"NO way," Luo Yan said, waving his hand with a dry laugh. As if Luo Jin just said a very funny joke. "Brother Ji Yun wouldn't do that."


"Hmp. You know how that guy's brain cells seemed to decrease whenever it comes to you. He's totally capable of doing that," Luo Jin said in a low voice, probably to avoid the driver hearing it.

Luo Yan wanted to laugh it off, but then stopped in the middle. Because, just like Luo Jin said, there's really a possibility of Shen Ji Yun doing just that. Especially if the other was secretly worrying about his college entrance examination.

If the schedule for the final tournament wasn't moved, then it would have probably fallen either in the last week of March or the start of April. Since the college entrance examination was usually held on the first week of June, all third year high school students were the busiest in the months leading up to that.

So, if the final tournament wasn't rescheduled, then Luo Yan's time would time would definitely be taken up by that. Which would be bad in the perspective of those who were worried about him taking the college entrance exam.

But he wasn't really that worried about it. He had already done it once, after all. That meant he no longer felt nervous, just like the first time. He just had to review the important points and also those that were added to the curriculum during the years that he was in a coma.

Others didn't know about this, though. Not even Shen Ji Yun.

So, if he considered that, as well as how Shen Ji Yun usually was when it came to things regarding him, then it wouldn't be too far-fetched if the other really requested Uncle Yi Mu to move the date for the final tournament.

Seeing his expression, Luo Jin scoffed. "See? You also think it's possible."

That announcement about the change in the battle format actually surprised him a lot. He didn't expect that his uncle would approve of using the Arcadia Cup as a PR marketing move. Because that's what it was. The two themes - [Amazing Race] and [RPG] - would not only showcase the world of Arcadia, but also the interesting dungeons scattered all around this world.

In the company's perspective, this would definitely help sell the game overseas. Arcadia was already pretty popular and a lot of people from abroad had been requesting for it to be released in their countries for years now. But that was only true for those who loved playing games. To the general public, Arcadia was just 'that VR game from Country Z'.

But with this kind of publicity, this beautiful virtual world would intrigue even those who were not interested in playing games. The thought that they could travel there by just buying a VR helmet was just too good of a lure.

The message notification from his phone pulled Shen Ji Yun back from his thoughts. It was the notification sound solely for any message coming from Luo Yan. Of course, a call from the other also had its own ringing tone.

He quickly took out his phone and read the message.

[Brother Ji Yun, I'm just asking, but did you have anything to do with Uncle Yi Mu deciding to change the scheduled date of the final tournament?]

[I'm just asking because I'm curious. If it's not, then you can just ignore this message.]

Shen Ji Yun's first reaction was confusion, wondering why Luo Yan would ask something like this. And then, after a few seconds, his brain finally worked, and he immediately understood why Luo Yan asked that.

Was he such a sucker that Luo Yan would think that he would find a way to change the schedule just so his boyfriend could focus on reviewing for the college entrance examination?

It didn't even take that long for him to admit 'yes, he was that much of a sucker'.