Chapter 2: Hellhound (2)

Chapter 2: Hellhound (2)

'Where is this place?'

Vikir checked his body.

There was no mana and it was extremely weak

There is not even a handful of auras that he had built up across his countless battles

'Did I fall into hell?'

But it is not.

This place... ... It's too barren to even call it hell.

A place where even hell would look more hospitable. Because that is the Baskeville family.

' There is no way that I do not know the atmosphere of the place where I have lived as a hunting dog for the past 30 years. '

The smell of blood, of pus, of all that was filthy and dead.

Vikir van Baskeville had a hunch. That he had returned to the time when he had just been born.

'What should I do now?'

A body that has just lived for about 100 days. There's not much you can do.

Just turning over and signaling the shared nursery nanny to breastfeed?

Right then.

"There aren't any guys that look useful."

A familiar voice was heard.

Hugo Les Baskevilles, patriarch of the Baskevilles, was seen standing in the center of the nursery.

The moment he heard his voice, Vikir almost got up and bowed, as was his habit in life.

Fortunately, it was impossible because of the body of a newborn baby.


Seeing the main culprit who had executed him , he gritted his teeth.

However, because the body had not yet grown teeth, there was no sound.

'Let's calm down.'

In the past, in order to become a member of the Baskeville family, to be recognized by his father, and to get rid of the pretense of being an illegitimate child, the days of shame and shame he struggled with.

Inferior blood, the tag did not leave him no matter what he did.

I would live differently in this life. If the rabbit disappears, it will not live a life like a hound being boiled.

Right then.

There was an opportunity that made Vikir's determination even stronger.

"Move the children to the 'cradle of the sword'."

I heard Hugo's words.

As she left in the hands of her nanny, Vikir's mind was racing.

'Is it the first rite of passage?'

The Cradle of Swords is a journey to the River Styx, which took place around a small hill.

The moment they moved through the maze made of swords and dive into the River Styx, the children of the Baskeville family are reborn as warriors.

Of course, the blessing of the River Styx did not give strength equally.

The weak die and the strong survive.

The strong get more than the weak.

The children of the Baskevilles must get out of the cradle of swords as quickly as possible and dive into the River Styx.

You need to soak in the river as quickly as possible and for as long as possible to gain an advantage over your brothers.

So Vikir moved as soon as he was thrown into the center of the cradle of swords.

... Bck!

He moved the blade with two soft hands. Rêạd new chapters at

It is said that children from some prestigious families take things that help them in the future, but children from the Baskeville family have to grab the blades that threaten their future from the first birthday.

Spit- Pot- Jjik- Jjik-

The blade cut through his skin.

Every time he squeezed between the blades with force, a burning pain rushed through his whole body.

The teeth that started to grow in the mouth collided fiercely before he knew it.

The water of the Styx rushed in following the fury that reached the marrow within the bones, and soon changed the bones thicker, the flesh tougher, and the mana barrel wider.

Of course, the burning pain continued to creep in, but it didn't matter.

Vikir even started drinking water.

He was thinking of strengthening the internal organs as well.

He was thinking of an old legend passed down in the Baskevilles.

'A long time ago, there was an invincible warrior in Baskeville, right?'

The strongest swordsman who did not even get a single scratch on his skin, let alone a bone, even when hit by an axe.

But his end was truly absurd.

A poisoned arrow shot by a rival from another clan struck him in the heel, and he died from the aftereffects.

It was because, when he was a baby, his nurse grabbed him by the ankles and dipped him upside down into the Styx, leaving a relatively weak spot where the water didn't reach because of the nurse's palms.

'It shouldn't have that kind of part.'

Vikir did his best to stir himself in the river.

He twisted his body as best he can, leaving no part untouched by the water.

In the meantime, the wound opened and opened, but it was even better.

Because the water can permeate well into the body.

bubbling bubbling... ...

The blood drained out and his body started turning numb..

he was out of breath and wanted to get to the surface as quickly as possible.

But it can't be.

The River Styx never accepts a child once it has left its arms.

If only the head was exposed to breathe, only the head would no longer be protected.

So Vikir desperately held on to the stone in the river.

He continued to stir his arm so that the river water could touch the palm holding the stone.

at that time.

I hear faint voices in my ears.

"young master! You must come out!"

"If you stay submerged any longer, you will die!"

"oh my god! he might die like this!"

"Get it! we have to pick him up!"

It looks like there was an uproar from above. Well, that's bound to be the case.

Excessive greed becomes poison. It's good to strengthen the body, but shouldn't it be suffocating and dying?


"Son. Come up now."

The voice of Hugo Le Baskeville is also heard.

But that voice only fuels Vikir's rage.


Vikir stood up.

But he just didn't get up.

gulp- gulp- gulp- gulp-

Drink the water of the River Styx in your mouth. to the very end.



As soon as you come up, breathe in the air to your heart's content.

Vikir opened his mouth wide to breathe.

Seeing him, Hugo Les Baskevilles smiles brightly, which is rare.

"Hahaha, look at this guy? Didn't your teeth grow back then!"

Hounds boiled in boiling water exposed fangs.