Chapter 89 - Bustling Group Training (6)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 89 - Bustling Group Training (6)

The training continued without pause.

Mornings were dedicated to combat training, afternoons to theory, evenings to physical conditioning, and nights to self-study and supplementary lessons.

Knightley and Hindrasta’s skills kept soaring to new heights.

As a polymorphed dragon, Hindrasta’s physical abilities were naturally far superior to those of a human.

With systematic training, Hindrasta had now reached a level where she could be thrown into the field without much issue.

Of course, that’s just a way of speaking—she still had many areas to improve.

In the theory subjects, Hindrasta struggled considerably.

People often think of dragons as cunning and wise. After all, they’re creatures that live for unimaginably long periods, and spotting one in the sky is as rare as a miracle.

Their massive bodies are larger than most fortresses, they possess a breath that incinerates everything in its path, and their true form commands a deep, resonant voice.

Because of this, people tend to think of dragons as not only cruel and savage but also as sages who have mastered all the world’s wisdom.

This is only half-true.

It’s true that dragons have a high level of intelligence, which allows them to communicate with sentient races.

However, this is not a trait unique to dragons; other creatures like lamias and goblins can communicate as well.

But are dragons actually more intelligent than humans? Not really.

Studies have shown that a dragon’s intelligence is roughly on par with that of an average human.

While individual differences exist, the species as a whole doesn’t surpass other sentient beings in terms of intellect.

So it’s not surprising that Hindrasta struggles with theory subjects, especially in the notoriously difficult field of espionage.

Even I find espionage incredibly challenging.

In fact, I’m rather impressed that she hasn’t thrown down her pen and given up altogether.

Knightley, on the other hand, is a prodigy with a well-rounded talent.

Under the guidance of Ismera and me, Knightley’s abilities in all areas have improved exponentially.

A while ago, she was still within the bounds of a top student at the academy, reaching the peak of what a student could achieve.

Now, she seems to have surpassed that limit.

Her dedication is astounding. According to Merilda, Knightley even studies by herself in the kitchen late at night, with only a small candle for light after everyone else has gone to bed.

Merilda, as Ismera predicted, possessed incredible talent and potential.

With Ismera’s expert teaching, Merilda had reached a level where she could solve most espionage problems with just a few strokes of her pen.

"I’m not sure exactly what the Empire’s 5934th Unit does..."

Ismera began, looking at Merilda’s perfect score on the evaluation sheet.

"But it seems that if Merilda were to join them now, she wouldn’t feel out of place."

"Thank you, Professor. It’s all thanks to your guidance. I never imagined I’d receive such high-quality instruction."

I was taken aback.era couldn’t hide the bright smile that spread across her face after hearing Merilda’s words.


"Yes, Professor. I guess the Imperial Academy really is something special."

"I’m glad you think so..."

Ismera cleared her throat, trying to manage her expression, but her lips kept twitching into a smile.

"Professor Ismera is indeed remarkable."

Knightley chimed in from the side.

Hindrasta was rowing while Knightley and Merilda guarded the front and rear with crossbows.

About ten meters from the shoreline, the students disembarked, hid the boat behind some rocks, and finally set foot on land.

Watching the students infiltrate in a single file through the darkness, Ismera spoke in a somewhat dry voice.

"Head Combat Professor."

"Yes, Professor?"

But Ismera didn’t say anything more, just remained silent.

I wonder what she was going to say.

# # # # #

After the maritime infiltration training ended, we were heading back home.

"Good job today, everyone."

Those weren’t my words. It was Knightley who spoke to the others.

She was patting Hindrasta and Merilda on the shoulder with words of encouragement...?

"You too, good job."

Even more surprising was Hindrasta’s response to Knightley!

"Let’s go back and take a warm bath. I’m freezing."

"It might be summer, but it’s chilly at night. Don’t kick off the blanket again like you did yesterday—at least cover your stomach."

What is this? Knightley and Hindrasta are calmly exchanging kind words?

For a moment, my mind went blank, and I did something foolish like pinching my cheek.

Seeing my reaction, Merilda smiled and approached me.

"Are you surprised?"

"Of course I am."

"They’ve been like this for a while now."

It seems that after spending time together, eating and sleeping under the same roof, Knightley had become quite friendly with Merilda, Hindrasta, and even Olysia.

Back in the day, she’d complained that Olysia was too arrogant for a servant and had often dismissed Hindrasta as a brute. Now, compared to that, she’s like an angel.

Merilda confided to me that she thinks Knightley now considers them friends.

"Really? The noble lady herself?"

"She didn’t say it outright, but I think it’s because we treat her as an equal, without trying to flatter her or talk behind her back."

Now that I think about it, that makes sense.

Knightley doesn’t have any real friends.

The only people around her are minor nobles who circle her, trying to win her favor.

But they’re just looking to pick up the crumbs that fall from Knightley’s table; they don’t genuinely see her as a friend.

Knightley is well aware of this and openly despises them.

But she’s unusually kind to Merilda and Hindrasta, perhaps because, as Merilda suggested, they neither intend to use her nor fear her.

Just the other day, she even gave Olysia some pocket money—a whole gold coin, no less!

No wonder Olysia has been placing the main dish in front of Knightley instead of me lately.

"As for Sophie, I think the two gold coins Knightley gave her made a big impression."

Ever since she received those two gold coins, Hindrasta has quietly regarded Knightley as the leader of the team.

In the past, she would have constantly picked fights and argued, but now she follows Knightley’s lead without complaint.

Whether Knightley bought her friends with money, became friends by spending money, or spent money because she considered them friends...

In any case, it’s a huge relief that they’re getting along.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]