Chapter 23 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (3)

Chapter 23 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (3)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 23 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (3)

After the night infiltration class, things were unexpectedly quiet.

Knightley thought the students would gossip about how she couldn’t even enter the academy and had to be carried to the infirmary, but they either continued to admire, fear, or secretly disdain her, just as usual.

This was all thanks to Priestess Maya and Professor Dian.

Maya, who kept her mouth shut, didn’t tell anyone about what happened in the infirmary, and Professor Dian spread a plausible rumor that “Knightley was put through an advanced training session because she was at a higher level.”

Thanks to this, Knightley could continue her academy life as usual. But not everything could stay the same.

“Professor, you set me up on purpose, didn’t you?”

That night in the infirmary, after coming to her senses thanks to the healing of the Holy Priestess, Knightley confronted Professor Dian.

“You sent me to that impossible place to knock me down a peg, didn’t you?”

“Do you really think I’d do that? If I had that intention, there are easier ways.”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Because that’s the daily life of the agents you so desperately want to become.”

With a subtle smile, Dian told Knightley about the various tasks field agents had to perform.

Throughout the conversation, Knightley’s expression changed constantly, from interest and curiosity to shock and fear.

“Do they really... do such things...?”

“I can’t give you specifics, but yes. And that’s just the usual tasks. What you call ‘special’ agents have it even tougher.”

“How can they... No matter how special they are... They’re still human, not polymorphed dragons....”


Dian laughed loudly, causing Priestess Maya, who was writing patient records, to look up.

“Please keep it quiet in the infirmary.”

“My apologies, Priestess.”

Dian gave a slight bow to Priestess Maya, then turned back to Knightley, laughing softly.

“As you said, they’re human. If you train under me, you can do it too, but only if you’re willing. Today was a kind of test to see if you were truly determined.”

Knightley couldn’t respond immediately and closed her mouth.

She remembered the steep terrain she climbed and fell from, relying only on moonlight. The branches hitting her face, the camouflage paint washed away by sweat.

Her thigh muscles felt like they would burst, and she tasted iron in her mouth from the rising fatigue.

It was the most extreme physical and mental exhaustion she had ever experienced.

Doing this every week? Can I... really do this...?

The sound of Maya writing seemed exceptionally loud, and Knightley bit her lip.

I have to do it. It’s too late to turn back now.

I have to become a field agent. If I don’t, my father will use his power to pull me back to the family.

Having run away once, running away twice is impossible, and I’ll end up in a loveless political arranged marriage. That can’t happen.

Moreover, seeing Professor Dian’s smile ignited a strange sense of competitiveness in her.

Knightley had never been beneath anyone before.

Everyone fawned over her, and no one ever acted against her wishes.

She thought Professor Dian would be the same.

A man with a fair appearance who smiled too easily at everything.

Knightley thought she could control him like she did everyone else.

But she was gravely mistaken.

She thought she had Dian under her thumb, but she was the one who had been outmaneuvered.

There was an invisible, solid wall around Dian that she couldn’t overcome, leaving her feeling helpless.

It was a humiliating and shameful feeling she had never experienced before, which made her angry.

She wanted to wipe that smile off Dian’s face, to see him flounder before her like everyone else had.

She wanted to surpass and crush him!

To do that, she needed to focus on her personal training sessions, yet there he was, joking around with the students. Pathetic!

This is a breach of contract. I need to formally protest.


As Knightley stormed towards Dian, she was almost knocked over by a group of students who suddenly joined the crowd.

“Watch where you’re going!”

But the students were so focused on Dian that they didn’t even notice Knightley was there.

That excessively sociable man was never alone, so Knightley had given up trying to talk to him.

Their personal training was supposed to be a secret, with no third parties involved.

So, she intended to catch him after today’s event to at least schedule a meeting, but...!

Knightley finally made her way through the crowd, only to find Dian sitting at an outdoor table at the dessert cafe with other professors and instructors of the Combat Department.

Seeing Dian laughing and chatting, she hesitated but soon decided to approach him.

“Um, Professor Dian...”

“Head Professor! What would you like to drink?”

“Ah, I’ll check the menu myself!”

Just as Knightley was about to speak, Dian jumped up and went inside the cafe.

She tried to follow, but Orc Professor Brogg stood up, blocking her way completely.

And just then, the bell signaling the start of classes rang, forcing Knightley to turn away, biting her lip.

How can it be so hard to talk to someone in the same academy?!

Doesn’t he ever get tired? How can he keep going like that all day? Crazy man.

Fuming as she headed towards the lecture hall, a brilliant idea struck her, and she stopped.

Right... If he’s busy during the day... I can meet him after hours.

Why didn’t I think of this sooner?

# # # # #

Late that night.

A student cloaked in a mantle slipped out of the dormitory.

With the hood pulled low, the student quickly scanned the surroundings and moved stealthily from one building’s shadow to another.

After carefully observing the surroundings again, the student moved to the next shadow, then the next, like crossing stepping stones.

The student finally arrived at the staff quarters in the southern part of the academy.

The staff quarters were like a small village within the academy, lined with dormitories and houses for professors and married staff.

Crouched beneath a signpost at the entrance of the area, Knightley paused to get her bearings before quickly running towards her target.

As the class president of the graduating class, she had already found out through various channels where Professor Dian lived.

It should be that two-story house over there.

As she approached, Knightley worried that Dian might be having a barbecue party in his garden with other professors.

But fortunately, there was no such noise coming from Dian’s house or anywhere else in the area.

Arriving at the front door of the house, Knightley confirmed the nameplate read “Combat Head Professor Dian” and pressed herself against the wall.

First, she needed to check the situation inside before ringing the bell. It would be problematic if there were other students or professors present.

Just as she cautiously peeked over the wall, she heard an odd sound that made her freeze.

Scritch, scritch, scritch. It sounded like someone writing on paper, coming from right next to her.


Turning her head slowly, Knightley screamed in shock.

There stood Priestess Maya, who should have been staying at the infirmary.

Maya was standing on a solid stepping stone, peeking over the wall and diligently writing in a journal.

Is that... the infirmary’s patient journal...?

As Knightley screamed, Maya looked at her indifferently, then jumped down from the stone.

Acting as if nothing had happened, she tucked the journal into her robe and walked away briskly.

“Master! There’s a strange noise outside! I think there’s a thief!”

At that moment, a girl’s voice called out from inside, followed by the sound of running footsteps as the front door burst open.

“A thief!”

Dian’s maid, Olysia, holding an iron pan, scanned the area and locked eyes with Knightley, who was crouched by the wall.



Knightley and Olysia stared at each other, unable to speak further.

“Hey, Olysia. Don’t be so dramatic. Do you really think there’d be a thief in the academy?”

Dian finally sauntered outside.

“It’s probably just a cat in heat... Oh...”

“Ah... Hello, Professor...”

Knightley greeted Dian awkwardly as his eyes widened in surprise.

[Translator – Peptobismol]