Chapter 206 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The Bridge’ Part 9

Chapter 206: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 9

Kayn left the library to quickly look for the others and tell them to call it a day.

Continuing today would be a bad idea because the members of the Assembly of Freedom would no doubt charge recklessly at them after the damage they've inflicted on their side so far. In that way, things would become unpredictable.

Moreover, everyone should be feeling exhausted now after moving everywhere in the Daze Village to look for the bases of the Assembly of Freedom and fighting against their members.

In addition to that, the sky is about to darken. Just like their side, the majority of the members of the Assembly of Freedom should be out there somewhere preparing for the upcoming war and would be returning in the evening.

Of course, the third option hasn't been confirmed yet, that's why it is much better to retreat and see if that's really the case.

If it's really proven, then the next day they'll hunt for those members of the Assembly of Freedom outside the Daze Village instead of continuing their operation inside. In this way, it will be them who are unpredictable and they'll also ruin their plans and at the same time gather information about what they are trying to cook up.

"How was it, your battle with the Executive?" Gilbert can't help asking.

"It was fairly, but it was because he was running away," Kayn waved his hand to show the new dagger he got.

"Is that made out of magic diamond?" Gilbert was slightly shocked.


"I am so jealous," Gilbert could only hope that he was the one who defeated that Executive. "On my side, I only got useless items that aren't different from scraps,"

"Did you bring them?"

"I burned them,"

"Likewise," Jude interjected.

"I got a few, but they're nothing compared to my sword," Charles added.

"If you need any items, just pick from the Wing Boots Auction House. No need to pick up the trash they're carrying," Jericho suggested to everyone.

"Do we only have to show the emblem you've given us?"



Everyone immediately felt excited.

Contrary to them, Kayn remained serious.

At this moment, they are now inside the penthouse, resting and just having a casual conversation.

"Why so serious?" Jericho approaches.

"I am looking outside to see how the Assembly of Freedom is doing,"

Although they are on the top floor of the Wing Boots Auction House, he could actually still see a fair bit of view down on the ground. This was only possible because his level has considerably increased.

"How's it looking?"

"Nothing much," It is quite easy to identify the members of the Assembly of Freedom now as they are searching almost everywhere. As for the ordinary residents, they either left the Daze Village earlier ago or are currently staying inside their respective houses.

"Let me see," Jericho took out a telescope from his Storage Ring.

"You had that all this time?" Kayn was slightly in disbelief.

Jericho chuckled as he ignored Kayn.

"They've gotten bolder. Searching every house as if they own the Daze Village,"

"I guess killing the Chief didn't affect them that much,"

"I just received news that they've already selected a new Chief. And after investigating him, we found out that he is a member of the Assembly of Freedom, and a very active one,"

"Is he an Executive?"

Jericho shook his head. "No. But he is aiming to become one,"

"He picked the wrong time,"

"Indeed," Jericho passed the telescope to Kayn and added. "In case you need something like the telescope, don't hesitate to ask the Wing Boots Auction House for assistance,"

"I'll take note of that," Kayn received the telescope and he immediately started using it.

Jericho left to join in everyone's conversation.

This time, Kayn's view of the ground became five times better than a while ago.

All of a sudden.


A series of explosions sounded as a few businesses around the Wing Boots Auction House got consumed by huge flames.

"What happened," Jericho hastily returned.

Gilbert, Jude, Charles, Jadiel, and Randy also rushed to the window to see the situation down below.

"I guess a few of your businesses were attacked by the Assembly of Freedom," Those buildings that exploded just now were the ones Jericho said this morning belong to the Wing Boots Auction House.

"They dare!"

Jericho opted to leave but was quickly stopped by Kayn. Jadiel and Randy also blocked their chairman's path.

"They're just trying to test the waters,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, look," Kayn pointed at the burning buildings.

Those buildings that got attacked were only small businesses. For example, a mere store that sells newspapers.

"Are they perhaps sending a warning,"

"Yes, and they also want to see how you will react to their attacks," Kayn confirmed. "They probably heard the chairman of the Wing Boots Auction House has come to the Daze Village for inspection on last night's attack. And not long after your arrival, multiple of their bases has also unexpectedly suffered an attack. They want to know if you're related to it or not by basing on your reaction,"

"So, what do you suggest we should do?"

"You can't pretend that you aren't aware of their current situation. So, you have to respond openly to get their attention,"


"Remember what you said before you left just now?"

Jericho could easily discern Kayn's thoughts as he remarked. "You don't mean to suggest that we should eliminate the recently appointed Chief, do you?".

"That's right!" Kayn looks at Jericho, Jadiel, and Randy, the three members of the Herald Guild present right now. "Their leader, possibly Chief Kylo himself, would definitely show himself once you do that. Once that happens, you can tell him upfront that the recent attack on their bases isn't your doing,"

"What then?"

"You'll join them,"

"What?!" Jericho was instantly rendered shocked at Kayn's suggestion.

"Don't forget, your other identity is the vice-guild leader of the Thieves Guild Alliance. As far as I know, almost everyone from that alliance chooses to be on the side of the Assembly of Freedom. So, it wouldn't be strange if you express your intention of joining them. Just use the excuse that you want to find the thieving group that ruined the auction event last night. They'll definitely like that reason, considering how unreasonable they are,"

"Okay," Jericho agreed. This is no doubt a crazy plan, but he isn't afraid of doing it, and in fact, he believes that it would actually work.

With that being said, Jericho, Jadiel, and Randy quickly left the penthouse to start preparing for Kayn's plan.