Chapter 6: The Baskerville Dog (3)

Chapter 6: The Baskerville Dog (3)

John Barrymore.

He is a butler who has been loyal to the Baskeville family for as many as four generations.

"My lord. I will give you a daily report."

And in front of Barrymore, a middle-aged man.

A sharp nose bridge, a thick beard, and cold eyes.

The Sword Master, the Sword Master, and the Seven Pillars of National Salvation.

'Hugo Le Baskevilles', the most famous swordsman of Baskeville, was looking at Barrymore with an expressionless face.

"This is the first report. Regarding the battle with the 'House of Morgue' in the ruby mines of Red Cane Mountain... ... ."

The Morgue family, famous for their magic, is one of the seven greatest families along with the Baskervilles.

The Baskervilles were recently having a territorial dispute with the Morgue family, over the ruby mines in the west, which subtly straddled the ends of each other's domains.

Eventually, Hugo's mouth opened.

"We will have an opportunity to discuss that soon. Morgue will come first."

Hugo's folded his hands.

Barrymore continued to report.

Hugo looked mostly nonchalant, he listened to his report without much interest.

Occasional frowning to express irritation was the only response.


At that time.

There was a report that Hugo showed a change in expression for the first time.

"... ... because Master Vikir is ranked number one in the handwriting of this midterm evaluation of early childhood."

Hearing Barrymore's words, Hugo gently stroked his chin.

It was Hugo's habit when he was satisfied, Barrymore knew this from experience.

It's rare for Hugo to remember the name of a child in the family, so Barrymore's expression brightened too.

Soon after, Hugo asked.

"butler. When is the practical test for children?"

"Not long. It starts in five days. Most of the Guardian Knights of Fang Castle have already gone on a trip to prepare."

"Then the Fang castle must have been empty."

At that, Barrymore's expression lifted slightly.

"Even so, the next news I want to report is about Fang Castle, Lord."

"Did something happen?"

"that... ... There are good things and there are bad things."

"Listen to the good stuff first."

When Hugo showed interest, Barrymore's voice picked up a little more force.

"It is said that there was a phenomenon where two suns rose in the sky above Fang Castle."

"Two suns?"

Hearing that, Hugo's eyes widened slightly.

The Baskervilles tend to believed in superstitions.

"Is this an auspicious sign?"

"First of all, since the sun has risen two times, isn't it? There is also a rumor among the Gasols that a little sun was born to assist the children."

"... ... Hmm. Couldn't someone have been playing around with mana?"

"At the time, all those skilled enough to play such pranks were on the trip to prepare for the practical exams for the youngsters."

And the dialogue itself was also strange.

'Pigs are huge, but why do they always look so small and messy every time I see them?'

Before returning, Hugo, used to say it all the time.

While watching the growth of the livestock, he gave the gaze of an impatient butcher who couldn't sell it quickly, but today he is sending a strangely warm gaze.

It was as if he was expecting something.

"Hello, Patriarch."

Vikir greeted me brightly like a child.

However, Hugo, who is called by the title of 'Patriarch', found it odd.

"My Patriarch? okay. Not even the head of the household."

He thought about something for a while, then changed the topic as if it was over.

He said, "I heard you crippled triplets in your senior class of 9 years old."

"I know that they received appropriate treatment afterwards."

"I'm not talking about physical disabilities."

Hugo frowned.

"Isn't their mind crippled?"

"... ... ."

"Since that day, I heard that they eat separately, sleep separately, and do not mix words properly. The three of them were excellent at teamwork passing the exam at the same time, but now they have completely fallen apart."

Would that be all? These days, all three of them were scared of Vikir.

A dog that has lost its fighting spirit is useless in eternity.

But Vikir didn't bother to say that.

But he's just making a bold statement.

"Wouldn't it be heavy and useless to carry three sloppy swords at once? Rather than a master sword."

Hugo's eyes widen at those words.

"... ... That's right."

He stroked his chin and looks down at the 8-year-old kid in front of him.

If you look at it, the corners of his mouth tickle.

"But don't you think it was wrong to beat up his brothers?"

At Hugo's words, Vikir questioned incredulously.

"Wrong? Why am I wrong?"

"What? Didn't you make your brothers a mess?"

At Hugo's question, Vikir tilted his head as if he couldn't understand at all.

"Why is that wrong? I am stronger"

"... ... what?"

Vikir drove the question back at Hugo, who had a blank expression.

"How can a strong person do something wrong?"

strong self-esteem. A world where weakness is sin.

Wouldn't that be Baskeville?


"... ... ."

The corners of Hugo Le Baskeville's mouth began to twitch.

As he found the situation in front of him cute.