Chapter - 133 The Young Hero (15)

Yang Guo's lightness kung fu was much higher than the five clowns, if he wanted to escape it wasn't hard, but he remembered Hong Qigong. He was afraid that if he left then the clowns will kill Hong Qigong. But he couldn't beat the five of them fighting together; he unleashed some dangerous stances and in the middle of it he bent down and picked up Hong Qigong. His right hand fought with the branch as he found a path to escape. He took a deep breath and hurried over a hundred feet. The Five Clowns of the Tibetan Border chased after him.

Yang Guo felt that Hong Qigong was icy cold, he couldn't stop himself from being alarmed. He thought that if Hong Qigong was going to get deeper into his sleep he won't be able to wake up. Could it be that he really was dead? He called out, "Senior…Senior!"

Hong Qigong didn't move an inch, it appeared that he was dead but he wasn't stiff like a corpse. Yang Guo stretched out his hand and felt his chest, there seemed to be a faint heartbeat but there were no indication of breathing from the nose.

In this pause, the first clown caught up with them, but because he saw that Yang Guo's skills were excellent, he was worried and didn't dare to fight alone. By the time the second clown and fourth clown arrived, Yang Guo had gone another hundred feet. The Five Clowns of the Tibetan Border saw him ascending the peak and saw that there was only one trail up there. They thought, "Could it be that you know how to fly?" There was no need to rush, they followed step by step.

The mountain path was getting more and more treacherous as he went on; when Yang Guo turned around a corner he saw an extremely narrow path before him. It wasn't easy for one person to pass. By the narrow path was a two thousand foot deep abyss; the mists obscured the bottom, he thought, "This is the best place, I'll fend them off here." He quickened his pace and got over the narrow path. He placed Hong Qigong down by a large rock and turned around; the first clown had reached the entrance to the narrow path.

Yang Guo dashed over and shouted, "Ugly freak! Do you dare to come over?"

The first clown was really scared of being knocked over into the abyss by Yang Guo and hurriedly leapt back. Yang Guo stood at the entrance of the path, the morning sun was now in the sky. The eye could see a fine jade mountain, gems circled the floor of the abyss, and the sunlight reflected off the white snow; the scene was magnificent.

Yang Guo placed the human skin mask on his face and shouted, "Are you ugly or am I ugly?"

The Five Clowns of the Tibetan Border were ugly, but they weren't that ugly. The 'Clown' comes from their actions and the amount of bullshit they talk about on the road. They saw Yang Guo touch his face and his face changed. His face was yellow, looked wooden, like a corpse out of a cemetery; the five clowns looked at each other and all without exception were startled.

Yang Guo retreated to the narrowest point of the path, he used "The Kicking Force of the Leading Star"; his left leg stood on the ground, his right leg kicked out at the sky, his body moving lightly like the wind in midair. In the blink of an eye, his heroic air emerged, even if the enemy was thousands of soldiers and ten thousand horses, I could still block them one on one.

The five clowns muttered to themselves, "Where from the Beggar Clan did this strange young kid come from?" They saw that in front of them was dangerous ground, they didn't dare to rush through and they consulted each other, "We'll wait here and take turns to leave the mountain for food, within two days, he will definitely have no strength due to hunger." Four of the clowns lined up at the mouth of the narrow path and let the second clown descend the mountain to look for food.

The sides were deadlocked, Yang Guo didn't dare go over, and the four clowns didn't dare go over either.

By the second day, the second clown had come back with food; the five clowns took big bites and ate noisily. Yang Guo was already burning up with hunger, he turned around and looked at Hong Qigong and saw him looking the same as the day before and thought, "If he is sleeping, then he would toss and turn in his dreams, but he hasn't moved an inch, I'm afraid that he really is dead. If I endure another day, I will have no strength, it will be even harder for me to defend, why don't I leave now and I may have a chance of escaping." He slowly stood up and thought, "He told me that he is going to sleep for three days and told me to look after him, I promised him with my own mouth; how can I leave him now?" He fought off the hunger and closed his eyes to rest.

By the third day, Hong Qigong was still motionless like he was on the first day, Yang Guo looked on and began to question himself, "He's already dead, and I'm still guarding him, that's too dumb. If I endure another half a day of hunger, there will be no need for the five clowns to kill me; I will have already died of starvation." He picked up some snow from the rocks and swallowed some, his empty stomach gradually felt a bit better. He thought, "I haven't been filial to my parents, I have hurt Gu Gu, I have no brothers or sisters, I haven't even got a best friend, I should stop mentioning the words 'personal loyalty'. The words trust, good and bad echoed in his mind; I still need to guard him." He continued, "When Auntie Guo and I were talking about literature, we talked about the meeting of a boy and girl underneath the bridge. The girl was stopped by a flood but the boy didn't dare to miss the meeting, he held onto the bridge and died in vain. Later, that person was famous for hundreds of years. I, Yang Guo have suffered the world's mistreatment, if I don't keep to this promise then I'll be even more despised by the world, even if it means death, I must guard him for three days."

A day and night passed by in the wink of an eye, early on in the fourth day, Yang Guo went over to Hong Qigong and checked his breathing; still there was no sign of life. He sighed and saluted him saying, "Senior Hong, I have kept to my promise of guarding you for three days, it's too bad that Senior has passed away tragically. This disciple has not got the power to protect your corpse; it would be best if I throw you into the deep valley and avoid the insults and disrespect of the scoundrels." He picked up his body and went over to the narrow path.

The five clowns knew that he couldn't endure the hunger and now wanted to escape; they all called out and flew over. Yang Guo gave a shout and flung Hong Qigong down the deep valley, and dashed forward to the first clown.