Chapter - 517 Life And Death are Indistinct (11)

Jinlun Fawang did not reply, but he kept making groaning noises while his eyes looking at her begging for mercy. By nature Guo Xiang was kindhearted. She couldn't take it anymore. "Are you really sick?" she asked.

"Your mother has sealed [ling tai] accupoint on my back and [ju que] below my chest. Those sealed accupoints made me suffer like a million ants were biting me," the monk answered, "It is not only so painful but itchy as well. Why didn't your mother seal my 'shan zhong' [heart center] and 'yu zhen' [jade pillow] accupoints?"

Guo Xiang was startled. She understood from learning with her mother, that [shan zhong] and [yu zhen] were two of the vital accupoints. A little injury on these two could cause death.

"My mother does not wish for your death," she said. "You do not thank her, but keep whining incessantly!"

Jinlun Fawang showed a proud look. "If she sealed my [shan zhong] and [yu zhen], she would make my back and chest numb," he said, "She would cause me less pain. I have trained to this high level; I wouldn't be injured that easily. Could it be that she really wishes for my death?"

Guo Xiang did not believe him. "Don't you lie to me!" She countered. "Mother said that if [shan zhong] and [yu zhen] were sealed, you would certainly die! You are only experiencing itchiness and a bit of pain. Take heart. My mother and the others will be here shortly."

Jinlun Fawang did not respond. "Miss Guo," a little later he asked, "How would you say my treatment of you was along the way?"

"Not a single complaint," answered Guo Xiang. "But you have killed the Long Beard Ghost and the Big Head Ghost. You have also caused the death of my two eagles. Even if your treatment of me was a lot better, I still cannot accept what you have done."

"Very well!" shouted the monk, "An eye for an eye! You kill me to avenge the death of your friends and your birds! But remember that I have treated you well along the way; how would you repay me for that?"

"You tell me how I can repay you."

"You have to seal my [shan zhong] and [yu zhen]," answered the monk. "That way you would lessen my suffering. That way you repay my kindness."

Guo Xiang shook her head. "You want me to kill you?" she asked, "I will not do that."

"But I am a man as tough as a mountain!" Fawang insisted, "Even if you seal those accupoints, I will not easily die. Later when your mother is here, I will beg for her mercy. Do you really think I'd like to die?"

Seeing his pitiful condition, Guo Xiang pondered his words. "Very well," she thought, "I will lessen his suffering." Then she sealed his [shan zhong] and [yu zhen] accupoints. Fawang immediately felt relieved. "Yes! I feel better," he said. "Please hit harder." Guo Xiang complied, she hit harder.

Fawang's eyebrows twitched, he smiled. He did not show any sign of injury, but his countenance changed from red to white, and from white back to red again.

"OK, please hit even harder now," he again said. Guo Xiang complied; she hit harder utilizing the technique her parents taught her.

"Good!" finally Fawang shouted. "My chest is not tight anymore! You see, I am not dead, am I?"

Guo Xiang was astonished. "Let me hit your [yu zhen] one more time!" she said. She'd gently hit him then, but she hit him really hard this time.

"Thank you! Thank you!" said Fawang. He immediately closed his eyes. A little while later he suddenly leaped up and said with a loud voice, "OK, let's go!"

Miss Guo was flabbergasted. "You … you …" she stammered.

Fawang's left hand flew out and grabbed the girl's arm. "Let's go!" he said. "Jinlun Fawang's skill is without equal under the heavens. How could I not know all about this rudimentary skill?" As soon as he finished talking, he immediately walked forward, dragging Guo Xiang along.

"Liar! Liar!" Guo Xiang shouted; she regretted her actions and thought, "My knowledge is so shallow, I don't even know this rudimentary technique existed." How would she know the 'tui jing zhuan mai, yi gong huan xue' [transferring blood flow passage, exchanging accupoints position] was not rudimentary at all? Fawang had trained himself in this difficult technique since the time he was still in Tibet. It was not superior to Ouyang Feng's technique in which he was able to reverse the blood flow in his whole body; but it was not less strange or less difficult to master. When Guo Xiang hit his [shan zhong] and [yu zhen] accupoints, he secretly transferred that energy to unseal the other accupoints.

They were only a few meters away when Fawang suddenly had an evil thought. He saw the end of the rope tied to a tree stump. He thought that if he cut the rope, Zhou Botong, Yideng, Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong and the others would die in the gorge, since they would have no other way of coming back up. Therefore, he kicked the ground and leaped toward the tree and grabbed the rope, ready to severe it.

Guo Xiang saw his movement; she was shocked. She knew what he was up to. She could not stay silent. Her arm was still held in the monk's hand. When her other hand was within reach of the monk's body, she made her move and hit his 'yuan ye' [deep pool liquid] accupoint beneath his ribs.

Jinlun Fawang had underestimated the girl and now he had to suffer the consequence. That hit was right on target. He was stunned and immediately felt half of his body stiffened, his strength gone.

With one pull Guo Xiang was able to free herself. She went behind him and threatened, "I am going to push you down smelly monk! I hope you'll die!"

Fawang was shocked, but he didn't show it. He laughed a big laugh. He secretly exerted his internal energy to unseal his accupoint. He said, "How could you hurt me with your meager skill?"

Guo Xiang did not know that her hit actually sealed Fawang's accupoint and that Fawang's body was stiff. If she pushed, he would certainly fall down. But she was afraid to repeat her past mistake, that if she touched his body one more time the monk would be able to free himself. Didn't she hit the monk and in the end Fawang was free? Therefore, instead of pushing him, she jumped down and got away from him. She ran toward the chasm and shouted, "I'd rather die with my mother!" She was going to jump down into the gorge.

Jinlun Fawang was extremely shocked. He breathed in and out deeply, and eventually his sealed accupoint was clear. Abandoning the rope he quickly jumped after the girl.

Guo Xiang kept running between big rocks and among the trees. If she were out on a plain, Fawang would certainly catch up with only two leaps. Right now the monk had to play her game. There were a lot of old trees and big rocks scattered around the Broken Heart Cliff. By running around like this Guo Xiang was able to elude him. It was like they were playing tag. Fawang leaped over the trees and with 'Wild Duck Descends the Plain [yan luo ping sha] techniques he was able to grab Guo Xiang's arm once again.

Guo Xiang was shocked; she thought she could get away from him. She struggled in vain; but then she opened her mouth and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Mother!"

Fawang quickly covered her mouth with his free hand. Meanwhile a voice was heard from a distance, it was Lu Wushuang, "Uh, where did little Guo Xiang go?"