"What are you doing in the kitchen?"

Chen Ma went back to the imperial palace to take the pregnant woman meal customized by the chef for Lin Yiqian. Suddenly, she saw Li Xiangkui standing stealthily in front of the stove. Her sudden sentence frightened Li Xiangkui's hand, and then the spoon fell to the ground.

Bang Dang!!

A crisp noise made the girl stammer: "Chen, Chen Ma, I..."

"What am I? Where's the chef? Didn't I say that no one except the chef is allowed to move what I made for shallow food?"

"Yes, yes! I..."

"What's the matter?"

The chef grabbed two spring vegetables planted by herself and came back. Looking at Chen's face, she scolded Li Xiangkui unhappily, which scared the little girls of others to cry!

He said with a smile: "it's my fault! I came in a hurry this morning and forgot to pick the vegetables. Can you let Xiaokui watch the fire for me and then pick the vegetables?"

The chef said with a smile and went to the dish washing table to wash the dishes, while explaining: "Mom Chen, didn't you say that Mrs. Shao has no appetite? I tell you, this spring dish has the best taste of boiled ribs..."

He rattled a lot. The look of optimist eased the atmosphere in the kitchen.

However, Chen Ma is usually good at talking, but not today!

Seeing that Li Xiangkui could not help wiping her tears, she cried out unhappily, "come out with me!"


In the hospital.

Lin Yiqian and Dong Leyuan looked at the mobile phone and wringing their wrists: "it's a pity! If mother Chen goes late, she will reveal her stuffing!"

"What should I do now? It's already alarming!"

"Wait and see what happens!"

Lin Yiqian stroked his hands on his stomach and was as bright as a torch: "hasn't she sent the message? If the man is in a hurry to clean up me, he will do it these two days."

"What do you do?" Dong Leyuan was worried.

Lin Yiqian came to her ear and whispered a few words


In the Imperial Palace, Li Xiangkui was scolded by Chen Ma for moving Lin Yiqian's meal because he was close to the kitchen. Others were surprised at it.

All of them murmured in the bottom of their hearts, "it's just pregnancy! It's like being pregnant with the emperor Lao Tzu! Is it necessary to be so careful?"

However, these words are afraid to say.

However, in the following days, no one dared to approach the kitchen!

Seeing that they all knew the seriousness of the matter, Mrs. Chen relaxed her vigilance.

Then, run at both ends of the Imperial Palace every day.

Gu nianshen has been busier since Yuan Sidi came back.

Sometimes when arbor sent something, Lin Yiqian would ask a few questions. Qiao tezhu said, "the matter of the finance department has greatly touched the chairman. He secretly investigated the people in the company. In addition, President yuan brought several major projects, which are the focus of DM this year. The chairman said, if you are bored, call him and don't be afraid to delay his work."

"It's all right! His work is important."

The arbor let people go.

I was about to go back to bed and squint for a while when I saw a faceless nurse knock on the door and come in.

"Mrs. Gu, it's time for you to take anti abortion medicine," he said

"Oh!" Lin Yiqian glanced at the clock on the wall. In the past, he didn't take tocolysis until 10 o'clock. Today, it's more than ten minutes early.

She picked up the medicine bowl and asked casually, "are you new here? I don't seem to have seen you before."

"Well, I was officially admitted yesterday! I'll be in charge of this VIP area in the future. Mrs. Gu, if you have anything to do, just call me."


Lin Yiqian smiled and nodded, putting the medicine bowl back on the bedside table.

The little nurse looked at the medicine on her head and didn't move. She frowned slightly: "why don't you drink?"

"It's too bitter! I'll drink it when it's cool!"

"The medicine is even more bitter when it is cold! You'd better hurry!"

The little nurse said and came to Lin Yiqian to bring the medicine bowl.

Lin Yiqian looks at this posture. This is the rhythm of preparing to use both soft and hard!

She said with a smile, "OK! I'll drink!"

She took the bowl herself and asked the little nurse quietly, "where's my plum?"


"Didn't anyone tell you? When I drink the medicine, I have to contain a mouthful of plum before I can drink it. Otherwise, I'll throw up all my stomach."

"Oh, I'll get it now!" The little nurse smiled and said to Lin Yiqian, "drink first and I'll come right away."


Lin Yi smiled and watched her quickly run out of the ward.

Then, as soon as the quilt was lifted, the thick medicine juice was poured into the vase on one side.

The dark green vase hides the dark Chinese medicine, leaving only a strong mixture of herbs and perfume lily, and then gradually diluted and diluted.

When the little nurse grabbed a bag of plum blossoms and hurried back, Lin Yiqian covered his stomach and held the head of the bed to retch.

She quickly opened the bag, grabbed a plum and put it into Lin Yiqian's mouth.

"Have you drunk?"

"Well! Didn't you say that the medicine is cold and ineffective? I'm so bored."

"Mrs. Gu is great! Then... I'll go out first if there's nothing wrong?"


The little nurse seemed very happy. After a circle of eyes in the ward, she left!

At ten o'clock, Mrs. Chen came back from outside on time and said she would give Lin Yiqian tocolysis.

Lin Yiqian said, "no, the little nurse sent it."

"Little nurse? Didn't I tell you yesterday that I'll get it myself?"

"Maybe someone has just taken the post and is more active!"

Lin Yiqian didn't say his guess, for fear of scaring Chen Ma!

When Dong Leyuan came in the afternoon, she quietly asked Yuanyuan to investigate the little nurse and asked her to test the medicine juice in the vase.

"If I guessed right, there should be something wrong with the medicine."

Sure enough, after Dong Leyuan got the test results, she angrily told Lin Yiqian: "a small amount of safflower has been added to the medicine! I just asked the doctor. With your current constitution, as long as you pay twice, my dry son will disappear unconsciously!"


Lin Yiqian felt cold at the sound.

"What's the origin of the little nurse?"

"The background of imperial Medical University is also innocent."

"An innocent person can do such a thing? Check whether she has been used!"


Dong Leyuan clenched her teeth and said, "dead girl, if you dare to deceive me, I'll be dead!"

The next day, Dong Leyuan, who was full of anger, quietly sent a message to Lin Yiqian.

"I stayed up late last night to search the little nurse's information. Guess what I found?"


"That dead girl is yuan Qinyu's primary school classmate! She secretly fell in love with her brother yuan Sidi when she was a child!"

"Does this have anything to do with Yuan Qinyu?"

"No, they haven't contacted for several years. It's estimated that Yuan Qinyu didn't know she became a nurse for you."

However, Lin Yiqian always felt that there was something wrong with it! But I can't say it!

"Yuanyuan, please continue to trace this matter. It's related to your dry son. You can't take it lightly."

"I see! I'm going to tell you something!"

Dong Leyuan's tone seemed quite proud. "When tracking down the little nurse last night, Xiao Yangyang just sent me a message. I told him about you. Guess what? Xiao Yangyang is coming back!"