Chapter 15: Solitary (2)

Chapter 15: Solitary (2)

Inner Library

It is a large library located deep in the Baskerville family's main castle, and its size rivals the ranking within the Empire.

"Come to think of it, this is the first time I've come in and seen it myself." Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

Vikir passed through the entrance guarded by several knights and entered the restricted area.

When he had presented the pass signed by Hugo himself, no one dared to stop him.

Some knights even gave a salute with a light smile.

Before long, Vikir stood in front of the passage leading to the depths of the universe.

This library, made by directly drilling a hole in the rock wall, was comparable to the mouth of a giant monster.

Books were piled up all over the place, looking down at Vikir.

"I'll have to hurry up a bit."

Vikir looked at his library, thinking about the time left.

His heart was in a hurry, but his steps and gaze moved slowly.

The unique feeling of old books, the smell of ink and dust.

But he didn't feel particularly cozy.

Books discussing techniques for dealing with weapons, calculation methods for killing enemies with the shortest route, and efficient and logical killing theories.

And the library where they are tightly packed together.

Numerous swordsmen from previous generations who existed in the history of the Baskevilles are engaged in a silent war of words, remaining only in theory.

Is that why?

Rather than stepping into a library, it felt like walking through the corridors of a prison where ruthless and cold homicidal maniacs were imprisoned.

Vikir felt a stabbing gaze from the swordsmanship textbooks.

And Vikir soon got used to all of this.


The sound of footsteps sinking into the abyss of the corridor.

The deeper you go into the library, the older books you can see.

'Cutting front teeth' swordsmanship, 'mincing molars' swordsmanship, 'piercing fangs' swordsmanship, "double-bite double tooth" swordsmanship, "hidden tooth" swordsmanship... ... ,

Familiar swordsmanship textbooks, swordsmanship textbooks he wanted to learn so much in his previous life, and swordsmanship textbooks that were so powerful that he had never dared to dream were lined up neatly like teeth.

The locks to prevent theft or thieves' access were firmly locked.

Usually, collateral and illegitimate children, no matter how much mana they have and how much experience they have in practice, it is difficult for them to learn more than 4 types of swordsmanship.

Direct descendents learn at least 5-level swordsmanship, elites among direct descendents learn 6-level swordsmanship, and elders learn 7th-level swordsmanship.

Hugo Baskerville has now mastered the 7th Baskerville, and the seven teeth he draws have made him one of the most powerful figures on the continent and a sword master.

As it is a rivalry with the head of the House of Morgue, known as the great wizard of the 7th circle, the inaction must be similar to some extent.

Vikir paused his steps.

In the vast library, there are a sea of books that you can't tell which book is in which place.

In one of them, he could see the book Hugo gave him.

A bookshelf with several layers of locks on it, befitting a valuable collection.

When he matched the key Hugo gave him, the book hidden inside was revealed.

<Baskerville Carnivore, Twice-Stuck Tooth>

Some of the knights, who were shining a watchful eye, whispered while watching such a Vikir.

"If it were me, I would have read the swordsmanship textbooks in the depths. I must have memorized it like crazy."

"he is still young and doesn't know its full value. He would regret it for the rest of your life when you get older."

"I have to tell the others not to worry. It's because he is reading insignificant miscellaneous books like that."

However, if they had seen Vikir's expression back to them, they wouldn't have thoughtlessly talked like that.

Vikir was rummaging through the books with a zeal.

Nobody cared about these books and they were a jumbled mess on this dusty bookshelf.

Vikir searched slowly and painstakingly.

And he was able to find what he was looking for within a few hours.

The edge of the library, a place that everyone could see, but everyone passed by without thinking.

There was an old book stuck there.

It seems that there is no preservation magic applied because it is quite dusty.

"... ... ."

Vikir stood for a long while, staring at the title of the book.

<Lurking Ambush>

A basic book of type 1 that even the children of the Baskevilles did not care to read.

An old book classified as a swordsmanship textbook.

But who in this world knew the value of this book?

Only Vikir, who had lived through the age of destruction, knew.

This book is the Baskerville's greatest treasure!

Vikir pulled out the book.

It seemed to have been on the bookshelf for a very long time, and at first it did not come out well.

It wasn't until after I pulled out and put away a few books that were blocking my way that it was pulled out and revealed to the world.

"... A lurking ambush."

Having succeeded in extracting the book, Vikir carefully swiped it with his hand.

And he turned the page.


He quickly turned through the pages.

And soon, the reason why this book was classified as a miscellaneous book was revealed.

A torn page can be seen in the middle of the book.

A sparse book, as if a few pages had been knocked out.

Torn marks are evident on every important page. Of course, the contents were cut off and not connected.

Because of this, no one could understand the contents of this book, and as a result, it must have been classified as such an insignificant miscellaneous book.


'... ... I know.'

Vikir. he memorized what was written on the torn pages of this book.

Because the memories of participating in the 'Operation to Recapture Torn Pages' or 'Operation to Restore Missing Teeth' were still clear in his head.

At that time, the hound that crossed countless lines and collected all the pages that had been torn and lost was Vikir van Baskeville!