
Yuan Qinyu opened his mouth and climbed up an uncontrollable surprise in his red eyes!

Always calm, she couldn't help saying incoherently: "isn't he sure that Lin Yiqian will believe him? Aren't their feelings the most indestructible? With deep consideration, he was beaten in the face as soon as he turned around..."

Li Wei was confused. She asked yuan Qinyu, "what's the face? What I just said is..."

"Don't worry about it! Just keep bringing me news!"

Yuan Qinyu hung up and the whole person seemed to come back to life. She paced happily in the room.

"They quarreled. Now is the time when their feelings are most vulnerable. What should I do?"

She tapped the palm with her fist. For the first time, she regretted that she was too emotional yesterday!

She shouldn't have been sad yesterday!

You shouldn't ask for leave today!

At this time, she has deep concern and needs comfort most. If she is in the company, she can comfort him first!

Yuan Qinyu turned his steps and walked quickly to the dresser.

When she looked at the man in the mirror, his face was haggard and his eyes were thick, she immediately frowned.

Then, quickly wash your face, make up and pick clothes


"Director yuan asked for leave?"

When Gu Nian visited the marketing department, he heard a report from her assistant.

His eyebrows moved: "did you explain the reason?"

"Yes, it's her brother who asked for leave. It seems that she is ill..."

"Is it serious?"

"I don't know. But it shouldn't be a problem!"

Gu Nian nodded deeply and went out of the marketing department.

I was about to go to another department for inspection when I heard a burst of hurried footsteps.

From the open elevator door, Yuan Qinyu trotted to the marketing department in a hurry with high heels.

She was stunned when she met with deep concern, and the expression on her face immediately became embarrassed.

"You are..." Gu nianshen pointed to her and asked, "are you well?"


Yuan Qinyu didn't know what had happened to him.

Mingming is a high cold director in front of her subordinates, but at the moment, when her eyes collide with her thoughts, she inexplicably has the feeling of a green girl blushing and heartbeat.

Fortunately, however, her expression management was quite successful and didn't let her show more emotions.

"Yes... Yes! I'll come when I feel better after taking the medicine."


She nodded deeply, crossed her and was about to enter the elevator.

Yuan Qinyu turned around and chased into the elevator, and quietly hinted with her eyes that Li Wei should not follow in.

When the elevator door closed, she asked softly, "ah Shen, did you just come to me?"

"Well, I have something to say..."

"Have something to say to me?"

"Yes, I..."

"Let's have dinner after work!"


"Don't you have something to say to me? Let's have dinner and talk while eating, just like before..."

Yuan Qinyu's eyes were as bright as stars. He looked at the deep concern without blinking. The big boss blinked inexplicably!

"Qin Yu, have you misunderstood?"

"Misunderstanding what?"

Yuan Qinyu looked at himself with his eyes.

Because she was too excited, her hand involuntarily grasped Gu nianshen

As if the secret emotion was about to be found, she withdrew her hand in embarrassment and said with a smile: "I'm used to catching my brother these days. Sorry..."

"Are you happy that Si Di is back?"

"Of course! My father's health is much worse than before in the past two years, so I always look forward to him coming back to take over the family business! And not only because of this, my brother comes back, my mother has the goal of transfer, and won't force me to go on a blind date..."

When Yuan Qinyu said about the blind date, he took a deep look at it quietly.

She was robbed by many aunts to date their son before. Does he know?

In fact, she is also very popular, but

As usual, the deep attention still didn't fall on her, although she had implied so clearly!


When the elevator door opened, Yuan Qinyu's hard won opportunity was spent in vain!

When Li Wei came out of another elevator and bowed respectfully to them, her eyes seemed to have inadvertently brushed off her.

It was just an ordinary look asking her if she had succeeded.

But for the defeated yuan Qinyu, it's like irony! Let her face burn red!

"Are you going to the R & D department, too?"

Gu Nian took a few steps and found that she was still following. He paused and looked at her.

Yuan Qinyu looked like a flash, and then he found that he couldn't help following him again!

It's funny, isn't it?

But she doesn't want to admit defeat!

After waiting for so long, it was not easy to wait until Lin Yiqian left him. If she wanted to shrink back, how could she be worthy of her silent protection for seven years?

"Yes! I happen to have something to talk to Mr. Ke." She said.

The impeccable expression makes people unaware of the sadness quietly passing through her heart.

In the R & D department, Gu Nian had a deep understanding of their latest progress.

When it comes to the last progress report to Gu nianshen, Ke Ming's expression is never more serious.

"Chairman, I found something yesterday and felt it necessary to report it to you."

Gu nianshen: "please say."

"Yes!" "During this time, we always find sneaky people trying to sneak into the R & D department. Their purpose seems to be aimed at our B.1 chip," Ke Ming said

"B.1 technology has been patented, and it's useless for them to get it!"

"But they don't know! Moreover, we have started to develop the upgraded version of B.1. In terms of confidentiality, should our group make an upgrade?"

"Can the previous protection system have traces of intrusion?"

"Yes! But the other party hid quickly! It seems that they should just come to test the water! The real big move should be after they cracked our firewall."

"Well, I see!"

The unpredictable look flashed in his thoughtful eyes. After nodding at the severe punishment, he walked out of the director's office.

Yuan Qinyu hurriedly chased out: "ah Shen, someone is already thinking about B.1. Don't we take measures?"

"Do you have any good suggestions?"


Yuan Qinyu university studies management and marketing and knows nothing about computer technology!

At this moment, when asked by Gu nianshen, her face moved awkwardly and stammered, "maybe we invite international top technology to strengthen the firewall?"


"Do you agree?" Yuan Qinyu's eyes brightened. Unexpectedly, her casual suggestions were adopted by Gu nianshen!

She was happy, but she saw deep concern. After nodding her head and affirming it, she left!

She can't fathom his meaning.

Catch up and ask: "if you need this technology, I can ask my brother for help! He has made many friends in this field abroad! He..."

"How many large batches of goods are there in the marketing department today?" Thinking deeply, he paused and asked.

Yuan Qin Yu was stunned for a second, and the expression on his face changed from eagerness to embarrassment.

"Well... I'll keep an eye on the big goods first. Call me if you have something."
