Chapter 131: The Freshman Talent Show (3)

Chapter 131: The Freshman Talent Show (3)

The sophomores surround Piggy and boo him.

"This time it's Nagari, look forward to the next one."

"If the next one is also Nagari~ pull out all your teeth~"

"One beat off! Two beats off! Three beats off! One, two, three, four!"

"Hurry up and do something, brother, the ladies are bored!"

This group of six, three men and three women, continued to harass Piggy.

Naturally, Piggy was too timid to say anything, so he just stood there with tears streaming down his face.

Then the girls giggled.

"What is it, is he crying?"

"Oh, my God, poor thing."

"You're so mean! Why are you picking on him!"

The boys giggle and retort.

"When did we bully you?"

"It's all about getting to know you, we'll be seeing you for a long time."

"Dude, why are you crying and XX, are you trying to make us look bad?"

Just then, a girl tapped Piggy on the shoulder.

"Dude. Stop crying. Get a drink."

At the same time, a large glass began to fill with liquor.

gulp gulp gulp gulp...

A vile bomb of fermented and distilled liquor.

One drink and it was clear that his head would crack the next day.

The schoolboy looked into Piggy's face and grinned.

"One shot, and we'll let you off the hook."

The six of them surround Piggy and giggle.

They weren't going to let him go until he finished his drink.

Eventually, Piggy started drinking with a sullen face.

The result came less than two sips later.


Piggy gagged and spit out the contents.

Since he hadn't eaten any appetizers, the vomit consisted mostly of alcohol and gastric juices.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team freaked out when they saw Piggy throw up.

"Yuck! That's so gross! It's all over your tights!"

"Wahahahaha, you're puking, you've been so colorful since OT!"

"From now on, your nickname will be Puke! Puking Piggy!"

"I'll call you Puke until I graduate!"

Gazes snapped to attention. The murmuring around them made Piggy cower even more.


A flutter.

Something covered the top of Piggy's vomit on the floor.

It was Vikir's cloak.

A cloak given to new students.

Embroidered with the Academy's logo, it was so symbolic that newcomers treasured it next to their lives.

Vikir took it off and covered the vomit on the floor.

Then he walked to the front of the group of dazed second years and slapped Piggy on the back.

"Go to your dorms. I'll clean up here."


Piggy looked at Vikir with a shaky gaze, but Vikir merely wiped the floor with his cloak in silence.


"Hey. You."

They left the lecture hall where the drinking was going on and strolled for a while toward the shopping district outside the Academy's walls.

"It's a bit far, but the ice cream is always better outside."

The group of sophomores giggled and walked out the Academy's back door and into the shopping district.

In the alleyways, small festivals were taking place alongside the academy's otis.

The sophomores made their way down the street to the various food vendors.

...No. I tried to move it.


Until one of them was grabbed by a hand that shot out of a narrow back alley in the dark night.

"Whoa! Eup!?"

The first boy to be grabbed looked up, startled.

A dark shadow loomed eerily in front of him.

A black leather glove wrapped around his face, and an unyielding grip.

Beneath a wide-brimmed black hat, a stork's-bill mask, with a pestilential aura.

His eyes bore into those of an unseeing monster.

Puck! Woof!

The next moment, he was hit by a flying fist and slammed against the wall.

He didn't even have time to raise his mana.

The monster's fists were fast and strong.

One hit had already shattered his nose and teeth, sending him sprawling on the ground.


The same fate befell the other five.

Dragged into the mud of the back alley, the six sophomores looked up in disbelief.

Night Hounds.

An existence that looked like a hell beast was staring down at them, looking like it would pounce and bite them all to death at any moment.


The jaws of the first one to be captured snapped back.

Teeth broke through the back of his head, and then through his cheek.

His nose was broken into three pieces and twisted into a zigzag.

His cheekbones were sunken and hanging down, and blood was leaking from every hole in his face.

The bravest of them all opened his mouth.

"uhh, do yu knw wh I m?!"

It was a classic "do you know who I am?" threat.

Vikir, in Night Hound mode, nodded once.

Then he let out a mana-modulated growl that sounded like a hoarse old dog growling.

"I know, I know."

The second-year students were stunned twice, once by the eerie sound of the Night Hound's voice, and again by the fact that he knew who they were and had done this to them.

The Night Hound continued.

"From right to left, Uspear, Realbelt, Yellowlove, Acme, Redmin, and Southmid. They are sophomores in Class B of the Cold Class, scions of House Pal, House Vetri, House Housings, House Seaweed, House Bison, and House Euler, respectively. Their parents are Baron Oppenheimer, Baron Munich, Viscount Osburn, Count Germa, Lord Upham, and Lord Dowsing."

As the names, houses, locations, and even the names of their parents come out, the faces of the sophomores turn pale.

And then. The Night Hound thrusts a sharpened dagger in front of their eyes.


The second-year students shook their heads in horror, but they could not escape the firm grip on their jaws and the slow draw of the dagger across their foreheads.

The blade, with its ominous aura, left a festering scar on their foreheads.


A mark like a bull's-eye.

It was both a symbol for a target and a stigma that would not be erased for years to come.

"Make a nuisance of yourself inside the Academy one more time."

The Night Hound had warned them sharply as they paced, blood dripping from their foreheads.

"Then I will kill not only you, but your father and mother, and your family."