Chapter 26 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (6)

Chapter 26 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (6)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 26 – Ride Your Steed, Knightley (6)

The inscriptions were like those you’d find at a famous tourist spot.

But this wasn’t a tourist site; it was a remote plateau where, long ago, demons had been slaughtered for some unknown reason.

Judging by the lively tone of the messages, it seemed unlikely they were written by demons...

‘The Greatest Special Forces were here!’

If it was a special forces unit, it must have been from the Human Alliance, which fought against the Demon King’s Army.

‘Establishing the Horned Ones Cemetery in memory’

This implied that this special forces unit was responsible for slaughtering the demons who came to capture the wild horses.

‘Our friendship forever!’

They must have been very close to each other.

‘Linus ♡ Celine, please get married.’

What did this mean? Were there people within the special forces who liked each other?

But the names sounded strangely familiar.

Linus, Linus, Linus...

Gasp?! Could it be Sir Linus, the hero who killed the Demon King?

It wasn’t a Dragon, but Sir Linus who had been here!

If it was Sir Linus, then everything made sense. He could have single-handedly massacred the demons.

“Professors, look at this. Here...!”

“Shh! They’ve appeared!”

Just as Knightley was about to share her discovery, Professor Orendi raised his hand.

There, between the plain and the dark forest bordering the mountain range, appeared the wild horses of Brun Plateau.

Knightley, forgetting all about the inscriptions of the famous Hero Party, gaped in awe.

The wild horses, bathed in sunlight streaming through the low clouds, were a picture of beauty.

Their powerful muscles rippled under sleek coats that seemed to shine, and their legs, straight and strong, kicked up the ground as they ran across the plain.

The number of these magnificent horses was roughly thirty, matching what the academy needed.

Knightley, captivated by the elegant movements of the wild horses, snapped back to reality with a sudden realization.

“But... how do we capture them? Surely we’re not planning to reuse these old wagons?”

“I’m not that absurd.”

Dian chuckled, but Knightley remained skeptical.

“Even if the three of you somehow manage to bring them back to the academy, what then?”

Dian gestured for her to continue, and Knightley obliged.

“True wild horses are extremely difficult to train for riding. Thoroughbreds, for example, go through a process of being accustomed to saddles from a young age.”

Professor Anna, the combat riding expert, perked up at the mention of horse training.

“If you try to ride a wild horse without proper training, it will buck and fight fiercely, making it impossible to handle. And the students aren’t professional horse trainers.”

“Go on, Student Knightley...”

Anna urged her to continue, almost as if she were savoring every word.

“It’s standard practice to catch foals and train them specifically for their intended use. An untrained horse is useless. Horses are very stubborn creatures, and once habits are formed, they are nearly impossible to change.”

When she finished speaking, Anna smacked her lips as if savoring a tasty morsel.

“You... know quite a lot about horses...? Have you always been interested in this field?”

“I learned about it while taking riding lessons as a child, listening to the stablekeepers. I have no intention of pursuing it as a career.”

“Ah, yes... But you’ve overlooked something...”

Anna, looking disappointed, hunched back down.

“The wild horses of Brun Plateau are different from normal horses...”

“How so?”

“They live in tightly-knit herds led by a dominant horse... Their bond and loyalty to the leader are extraordinary... They survive in this isolated and harsh environment... So, in some ways, they’re easier to tame compared to other wild horses... Because...”

Knightley ventured a guess based on Anna’s explanation.

“Because if you subdue the leader, the rest will follow?”


While Anna pulled out ropes from her bag, Orendi and Dian quickly discussed the plan to teleport Anna onto the leader horse.

Left alone, Knightley sank into a deep sense of shame.

She had boasted but never imagined it would come to this.

She should have expected it when she was pushed into that impossible night infiltration mission.

Biting her lip, Knightley’s gaze fell upon the inscription she had seen earlier.

The messages left by Sir Linus and his party, the very heroes who had inspired her dreams of becoming a special operative.

If she gave up now... she would become nothing.

She might end up as just another government official living an ordinary life, eventually returning to her family.

She could not let that happen!

I must not run away, I must not run away, I must not run away...

“I’ll do it.”

As Knightley spoke, the professors, busy with their preparations, turned to her.

“Alright then, let’s do this.”

# # # # #

“Listen carefully, Student Knightley... As soon as you get on its back, loop this rope around its neck...”

Anna handed the rope to Knightley, explaining.

“This rope is your lifeline... Ideally, you should also loop it under its belly, but that’s going to be tough... Just keep it around the neck and hold on tight... If you can stay on without falling, that’s all you need to do...”

“Got it.”

“The Head Professor will put a lasso around its neck and weaken it, but you are the key... You have to stay on its back no matter what... That’s the only way the wild horses of Brun Plateau will submit...”

“I’ll try to hold on.”

While Anna gave Knightley detailed instructions, Orendi worriedly asked Dian.

“Is this really okay?”

“It’ll be fine. She doesn’t have to subdue the horse herself, just stay on. She can manage that.”

“But if she falls, it could be disastrous.”

“It’ll be over in about ten minutes, so that won’t happen.”

Anna interjected.

“How can you be so sure...? It’ll take at least an hour...”

“It’s the intuition of a veteran who’s crossed the line of fire many times. Let’s begin.”

With everything ready, Orendi conjured blue mana into his hands.

“Knightley. On the count of three, you’ll be teleported onto the horse’s back. You’ll have no time to prepare, so act immediately.”


“Alright, here we go. One, two, three!”

Suddenly, the massive, white back of the leader horse was in front of her.

Knightley quickly looped the rope around the horse’s neck and squeezed its body tightly with her legs.

The horse, startled by the sudden rider, bucked and thrashed wildly.

Even under normal circumstances, a horse is powerful, and this leader horse, now enraged, was almost impossible to handle. Knightley was flung about like a rag doll.

As the leader horse panicked, the rest of the herd scattered in fear. Meanwhile, Dian watched Knightley with his arms crossed.

“Head Professor! What are you doing?! Throw the lasso!”

Anna and Orendi shouted, but Dian remained motionless, the lasso still draped over his shoulder.

Knightley clung desperately to the horse’s neck and back, gritting her teeth.

That damned professor! Why isn’t he throwing the lasso?!

What?! He said he would help, but now he’s just standing there with his arms crossed!!

“Hurry up, professor!!”

“Hang in there, Knightley~~~!”

You crazy bastard!!!!!

I’m an idiot for believing him twice!!!!!!!!

[Translator – Peptobismol]