Chapter - 524 Great War of Xiangyang (6)

He dashed forwards but slowed down after a few steps and thought, "What if I don't find out anything here?" His heart sank and feared that his last hope would soon be dashed. He stopped outside the hut and listened carefully but there seemed to be no one inside. He only heard the bees buzzing.

After a while he plucked up his courage and trembled, saying, "I've come for a visit. Please pardon my intrusion." He repeated this but there was still no response. He lightly pushed open the door and it creaked open.

Stepping in, he looked around and was stunned. The furniture was simple but the house was sparkling clean. There was only a table and chair but its arrangement was very familiar, exactly the same as the arrangement in the Ancient Tomb. He did not examine the place and naturally turned left and he saw a small room. After passing the small room, he found himself looking into a bigger room. In the room the bed, table and chair also had exactly the same arrangement as in the Ancient Tomb. The only difference was that the furniture in the Ancient Tomb was made of stone while the furniture here is made of wood.

On the left was a bed which looked like the "Cold Jade Bed" he'd practiced his Internal Strength on. In the middle, a long rope was suspended through the room like the one he used to practice his Qing Gong (Lightness Skill). Near the window was a small stool which was like the one where he learned to read and write. On the left was a rough wooden cabinet; when he opened it he saw children's clothes made of tree bark which was exactly of the same design Xiao Longnü made for him years ago. He walked into the room and touched the bed. The tears had already welled up in his eyes but now he could not hold them back and the tears rolled down his cheeks and fell onto the bed.

Suddenly he felt a smooth hand lightly stroking his hair, gently asking, "Guo'er, what's making you unhappy?"

The tone and the manner his hair was stroked was similar to how Xiao Longnü cajoled him when he was young. Yang Guo jerked around and saw a fair and extremely beautiful girl standing gracefully in front of him. She looked exactly the same as the Xiao Longnü he thought of daily and missed terribly for the past sixteen years.

The two of them stared at each other then exclaimed "Ah!" and embraced each other tightly. It seemed so real yet it seemed like a dream.

After a long while Yang Guo finally broke the silence. He said, "Long'er, you've not changed a single bit. But I have aged." Xiao Longnü stared at him and said, "No, it's just that my Guo'er has grown up."

Xiao Longnü was slightly older than Yang Guo by a few years but she lived in the Ancient Tomb since young and learned internal strength techniques from her master, which required her to purge her emotions. Yang Guo however more readily expressed his emotions, so at their wedding the two already looked about the same age.

The "Jade Maiden Skill's" cultivating techniques from the Ancient Tomb sect concentrates on the essential rules of the "Twelve Nothingness and Twelve Plentifulness" which support each other. The 'Twelve Nothingness' refers to the restrictions regarding thought, love, desires, matters, words, laughter, worries, fun, happiness, anger, good and evil. The 'Twelve Nothingness' will inevitably become part of one's life. The 'Twelve Plentifulness' states: that if one thinks too much, the concentration will be disrupted. If one loves too much, the energy will break down. If one desires too much, one will lose one's knowledge. If one has too many matters at hand, one will look weary in appearance. If one talks too much, it will affect one's breathing. If one laughs too much, one will strain one's organs. If one worries too much, it will affect one's nerves. If one plays too much, it will affect one's ideas. If one is too happy, it will result in complacency and trouble. If one is too angry, it will affect one's pulse. If one experiences too much good, one will despair. If one experiences too much evil, one will invite chaos. If one does not rid the 'Twelve Plentifulness', one would not reach enlightenment.

Xiao Longnü had practiced this skill since young and had no happiness or worries, so she was even more emotionless than the founder Lin Chaoying. Once Yang Guo entered the Ancient Tomb things changed and as they got closer she found it harder to follow the 'less speech', 'less action', 'less happiness' and 'less worries' rules. After their marriage they were separated for sixteen years. Yang Guo traveled around and roamed Jianghu and missed her terribly. Xiao Longnü, on the other hand, was forced to live in this deserted valley and could not totally avoid thinking of him. She found herself practicing these principles again to combat her boredom. When they finally met again it appeared as though Yang Guo was older than her.

Xiao Longnü had not spoken for the past sixteen years and now when she started speaking again she was not very fluent. So they did not speak and just stared at each other smiling. Yang Guo could not contain his excitement any longer and took her hand and ran out of the hut, saying, "Long'er, I'm extremely happy." He jumped up into a big tree and somersaulted several times.

In his excitement he forgot everything and somersaulted just like he did when he was young in the Ancient Tomb. He never thought about this before and never expected to do something like this as a middle-aged man. The only difference was that his qing gong (lightness skill) was excellent and he could somersault effortlessly. Xiao Longnü laughed heartily and cast all the 'less laughter' and 'less happiness' into the wind.

Xiao Longnü took out a handkerchief. Yang Guo finished somersaulting and walked to her grinning. Xiao Longnü would always wipe his sweat with a handkerchief; but now his face was not flushed and he was not breathless, of course he was not sweating. But she wiped his forehead all the same.

Yang Guo took the handkerchief and saw that it was made of tree bark and was rather rough and thought she'd had an uncomfortable life here and was very regretful. He stroked her hair gently and said, "Long'er, you have suffered much these past sixteen years."

Xiao Longnü sighed and said, "If I hadn't grown up in the Ancient Tomb, the past sixteen years would not have been easy for me."

They sat shoulder to shoulder beside a stone and talked about past events. Yang Guo asked her every single detail. As Xiao Longnü talked for a while, her speech became more fluent; then she slowly narrated her story of the past sixteen years.

That day when Yang Guo threw the half-pill down in the gorge Xiao Longnü knew he did not want to be left alone since her condition was supposedly fatal. That night she thought carefully and decided to die first and kill off his thoughts of suicide so that he would neutralize the "Passionless Poison". She was afraid that if she left traces of her suicide it would only hasten his suicide. She thought for half a night and then she finally went to the Broken Heart Cliff and carved the words. She purposely made a sixteen-year long appointment and then she jumped into the gorge. At that time she thought that if Yang Guo's life could be saved, after sixteen years he would have forgotten her and dispelled his thoughts of suicide.

When she said this, Yang Guo sighed, saying, "Why did you think of sixteen years? If you said eight years wouldn't we have been reunited eight years ago?"

Xiao Longnü said, "I'm aware of your deep feelings for me and eight years would be too short to ease your feelings. Ah, I didn't expect that even after sixteen years you would still jump down."