Chapter 110 The Unexpected Discovery

Chapter 110: The unexpected discovery

The Green Stripe Broodmother is a very huge monster. Its abdomen alone is already ten meters in diameter. And adding her upper part, she'd be a twenty meters huge spider.

"Were Green Stripe Broodmother always this huge before?" Gilbert looks at Friedrich. The latter is the only person he knows who has a prior understanding of the Monster Lair in the Hanging Vines Cave.

Friedrich shook his head and replied, "They're only ten to fifteen meters in size,"

"Can we still handle her?"

"Definitely," Friedrich was confident. He had killed a fifteen meters size Green Stripe Broodmother in the past alone. So, facing a mere twenty meters Green Stripe Broodmother is for sure not going to be a problem, especially since they are going to fight her as a party.

"Kayn, do you want to do the honor?"

"Wait," Kayn signaled everyone to stop.

As soon as Kayn said that, two more Green Stripe Broodmothers walked to the first one they have found.

"There are three?!" Gilbert exclaimed in surprise.

Cedrick and Roshan immediately covered Gilbert's mouth.

The three Green Stripe Broodmothers instantly turned to look in the direction of the muffled sound and found no one, thus they returned to what they were doing.

"Can you please control yourself!" Cedrick scolded Gilbert.

"I am sorry," Gilbert bowed his head slightly. To be honest, he was just shocked beyond belief that's why he wasn't able to hold himself back.

"This is very strange," Friedrich can't believe what he is seeing right now.

In the next moment, dozens of Green Stripe Broodmothers started appearing in the open space one by one from the connecting tunnels. Eventually, the open space became full of Green Stripe Broodmothers.

Fortunately, Kayn and the others are currently hiding at the entrance where no Green Stripe Broodmother passed by.

"Impossible…" This time, Friedrich is in complete disbelief.

"One, two, three, ten, twenty, fifty, eighty… There's more than a hundred of them," Cedrick's face has now darkened.

"This is no longer a mission we can continue. I suggest that we leave," Roshan pulled Friedrich's hand.

"We will leave," Kayn interrupted. "But first, let's watch what they are about to do,"

After all, more than a hundred Green Stripe Broodmother wouldn't just gather in the same place because of no reason at all. There's definitely something going on right now, and he wants to see it with his own eyes, also Natas too, as he has not seen nor been informed by his brothers or sisters of something like this.

"I agree with Kayn," Friedrich pulled his arm away from Roshan. He is aware that everyone is very scared right now, who doesn't though? Even he is scared as well. But they also have to make sure that they provide the most accurate information possible to Old Chief George.

Supposed they just leave right now and tell Old Chief George they halted the mission because over a hundred Green Stripe Broodmothers appeared unexpectedly, there's no doubt that the latter would ask them for the possible reason why the Green Stripe Broodmothers were behaving that way, and other deeper causes.

Simply put, it would be meaningless for them to go back with barely any information in their hand.

"You guys can wait at the entrance of the third floor first. We will follow you once we got what we wanted," Kayn gave them a new order after noticing their emotions.

"Yes, that is also my order," Friedrich added.

"No, we are not leaving," Cedrick stepped forward and braced himself first.

"Indeed, not until you come with us," Roshan was finally able to pull himself together. The main reason why he was the first one to panic was that as the Guardian of their party, he would be responsible for protecting everyone. In their case right now, he isn't sure if he can still do that.

"We will stay, but only as far as ten minutes of gathering information could get us. If we go any longer than that, I am afraid that even if we have the information we need, none of us will be alive to bring it to Old Chief George," Kimberly muttered as she cast a magic spell to completely hide their presence, "And even if you want more, I'll make sure that you won't be able to get any,"


Vines suddenly entrapped Friedrich. Because he never expected it coming from Kimberly, his fully subdued.

"I suggest you don't do the same to me too," Kayn raises both of his hands.

"You might be an important individual for Old Chief George, but you aren't to me," Kimberly smirks. "So, you can do whatever you want,"

"If you say so…" He can't lie. What Kimberly had just said actually slightly hurt him.

"Rest assured, Old Chief George has entrusted your safety to me," Gilbert patted Kayn's shoulder in comfort.

Kayn simply responded with a smile before turning his head back to get an update on the current happenings with the Green Stripe Broodmothers.

Observing the Green Stripe Broodmothers closely, Kayn finally notices that they are actually carrying food.

"I am guessing they are offerings," Friedrich said as he notices the same.

The Green Stripe Broodmothers were huge, so they didn't notice that they were actually carrying something in two of their legs. Plus, they were facing the other way, so it was hardly noticeable.






Those were the types of monsters the Green Stripe Broodmothers were carrying with them. All of them happen to be monsters that live underground.

"Weren't they supposed to be the strongest of their kind?" Gilbert can't help asking.

"Not necessarily,"

"What do you mean?" Cedrick instantly became curious.

Friedrich, Roshan, Kimberly, and Gilbert's interests were also piqued.

"Just like us, humans, monsters also don't stop evolving and growing even stronger. Once one of their kind crosses a certain line, an even more powerful species would be born,"

"In the past, we just label them with the word 'Unknwown' before their initial names,"

"I am familiar with that term," As one of the earlier generations of Heroes, Friedrich had witnessed multiple times that some monsters in the past that they are now familiar with at the present time were temporarily labeled with the word 'Unknown' until scientists finished investigating them.

"However, when their power reaches beyond what their species is supposed to only possess, it would be the 'Tower' itself that will give them a name, or in some cases, it's the monsters that personally gives themselves a name,"

"So, what you are trying to tell us is, over there right now exists probably another new species of a spider monster, and it's a monster more powerful than the Green Stripe Broodmother?"

"That's right," That was Kayn's only conclusion. Also, Natas supported his claim. "The only question is, what exactly it is?"

As if to answer everyone's question, the surrounding suddenly started rumbling. It was as if something extremely huge is currently moving.

Shortly after, in front of every Green Stripe Broodmothers, a huge hole was created.

It was probably already there before the rumbling started. It's just, something was blocking it.

In the next moment, a huge eye appeared in front of everyone.

Friedrich immediately pushes Kayn and the others to the side so that the eye won't be able to see them.

"Wait," Kayn uses the reflection of his sword in order to see if the eye was still there. Unfortunately, it was, and it is currently surveying the surrounding.

"That was an eye, right?"




"A spider has eight eyes, and that was just one of its eyes. If its eye is already that huge, just imagine how enormous its entire body going to be!" Gilbert expressed his current thoughts.

"That hole in the wall is more or less a hundred meters huge, and its eye entirely covered it. If we use that as a reference, then I am guessing that monster inside there is thousands of meters in size, or even bigger," Kayn can't help saying.

"That's five percent of the entire Green Horn Village!"

"Say, how huge exactly are the first floor and second floor right now?"

"It probably covers tens of thousands of meters, and still counting as we speak…"

Everyone instantly realized something.

Kayn and Natas look at each other.

"Did the spiders already report to their queen about the surface world or not?" Kayn whispered silently.

"I don't know. My brother didn't tell me the exact time that took place. But, my assumption is, it probably already happened,"

"We are already too late,"

"What do you mean?" Friedrich looks at Kayn.

"This Monster Lair already knew about the surface world. And if I am correct, the reason why they are expanding the cave is so that that the owner of that huge eye could finally get out of its hole,"

"How could a monster of that size even be trapped and also get sealed in this place?" Friedrich wonders.

"The answer to that question is probably something we'd never know unless we go inside that hole ourselves," Kayn muttered. But deep inside, he already has an assumption deep inside of his mind.

"We found what we are looking for, right?" Kimberly wants to get out as soon as possible.

"Yes, but until that eye looks away, we can't go anywhere else yet," Friedrich reminded them. "And also, can you take this off already? Now that I know there's a huge monster in here, I don't want to stay here anymore even if I want to,"

"I almost forgot," Kimberly quickly removed the vines that trapped Friedrich.

"Let's be patient," Kayn wants to be extra careful.

As soon as he notices that the eye has now looked away, Kayn immediately signaled for everyone to swiftly make their way back to the entrance of the third floor before something bad happens.

While running, Kayn unconsciously looks back as he felt something behind him. The moment he did so, he immediately realized that the eye actually didn't disappear, it simply blinked.

Kayn shivers in fear. "Run quickly!"


​ "Don't ask, just run!" Explaining further would just be a waste of his energy.

Despite Kayn's stern warning, Gilbert still glimpses behind him. It's quite evident that curiosity got to him that's why he disregarded what Kayn had just said.

Upon seeing what's behind them, Gilbert dashes as fast as possible without saying any word, soon leaving the others behind him.


"What's wrong with him?"

"Just don't look back and run as fast as Gilbert right now!" It was helpless to stop Gilbert. Regardless, he uses it as a way to encourage everyone to run more quicker.