Chapter 507: 【Tales of the Gods 22】Shime, the Grassland God, and Skillui, the Technology God【Tales of the Gods 22】Shime, the Grassland God, and Skillui, the Technology God
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A vast grassland, with nothing blocking the view in any direction.
That’s how Shime, the Grassland God’s divine realm exists.
Or rather, essentially, the grassland itself is Shime, the Grassland God.
Before ascending to godhood, Shime was the grassland now known as the ‘Great Grassland of Beginnings’.
It was just a vast grassland.
However, that land, due to its geographical location, stored a large amount of mana.
As a result of the simple faith of the people living in the grassland, offered to that land, Shime, the Grassland God, was born.
Those days, when her ego was just beginning to form—
Shime still fondly remembers those days.
Shime, who was the grassland itself, where the people lived, rejoiced with them when they were born, and grieved with them when they died.
Back then, Shime was with the people.
That felt good.
She wanted to stay that way forever.
The people even made an idol of Shime.
It’s a sphere, about the size of a human head... a moss ball.
The bottom half is covered in a basket woven from vines, and a single, large-leafed grass, sways in the wind at the top.
Two stones, imitating round eyes, are embedded in the middle.
That kind of moss ball.
Shime loved this simple and cute idol.
When she first received it, she was so happy that she turned the entire grassland into a field of flowers overnight.
So even now, this idol is placed in the center of Shime’s divine realm, and whenever another god visits, they always talk to this idol, thinking it’s Shime.
* * *
“Well, anyway, what I want to say is, first of all, I’d like to express my gratitude to Shime, the Grassland God, for completing the thousand-year-long task of maintaining the ‘protagonist’, a god-made doll, and the starting point for isekai reincarnation broadcasts.”
...This male god, who has been talking non-stop, is one of those visitors.
This male god has a stocky, muscular build.
He looks like the taciturn, craftsman-like master of a forge.
And yet, he’s wearing an ill-fitting, tight suit, a forced smile on his stern face, continuing his polite, yet shady talk.
He’s a truly... disharmonious god.
His name is Skillui, the Technology God.
“The demand for the ‘protagonist’, a god-made doll, continues to grow because it can pseudo-reproduce ‘teleportation’, and also because of the freedom in forming its body. I think there’s a certain charm to the traditional method of putting a reincarnated soul into a naturally-born human... but I’m convinced that the day will come when my god-made dolls will dominate the isekai reincarnation broadcast market.”
A god-made doll is, in other words, a homunculus created by the Technology God.
You can freely set its abilities and appearance, and its body can be preserved for as long as it’s immersed in a special liquid in a test tube, but once a soul is sealed inside it, it will begin to age like a human.
It’s a convenient product, allowing beginner broadcast gods, who want to try making isekai reincarnation broadcasts, but find it too troublesome to look for a human with the appropriate genetic, social background, or fate... or to set up the right environment, to easily create a protagonist.
<<<I refuse.>>>
“...Are you sure? ...Well, I don’t mind. I won’t say who, but there are other gods who would love to take over this job. For example... ‘starting from a forest’ is also quite popular, hahaha... Eventually, you, the god of the grassland that’s being devoured by the forest due to ecological succession, will also be devoured by the forest, even in the divine realm. Are you sure about this?”
<<<I refuse.>>>
No matter what he said, the only response he got from Shime was ‘I refuse’.
Skillui, the Technology God, slumped his shoulders, sighed deeply... and then clicked his tongue.
“...What a stubborn moss ball.”
He cursed under his breath.
“Well, I understand. Our business is over. This is truly... regrettable.”
And then, saying that quickly, without even looking at Shime’s idol, he roughly shoved the contract into his bag, carefully placed the flyer he received from Shime’s vines into a clear file, and put it in his bag.
“I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”
And then, curtly saying that, he angrily walked away... and left Shime’s divine realm.
* * *
<<<How foolish...>>>
Shime, the Grassland God, muttered after Skillui, the Technology God, left.
The clan she protects is no more.
Her apostles, her hands and feet, who carried out her work, are no more.
In such a situation, there’s no way she can fulfill the contract like before.
Skillui, the Technology God, who should be the god who governs the development and improvement of technology in the human world, didn’t even notice such a simple thing.
He didn’t even try to see the humans.
Truly foolish.
<<<How foolish...>>>
And Shime, the Grassland God, looking back on the past thousand years, muttered again.
The people she protected are no more.
Those simple, warm people—they gradually changed because she asked them to do work, to fulfill her contract with the Technology God.
They killed so many, following the clan’s rules, to fulfill Shime’s divine revelations.
<<<How foolish...>>>
And furthermore, to fulfill that contract... she turned the last daughter of the clan into a monster.
Ignoring her dignity and everything.
She twisted the way of life of the last descendant of the people she loved, for her own convenience.
She didn’t even allow her to die as a human.
Truly, truly foolish.
<<<How foolish...>>>
Shime, the Grassland God, continued to lament.
TL Note: The ‘mana’ used as currency by the gods may be different from ‘mana’ in reference to quantity of magical power. I have just been translating magical power as ‘mana’ recently.