Chapter 165: Sin and Punishment (5)

Chapter 165: Sin and Punishment (5)

The sack opened wide.

What came out of it was a face, the face of Vikir's beloved.


And the moment she saw the face.

Dolores could only stare blankly.

'Isn't anyone here?'

Yes, it was.

The sack was empty.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

This only perplexed Dantalian even more.

[Nonsense! I've heard that man is an animal that lives for love! No, not just humans, but all animals have the emotion of love! But what the hell are you...!]

But Dantalian's words were cut short.


Vikir's sword, which had appeared while throwing away the black sack, had ferociously dug into his chest.


Dantalian stumbled backwards, spewing black blood.

All thirty-six faces contorted in disbelief.

Could it be that the magic hadn't been activated?

Maybe that's why no faces emerged from the sack?

Unfortunately, Dantalian's hopes were dashed.

The spell had been activated as normal, and the massive mana cost of the spell, as well as the massive recoil damage from the shattering of the spell, were still a burden to Dantalian's body.

Furthermore, as Vikir burrowed into Dantalian's defenseless embrace, he continued to thrust his deadly sword at him, stabbing him repeatedly.

...Puff, puff, puff, puff!

An aura so dense that it felt like a solid rushed in.

It pierced through flesh like the teeth of a beast, shattering bones and slicing through entrails.

A boiling aura slithers out from its teeth, gnawing at the very soul.

Even in the body of a demon, there is no business.


Dantalian backed away in a huff, clutching his ragged stomach.

Blood, flesh, and guts dripped down, covering the floor like asphalt.

[No way! How is it possible that a human has never loved anyone in his entire life! There is no such thing as a human!]

"You know, here."

Vikir answered, short and dry.

Having been taught from a young age to always kill her emotions, Vikir grew up straight, not crooked.

In a way, that straightness may have been a form of crookedness, but he didn't know it at the time.

A killing machine, stripped of all emotion and driven strictly by command. A hound of death.

That was Vikir van Baskerville in his previous life.

A time when all things were fleeting.

Was there any room for love in a hound whose emotions had been worn and dried over five hundred crossfires, great and small? Was there anyone to teach him to love?


And Dolores, watching behind him, could vaguely imagine Vikir's reasoning.

It was the smell of life, the resonance of souls, that Vikir felt the more he opened his aura.

In the process of praying, healing, and buffing for others, priests empathize deeply with their souls.

They are affected and sometimes even assimilated by those feelings.

Dolores remembered a phrase she once heard from the Night Hound. Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

'Theology is the study of understanding people.'

At the time, she didn't fully understand the true meaning of this statement, but now she understands why.

At this moment, Dolores was empathizing more deeply than anyone else with the feelings and condition of the Night Hound.

'What kind of life has he led? How heavy a burden has he been carrying alone? How long has he been fighting this lonely, solitary struggle?'

Right now, she knew the Night Hound as a terrorist not long ago.

The newspaper club she belonged to had even given him a 'villain name'.

... But no.

He was a fighter, fighting the evils of this world before anyone else.

A prophet who was persecuted by the world, understood by anyone, and loved by no one throughout his life.

An age that appeared to be early teens. Beautiful blonde hair. Fair skin. Slightly sunken eyes that looked somewhat sad.

An old, crude gold necklace around her neck with the word 'Nymphet' written on it.



Vikir froze.

Dantalian didn't know what made Vikir pause, but he figured this was his chance.

[Fuck you!]

Countless faces shouted, purple tongues lolling out.

Dantalian sticks out his blade-like tongue, indeed a demon of discourse.



Dantalian's attack fails again.

Dolores, enraged by the look on Nymphet's face, intervened with another burst of white flames.

"I told you you had the wrong person."

Dolores scorched the tip of Dantalian's tongue and immediately leapt to the Night Hound's side.

In a moment of crisis, she became even more poised and calm.


Vikir scratched his head, not sure why Dolores had suddenly become so brave.

Then, Dolores looked back at Vikir and said with a determined air.

"If it gets hard, lean on me."


"I'll always wait for you."


Vikir tilted his head in confusion once more.


The white light that Dolores had just emitted instantly enveloped Vikir's entire body.



At that moment, both Vikir and Dolores felt it.

Soul resonance.

It's the kind of feeling you get when you're walking down the same path together.

It was literally the kind of connection that can only happen between 'soul resonance'.

And the moment it happened.

...A flash!

The light emanating from Dolores's body exploded tenfold.

The Awakened Saint's buff.

And the one that had the greatest impact on a saint's soul.

The only being that can cause a Saint to awaken.

Those who possess a soul of the same magnitude.

The Night Hound.

He is what St. Dolores recognized as a "soul resonance".

Whether consciously or unconsciously.


Dolores felt all the strength drain from her body.

Divine power exerted with all her might to the point where she could not even stand.

The enormous buff of power that had been unleashed was instantly absorbed into Vikir's body.

Dolores, who was naturally gifted, had an enormous amount of divine power.

Now that it had exploded tenfold, the resulting buff was no ordinary buff.

The moment Dolores' buff entered his body.


Vikir felt the wall that had been standing over his head had been breached with a single blow.

The high, solid wall that had seemed impenetrable for so long had been torn down, and he could see beyond it.


The realm of the supreme.

The realm of the superhuman.