Chapter 78 - New Special Student (8)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 78 - New Special Student (8)

I went to get the evaluation forms reviewed and knocked on the headmaster's office door, but there was no response.

"Headmaster! It's Dian!"

Still, there was no answer. What's going on?

"Ah, Head Professor. The headmaster is currently out."

A staff member from the adjacent administrative office informed me.

"Out? Where did she go?"

"She left regarding matters related to the new special students, but she didn't give any details."

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

"She should be back by the end of the workday."

What now? I had already sent a message to Ismera through an assistant. If she comes here and finds out the headmaster is absent, she'll probably throw a fit. I should inform her as soon as possible.

Just as I was about to turn around, I saw the assistant I had sent for Ismera approaching. Ismera herself was not with him.

"Head Professor, Professor Ismera cannot make it."

"That's convenient. I was just about to tell her not to come because the headmaster isn't here. Why can't she come?"

"She's not feeling well and went to the infirmary."

"The infirmary?"

She must really be unwell.

I decided to head to the infirmary instead of returning to my office. After all, as colleagues, we should check in on each other.

Just as I opened the infirmary door, I ran into Ismera.

"Professor, are you alright?"

"What's the matter?"

Ismera asked coldly.

"I heard you went to the infirmary, so I was worried."

"There's nothing wrong with me."

"But you look quite unwell."

Ismera's face was pale, and dark circles shadowed her eyes. I'd never seen an elf look this unhealthy.

"I'm just a bit tired. Thank you for your concern."

She clearly didn't want me to worry.

"Understood. By the way, thank you for supporting the intelligence professor. Thanks to you, we finished the evaluation draft."

I handed her the draft. She glanced over it briefly before handing it back.Reêad latest novels at

"Since it's still a draft, it will need further discussion with you and the headmaster."

"Good work."

And with that, she walked past me and headed towards the main building.

Elves like Ismera usually live in their secluded forests, rarely venturing outside because they find other races inferior.

Losing her forest in the war and living in the bustling human city of Kalbasar for ten years must have taken a toll on her.

Despite her qualifications, she couldn't become headmaster due to Kirrin's imperial backing. And now I had arrived, likely worsening her situation.

I should arrange a meeting with her to clarify that I have no intentions of becoming the headmaster. It would be better for her to know I'm not a competitor.

# # # # #

Entering the main building, Ismera stopped and leaned against the wall, feeling faint.

The evaluation draft she had seen was shocking.

"But look at them; they’re struggling."

"That’s just temporary. In a week, more than half of them will be able to complete the course without trouble."

Ismera still looked skeptical.

As a pure-blooded elf with a master's degree, she probably knew little about physical training. She only saw the students vomiting and collapsing.

"I understand your concern, but leave this to the experts. The professors have extensive field experience, especially Morton, who has also served as an instructor at the patrol unit training camp."

"That camp trains recruits with basic military training. This is different."

"It’s different, which is why we’re adjusting accordingly. Our academy isn’t like other academies. We can’t afford to prioritize safety above all else."

"They’re still just kids."

"Don’t worry. With Priestess Maya here, there won’t be any serious incidents. We’re conducting the training efficiently, grouping them by ability. You might think of us as reckless combat professors, but trust us on this."

When I didn’t back down, Ismera bit her lip and looked away.

At that moment, the students with the lowest stamina staggered in, crawling on all fours and vomiting.

Seeing this, Ismera hurried over, crouching beside them.

"Are you okay? Can you breathe?"

Ismera gently patted a student’s back, showing unexpected concern. I didn’t think she cared about such things.

She’s a more complex character than I thought....

# # # # #

Along with physical training, we began evaluating the graduating class based on the evaluation draft.

The three main categories were infiltration, assassination, and intelligence, the core functions of a special forces unit.

Typically, a special forces team consists of three members, each specializing in one of these functions.

While missions and situations might require solo or large team operations, the fundamental functions remain the same, either handled individually or divided among team members.

During their first years, recruits gain experience in all three functions before specializing in one, much like choosing a major in college.

I had already mentally shortlisted a few candidates for evaluation: Knightley, Hindrasta, and a few other top students.

If, as I suspect, the Security Office organizes a nationwide academy team competition, it will likely involve the typical three-member team format.

Knightley has excellent overall performance, and Hindrasta, with her dragon lineage and Leblanc Mercenary background, has significant experience.

With another top student, we could form a strong team.

"Head Professor, the headmaster is calling for you."

An assistant approached me.

"What for?"

"The special student selected through the confidential process has arrived. She’s at the main building entrance."

"Oh, really? Alright. I’ll be right there."

At the entrance, Kirrin was already waiting.

"Welcome, Dian."

"Where’s the special student?"

"Looks like it’s that carriage over there."

She pointed to a carriage approaching from the main gate.

Let’s see what kind of talent Kirrin has brought in.

The carriage stopped in front of us, and a delicate-looking woman stepped out.

"Sir Dian."


Merilda, carrying a large bag, smiled at me.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]