Chapter 137: Test your skills (6)

Chapter 137: Test your skills (6)

The next day.

A curious crowd gathered in front of Class B of the Cold Warrior Class.

It was a mix of first, second, and third years, and even a few fourth years who don't show up for public events due to graduation and employment.

The common thread was that almost all of them were girls.

"Hey, who's that kid who was dripping water off the end of his chin after the game yesterday?"

"Is that him? Is that him from yesterday?"

"Wow, that face is crazy. How did he get that look?"

"Oh my god, he's so cute... I want him...."

The girls hadn't gotten over the shock of yesterday's game.

Everyone who watched yesterday's class-level lead Naphtali competition between the cold class, whether in person or on the magical video or photos, all noticed one thing: the Naphtali was amazing.

'Holy shit. Who is that?'

'I, I stopped breathing... ... 'It takes my breath away.'

'Wow, he's so ridiculously handsome.'

That's the face of a schoolboy walking back to the stands after the game, swiping at his damp bangs.

That sweaty, water-soaked face belonged to Vikir.

Yesterday, Vikir had taken off his glasses for a few moments and put on his bangs.

And it struck unexpectedly at the defenseless hearts of countless female students sitting in the stands.

As Vikir returned, water dripping from the tip of his chin, countless water bottles and towels were thrust in front of him.

'Here, use this handkerchief, do you want some water too?'

'Big brother, my water is cooler, take this!

'Funny, why brother, we're in the same class?'

'Who cares? If he's handsome, he's my brother!'

Vikir was quickly recognized as the star of the game.

The moment he returned to the stands, the brief movement of brushing his bangs was embedded in the mana screen as a "snapshot," which was played over and over again on the sports page of the magically created school newspaper.

[Exclusive] The Identity of the 'Face Genius' Who Appeared in the Cold Warrior Class's 1st Year Naphtali Game!? / Views: 29,872

-Last night in afternoon physical education class, an unidentified freshman was returning to the bench sweating after the game. This mysterious male student is known to have contributed greatly to the class' victory by showing excellent skills in the game and scoring one point, making it a hot topic...

<Comments: 13,021>

?(Cold Class 1st year student): Isn't that synthetic?! What kind of person has a face like that?

??(Hot Class 2nd year student): ???I'm the first to hear that there's such a visual in the cold class~.

??(Hot Class 1st year student): I don't think any of our classmates had that kind of look?

??(Hot Class 1st year student): I didn't see him in OT?? If he had a face like that, I'd definitely ask him out~.

??(Hot Class 2nd year student): Why are you flirting with a 1st grade topic, CC is only from 2nd grade?

??(Cold Class 1st year student): Wow but he's really good looking;;; Who is he? I'm a guy and I'm still in love with him.

??(Cold Class 1st year student): He's the guy who played Naphtali with me yesterday... He really looks like that... I was surprised and just stared for a while...

??(Hot Class 3rd year student): Look at his jawline...his disheveled hair...his face...he's so cute! ????????????

??(Cold Class 3rd year student): Water droplets flow along the jawline and cut...My sister's heart breaks ??

??(Hot Class 4th year student):???? I'll go see you right away tomorrow...I'll find you even if my sister searches all the cold classrooms!!!

??(Hot Class 3rd year student): ?Oh my... calm down... I have to graduate...



It was truly unknown when a passing student from the newspaper club took the picture using Mana Screen.

"Who's Vikir, where is he!"

"Tudor was nice, but... I came to see Vikir!"

"Vikir, where are you? I love you so much!"

"My sister bought 10,000 handkerchiefs to wipe the water off our Vikir's face!"

After hearing the rumors about Vikir, a lot of girls and some boys(?), regardless of classmates and seniors, came to the party, especially the seniors.


"... What's going on?"

There was a voice that froze the crowd gathered in front of class B of the Cold Warrior Class.

Professor Morg Banshee.

His entrance caused the mass of students in front of the lecture hall to scramble to make way for him.


A small, white hand rose high above the crowd of students.

It was Sinclair.

Professor Banshee narrowed her eyes.

"First in the Hot Class. I take it you'll be taking notes this term."

"Yes, Professor."


Professor Banshee said grimly.

Sinclair, on the other hand, stood up with a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes, and began to read his report with a flourish.

"Yes, I'm Sinclair, class A, first year, Hot Class, and I'm going to start my presentation now!"

Sinclair pulled out four sheets of paper, each one crammed with scribbled notes.

"I've categorized the Venompion's attacks, or hunting patterns, into three different categories and drawn different conclusions."


After hearing Sinclair's argument, Professor Banshee looked mildly intrigued.

Sinclair then proceeded to explain in a serious tone.

"Venompions have a reputation for being one of the hardest monsters to defeat in the desert. Aside from a few large worm-like monsters like the Sandworm, it has no natural enemies."

"That's a story everyone already knows."

"Yes. As I said, I've compiled a list of cases where Venompions have attacked humans, or where they've been seen hunting their prey, and I've categorized their personalities into three types."

Sinclair held out the report.

In it, along with numerous graphs, Sinclair categorized the creature into three types, each with a different strategy for dealing with it.

"Simply ignorant": Exceeds others in dashing speed, strength, and endurance, but has significantly lower intelligence, such as an inability to flee when in danger or escape when trapped.

When defeating them, it is better to surround them, ambush them, or set traps than to fight them head-on.

'Wimpy': Has a small skeleton and inferior physical abilities compared to other individuals, but exhibits unpredictable attack patterns, such as popping out from unexpected places or using its middle or last leg to make ineffective attacks.

When fighting them, it is best to kill them before they can get close with a powerful single shot or ranged attack.

'Cunning': Not only physically strong, but also intelligent. Combines the best qualities of 'Simply Ignorant' and 'Wimpy' into a drunken state.

※Siege and annihilation by high ranking knights or mages is the only answer.

Sinclair's argument was so new that even the demanding Professor Banshee nodded.

"There have been too few sightings of Venompions to fully categorize them, but you have a point, and I will make a formal report to the academy and let you know the results."

The words of recognition from Professor Banshee's mouth were enough to stun all the students.

Sinclair snorted with pride and sat back in his seat.

She seemed to be aware of someone else, as she glanced at the window seat outside the classroom with a furtive look.

Then Professor Banshee looked back at the cold class.

"That's an excellent idea, Hot Class. It's still just a possibility, but it's an idea that could contribute to academia in its own way. What do you guys have?"

None of the students from the cold side stepped forward to answer.

"Vikir from class B, then."

Professor Banshee called out to Vikir specifically.

Ever since the last incident, he'd been questioning Vikir from time to time.

It was clear he didn't like it.

When Vikir raised his eyes from behind his bangs and gave him an annoyed glance, Professor Banshee crossed his arms with a wicked grin.

"I'm sure you know a lot about these evil scorpions, so let's see some of your reports, see what you've been working on for the past hour."

"There's a report here: ...It's just the basics."

Vikir felt the pressure of Professor Banshee's gaze.

He didn't want to be the center of attention among the students anymore, and his nightly assassination runs outside the academy had left him with an absolute lack of time to work on his assignments.

So Vikir had only scribbled down a few lines of the most basic, common sense stuff for this preliminary report.

... It reads.

"Venomphion is a B+ ranked monster that is not difficult to catch as long as you pay attention to the first stinger on its tail and the second stinger on its belly."

It's so generic and common sense that I was just writing down what I thought everyone knew.

... but.

As Vikir talks about his research topic and conclusions, every head in the room turns from left to right.

Finally, Professor Banshee asks with a furrowed brow, as if he's never heard of it before.

"... 'second sting'? What is that?"