"Is it Sheng Xinya?" Suddenly a familiar voice appeared in Sheng Xinya's ear, the girl's pupils suddenly widened, and there was a strong choking in her voice.

"Is it my cousin?" The figure she had been waiting for finally appeared in front of her like a god, although it was a bit late, but it would be good if she could appear.

Sheng Jingxun nodded lightly and said to Sheng Xinya in the dark: "I have come to save you, you are no longer in any danger, as long as I am here, I will not let anyone hurt you, Don't be afraid."

Hearing these gentle voices of men, Sheng Xinya choked up more and more, and her voice was even more trembling: "Lin Hao, he is dying, we must hurry up and send him to the hospital."

"Lin Hao is here too?" Sheng Jingxun was obviously a little surprised. Although he had already guessed it before, he didn't get the exact news.

Sheng Xinya nodded again and again, and when Sheng Jingxun untied all the ropes on her body, she groped in Lin Hao's direction with rolling and crawling.

There was this thick fear and fear in his pupils, and a pair of small hands kept touching his body, but the blood on Lin Hao's body had already formed a blood scab, and his body was even colder, and even his breathing became difficult. getting weaker.

The bald man stood aside, frowned and said to Sheng Jingxun: "This person's condition is very bad now. If he can't get timely medical treatment, he may lose his life at any time."

After listening to the man's words, Sheng Jingxun calmly gave the last order: "Take me now, don't cause panic outside, if there is a fight then, I'm afraid it will be delayed for a long time. time."

Sheng Jingxun knows that now is not the time for entanglements, and now Lin Hao has reached the point where his life is in danger. Every minute and every second is very important. If it continues to be delayed, his life may be in danger.

At that time, even if they want to escape from here, it will become difficult.

The group led Sheng Xinya and the two to leave the villa quietly, and Sheng Jingxun personally drove Lin Hao to the hospital.

Sheng Xinya followed closely throughout the whole process, not daring to leave Lin Hao for a minute or a second.

Helplessly sent Lin Hao to the emergency room, Sheng Xinya then leaned against the wall weakly, slipped down slowly, covered her face with her hands, and kept blaming herself and guilt: "All this is My fault... If it wasn't for me, Lin Hao wouldn't be in danger... It's all my fault."

Sheng Jingxun has never seen Sheng Xinya look like this, and has never seen this girl so helpless, she came over with some distress, and patted her on the shoulder gently: "Don't be so selfish. Guilt, these faults are not caused by you, but by your father. Sheng Shuiwen should pay the price for what he did. He can even kill you and Lin Hao next time. What else is he afraid of? What did you do?"

Listening to Sheng Jingxun's words, Sheng Xinya raised her head slowly, choked and said, "He already knows that Lin Hao and I have been helping you secretly, so this time he deliberately lied to me to come back, because he wanted to Retaliate."

Sheng Jingxun already had guesses in his heart, and Sheng Xinya's answer was exactly the same. Seeing the girl's body covered in blood, he said with some heartache: "Go and see your own body, wait here. Now, I will send someone to look after him. Now that Lin Hao has arrived at the hospital, he will never be in any danger to his life. You should believe me."

Sheng Xinya nodded lightly. These days, her body has also become extremely weak, and she may fall down at any time. If Lin Hao is not around when he wakes up, I am afraid he will be very disappointed.

Sheng Xinya, escorted by Sheng Jingxun, saw the doctor for an drip, and then slowly fell asleep with the man's company.

Sheng Jingxun has been pacing back and forth at the door of the ward. In fact, he didn't tell Sheng Xinya the truth just now. Lin Hao's current state is not good. Even if he is sent to the hospital, there may be a problem at any time. Life is in danger, after all the beatings this man suffered before were too deadly.

After the bald man arranged his subordinates, he came directly to look for Sheng Jingxun. Looking at the latter's appearance, he said solemnly, "You have seen the physical condition of that man just now. I'm afraid it will be fierce."

"I know this...but I can't let my cousin know now." Sheng Jingxun said with a frown. When he pushed open the big iron door in the basement, the strong smell of blood came to his nostrils, and he knew it. It is clear that Sheng Shuiwen is such a vicious person.

This man is really unscrupulous, one who used to be his most trusted subordinate, and one who has been raised since childhood. Even these two people can do this, I am afraid that anything can be done.

Sheng Jingxun is very fortunate now that he has already sent the rest of his family abroad.

The bald man stayed by Sheng Jingxun's side the whole time, and the latter just said to him, "As long as you can help me protect these two patients."

"My other subordinates can do it, but the order I received is to protect you." The bald man said very stubbornly, because he did not belong to Sheng Jingxun's direct subordinates, even if it was his words, he did not will listen.

Sheng Jingxun really couldn't beat him, so in the end, he had to let the bald man follow him, but this is also a good thing, as long as there is a bald man to follow, things will become smoother and smoother, and this man can also Become a secret weapon, and then it can give Sheng Shuiwen a fatal blow.

As time passed by, Sheng Shuiwen was awakened by a rush phone call. Looking at the caller ID above, it was actually the bodyguard in the villa who was calling. His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he felt even more in his heart. A bad premonition.

There is absolutely no way to call him easily from the villa, let alone in the middle of the night.

Did something happen over there?

Thinking of this, Sheng Shuiwen quickly pressed the answer button, and his voice became more and more solemn: "How is the villa?"

"Two people were rescued, and our stunned person just woke up."

"Do you know who the other party is?" Sheng Shuiwen's voice was full of anger that could not be concealed. He had already sent so many people to guard there, but Sheng Xinya and Lin Hao were still taken away... The other party His ability is really sky-high!

However, the other end of the phone fell into silence. After a long while, he said, "We don't know who the other party is..."

"It's really a bunch of waste, you took my money, is that how you do things?" Sheng Shuiwen roared angrily.