

When the promotion information was reported, Su Zian and Su Yuxin, who were in charge of the event, were shocked.

Su Yuxin is naturally delighted to see that Su wants to come back!

But Su Zian... He is the second candidate for heishang's successor!

In previous years, he often envied his grandfather's preference for the eldest son of the big house. At this time, seeing that he wanted to make the first shot in the field of hi Shang as a plain person, his whole person was instantly filled with the flame of battle.

For the first time, he found Lin Yiqian.

"Is this man your stylist?"

Lin Yiqian played with his mobile phone and looked at the young man sitting opposite her with his legs crossed and a big master!

It has to be said that his appearance is the highest among the Su family's grandchildren. The dress also has a big style of hi Shang.

But at the same time, it is also the most arrogant son of a rich family that Lin Yi has seen!

At the moment, he had a bad idea, but he was able to speak out his requirements to Lin Yiqian with blatant arrogance.

"I want you to stop him from competing." Take it for granted!

Lin Yiqian smiled.

Her slender fingers crossed and held her chin. She looked at the confident man opposite with interest.

"Why should I stop it?" asked with a smile

"He's your stylist. You have the right to stop him from competing."

"But I have no reason."

"Do you want to be the enemy of hi?"

Su Zian calmly threatened her: "Miss Lin, I think you should know our influence in the fashion circle! Are you sure you want to ruin the future of so many of your artists and even the whole company for an unimportant stylist?"

"Wow! President Su said that so frighteningly!"

Lin Yiqian's expression was exaggerated and fell back. The teasing smile in his eyes made Su Zian's eyebrows wrinkle tightly.

Before meeting Lin Yiqian, he only knew that she was a bosom friend's little boss, a woman with deep thighs.

I don't know. She's still such a difficult one.

This made his impression of Lin Yiqian even worse.

"Hey, you know what strength you still have in the circle! Lin Yiqian has offended us. Even if he cares deeply, he doesn't bother to protect you!"


Lin Yiqian noncommittally rotated his mobile phone and asked with a smile: "when President Su said these words, are you sure he was in the position of hi Shang? How do I seem to remember that the head of hi Shang is your uncle now? Not to mention that the old man's position as chairman of the board has not retired?"

"You! Are you laughing at my position as general director?"

"No, no, no! I mean, Mr. Su, your future is still far away. It's too early to say it means hi yet?"

"... hum!"

Su Zian laughed angrily!

He admitted that he had been in the company for so many years and had talked to all kinds of women, but he had never seen Lin Yiqian who had sharp teeth and hurt people without dirty words!

He couldn't help guessing, "do you know who sue wants?"

"Does it matter who he is?"

"OK! It doesn't matter!!" Su Zian nodded and reminded Lin Yiqian, "but I'll let you know who Su Zian is!!"


Seeing a popular man walking away, Lin Yiqian raised his hand and waved, "remember to tie the bill!"

Su Xiang came out from behind the partition and sat down opposite Lin Yiqian with a dignified face.

He reminded in a deep voice, "Su Zian's means are very vicious. You shouldn't offend him!"

"Joke, he bullied me. I can't offend him yet?"

Sue wanted to correct: "I'm the only one he wants to bully."

"That's not good either! I'm the one who covers you. How can you be bullied for nothing?"

When the girl defends people, there is a kind of dazzling light in her eyes.

Sue thought she suddenly realized that she couldn't help it in the early morning. Indeed, such a girl is full of attraction!

But, "I'm no better than the early morning. Maybe you'll have to do it in vain."

"You're no better than what?" Lin Yi asked him with a smile.

She knew what he lacked was self-confidence, but she just didn't point it out. She just said, "you have talent inside and covered by grandpa and your father outside. What's the difference?"


"If you want to say me, Su thinks your conditions are much better than those in the early morning! At the beginning, he didn't have anyone to support him in Mo Shen group, and the outside world was all mocking his voice. But now you see, doesn't he also manage his life well?"

"Early in the morning, he said it was all because of you."

"You can also take me as an inspirational example!" Lin Yiqian picked his eyebrows mischievously, which made Su want to have some helplessness!

This smart girl doesn't even know she likes her in the morning, does she?

Su Xiang's qualifying match is next week's weekend. In order to give him enough preparation time, Lin Yiqian asked Yan Lisa to share more work and gave him a full reserve force!

People in the company saw her selflessly supporting Su Xiang, as if they saw their own future.

Because they firmly believe that if one day they have such an opportunity, Lin Yiqian will support them like Su Xiang!

For a time, the whole bosom friend team united as one and united as one!

As an old employee of the company, Tang Zhenzhen has never seen such a united working environment.

With emotion, she couldn't help thinking of the old boss lying in the nursing home.

Thinking about Lin Yiqian's efforts and the misunderstanding by the old boss, she felt that it was time for her to help Lin Yiqian speak!

So, after she came out of the set that day, she drove straight to the nursing home.

Bought a basket of fruits and inquired with the front desk about Lin Guoguang's ward.

He was about to visit, but was interrupted by another little nurse. "Mr. Lin has visitors now. If you want to go, I suggest you delay."