Chapter - 487 Grand Birthday Celebration (5)

Arriving at Guo Xiang's room, she did not find her daughter there; and was told by a maid that the Second Miss went out to the flower garden and said that she was not to be disturbed.

Huang Rong was shocked. "Xiang'er did not want to see the election, I am sure she's made another appointment with Yang Guo," she thought. She then turned her steps toward her own room, to get her own steel needle projectiles, slipped a dagger on her waist, and fetched her short stick. Only then did she go to the flower garden. She understood very well that Yang Guo now wouldn't be the same as the Yang Guo of the past. He was already a formidable opponent then and she would not dare to be careless. She did not take the brick-covered path, but walked stealthily around the decorative stones and rocks scattered throughout the garden. Nearing the pavilion she could hear her daughter's sigh.

She went closer still and hid herself behind a big rock. A moment later she heard her daughter's voice, "Why isn't he here yet?"

Huang Rong was relieved. "Turns out he is not here yet. I can still prevent them from meeting," she thought.

"Every birthday Mother always tell me to make three wishes," she heard Guo Xiang was talking to herself. "Good thing there is nobody around; I can talk to Heaven."

Huang Rong was about to step out, but hearing her last sentence she stayed in her hiding place. "Even though I'm her mother, I can't predict what is in her heart," she thought, "let me hear what she has to say."

A moment later Guo Xiang said, "God of Heaven, my first wish is that Father and Mother will be successful in leading the army and the multitude of valiant people to defeat the Mongolian invaders, so that the people of Xiangyang will live in peace and prosperity."

Huang Rong exhaled softly. "Even though I call her weird, this child has a benevolent heart," she praised her in her heart.

"My second wish is that Father and Mother are granted good health and longevity, that they may live to a hundred years," the young miss continued. "I wish that everything will happen just like they have wanted."

Guo Xiang was born to her parents when they were facing a great danger. Huang Rong's heart pounded every time she recalled that incident. Thus, without her realizing it, her love toward Guo Xiang was not as strong as toward Guo Fu. But now, hearing the little girl's wish, she was very touched and tears welled up in her eyes.

The young miss paused a moment before she continued, "My third wish is for the Eagle Hero Yang Guo …"

Huang Rong was startled. She had thought that the third wish must've have something to do with Yang Guo, but hearing his name, she was still startled. "… that he might meet his wife, Xiao Longnü, a lot sooner, and let them live happily forever," finished Guo Xiang.

This third wish floored Huang Rong. She originally thought Yang Guo had deceived her daughter with all kind of lies. Who would have known that her daughter knew everything about his marriage to Xiao Longnü and what had happened to them afterward. But a moment later another thought entered her mind and she became worried again. "Damn it, Yang Guo is so shrewd!" she moaned. "By showing her that he had never forgotten his wife, he earned Xiang'er's highest respect. Right! If after meeting me Brother Jing had ignored Princess Hua Zheng, I would've looked down on him."

And so, because Huang Rong regarded this matter from all possible directions; she became fearful of Yang Guo molesting her daughter. She started to breathe heavily; her own mind had driven her to distraction.

Suddenly an unusual noise was heard above the wall, followed by someone jumping down to the ground. His body was short and small, but his head was big. His figure, as well as his face looked ridiculously strange.

But Guo Xiang leaped with joy upon seeing this dwarf. "Uncle Big Head Ghost!" she greeted him with delight, "Is … is he coming?"

That man indeed was the Big Head Ghost. He walked to the pavilion and made obeisance to Guo Xiang. "Aiyo!" cried the young Miss, "Uncle Big Head Ghost, don't you honor me like that."

"Miss, don't call me 'Uncle Big Head Ghost'," he said, "just call me 'Big Head Ghost'. The Eagle Hero has instructed me to let Miss know …"

"He isn't able to come?" cut in Guo Xiang, desperation in her voice, while tears welled up in her eyes, "He gave me his promise …"

"No, not at all," answered Big Head Ghost, repeatedly shaking his big head.

"Why not?" asked Guo Xiang. "Didn't you know, he did give his promise to me?" Tears almost flowed down her cheeks.

"Miss, I did not say that the Eagle Hero did not give you his promise, or that he is not able to come," explained the Ghost.

"Just look at you," Guo Xiang sulked, "You are talking gibberish, not this, not that …"

The Big Head Ghost showed a faint smile, "The Eagle Hero said that since he had to prepare three gifts for your birthday, he will be a little bit late."

Guo Xiang was pouting, "Too many people bringing me birthday gifts; I have everything already. Please tell Big Brother not to bother me with any other gifts."

The Big Head Ghost shook his head. "Among those three gifts, the first one is ready; while the second one has to be prepared by him personally, with some of our friends. It is very possible that it is ready as we speak."

Guo Xiang sighed. "Actually, I prefer not to receive any gifts, as long as he comes quickly," she said softly.

"About the third gift, the Eagle Hero said that Miss needs to go to the field where the election is being held. You need to receive the gift straight from his hand," the Big Head Ghost continued. "Now that it's almost that time, I think you'd better go."

Guo Xiang sighed again, and then laughing she said, "I have told Big Sister I don't want to see the Chief's Election. But since Big Brother says to go, I have no choice. Very well, let's go together."

The Big Head Ghost nodded his big head and then he whistled. Suddenly a dark shadow jumped over the wall from outside, it was none other than the Divine Eagle itself. As soon as Guo Xiang saw it, she immediately went over and tried to hug its neck like they were a pair of long-lost friends. But the Eagle moved back two steps and stood straight arrogantly, turning its head and only looking at Guo Xiang with the corner of its eyes. The little Miss was amused, she laughed, "Brother Eagle is so proud. You are ignoring me, but I want to hug you." She jumped forward and tried to hug it again. This time the Eagle did not avoid her and let its neck be hugged tightly; but its attitude was like a father's resignation over a mischievous loveable daughter. "Brother Eagle," Guo Xiang said, "Let us go together. I will give you some delicious food. Do you like to drink wine?"

The Big Head Ghost clapped his hands. "Good! The Divine Eagle loves to drink wine," he said.

And so two people and one Eagle ran toward the field. Entering the area the gathered heroes expressed their admiration by clucking their tongues at seeing the eagle's huge body and its strange appearance.

Guo Xiang invited the Big Head Ghost and the Eagle to sit on the ground not too far from the stage. The Beggar Clan disciples who acted as the hosts immediately came and asked the Big Head Ghost's name.