Chapter 168: Adorable Pet (1)

Chapter 168: Adorable Pet (1)


"I must see him again"

On the morning of January 0, Saint Dolores of Quovadis Family revealed a strong hostility towards the Night Hound.

As she bit her lip and muttered, her grave expression was suffocatingly foreboding.

Whether the Night Hounds are worthless or the Quovadis are worthless, the results will tell.

In the meantime, some have suggested that Dolores, who is usually mild-mannered and euphemistic in her language, is using such stubborn and strong language that a "holy war" could be declared. ...

Various newspapers began to circulate.

When the volunteers returned to Colosseo Academy, they were surprised to read the article in the academy's weekly newspaper.

"Wow, an article already appeared? We were at the scene of this history."

"Hmmm. The head of the department has declared a holy war."

"I didn't feel like I was in the mood for that. I think the article went too far."

Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy turned to the newspaper, each saying something.

Next to them, Bianca and Sinclair nodded.

"That's what journalists do. They have to be sensationalized to get views."

"Hey, Vikir, what do you think?"

Sinclair asks, and everyone's eyes turn in the same direction as hers.

In the back, a few feet away from the group, stood Vikir.


Vikir walks quietly, reading a newspaper article.

His mood is somehow lonely and despondent.

"Why is he in such a mood, dude, aren't you going to come, then I'll go first...."

As Bianca opened her mouth to speak in a sarcastic manner, Tudor, who was next to her, slapped her on the side.

"Hey. Don't you have any sense of consideration?"

"What? Considerate of what?"

"How do you think Vikir feels right now?"

"...How do I know what's on his mind?"

"Tsk, tsk, you inhumane bastard. You're the same as always."

Tudor turned his head slightly to look at Vikir behind him.

Then he turned back to look at Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair.

"Vikir, that guy, he peed in front of everyone yesterday."

"Yeah, and on the head of the department's body."

"...There was a lot of it."

"Ew, that's dirty."

"Your brother must be feeling really bad right now."

Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair each chimed in with a comment.

Finally, Tudor nodded.

"Vikir, he probably wants to be alone right now."

"I know. I would have done the same."

"I'm afraid that hasty comfort can be poison."

"Maybe he needs to take a piss, man, timidly. You don't think we're going to gossip or anything."

"...No, I'd be nervous, to say the least, about that."

Sinclair glanced back at Vikir behind him and muttered something wistful.

"...I don't mind my hyung peeing on me."

"? Of course you wouldn't mind. You're not fucking cheap."

Tudor said to everyone, clapping Sinclair on the shoulder.

"Okay. Okay, so let's leave Vikir alone for a while. Piggy, why don't you sleep in our room tonight so he can be alone."

"Huh? Can we do that?"

"Why not? We'll go do some work together later."

"Okay, thanks, Sancho."

It seemed that Piggy had gotten to know a lot of the other kids through this volunteer work.

They naturally drifted away to give Vikir some alone time.


'They're going first, thank goodness.'

Vikir sneaked off to the side, watching his classmates swarm in front of him.


Back in his dorm room, alone, Vikir sat down at his desk.

A small wreath and a stick of incense were placed on the desk.

As the incense burned, Vikir held the wreath in silence.

It was a mourning for Nymphet.

/ Mask

-Fratricide (同族相殘) +0

-Human Face – Beast Form (人面獸心) -On

The artifact's status is a little strange. Vikir felt the artifact turn from off to on.

Vikir quickly touched his neck with his forepaw.

Fortunately, there were still traces of the mask.

When Vikir showed his will to take off the mask, it fell from the flesh and skin and slithered away as if it had a will.

/ Mask

-Fratricide +0

-Human Face – Beast Form -Off

Off again.

Soon enough, Vikir regained his human form and stood naked in front of the mirror once again.

Vikir chuckled as he looked at the clothes on the floor.

"It would be nice to take off all my clothes at once before washing."

He pulls himself together and puts on the mask again, and this time he doesn't turn into a dog.

There's a clear line between on and off, so perhaps the mask can change when the wearer wants it to and not when they don't.

Vikir took off the mask and kept it.

'The ability to turn into a dog at will. More of a sub-ability than a side effect, I suppose.'

The ability to turn into a dog would be useful in many ways in my future career as a night hound.

Not only would it make me much more resilient, but it would also help me escape from prying eyes.

'...Let's see, was it possible to have a pet inside the academy?'

Luckily, there is no rule that says you can't have animals inside the academy's dormitories.

Many students have owls, pigeons, turtles, hamsters, etc.

However, they were not allowed to have large animals that could cause damage to their surroundings, which meant bears, elephants, etc.

Just as Vikir was looking through the book of dorm rules.


A sound caught Vikir's attention.


The sound of something small and insignificant breaking.

Vikir turned his head to see what it was.

It was coming from his coat hanging in the corner of the room.

He dug into his pockets and found something amazing.

A Madame Eight-Legged Egg.

The black sphere was getting incontinent.

"Ah, so this is the one that blocked Dantalian's spear at the end."

I knew it was unexpectedly hard and bouncy, but I didn't think it would be able to withstand a demon spear.

But now that I look at it, it wasn't even damaged.

Crack, crack, crack!

The shell was cracking.

'Even the mother, Madame Eight-Legged, dissolved her eggs in her acidic saliva, so they were resistant to the shock....'

Vikir stared at the egg in disbelief.

And then.


The shell cracked completely.

The thing inside opened its eyes for the first time and looked at Vikir.


Vikir shook his head.

Inside the cracked shell, he could see something burnt, like a piece of bread.

It was a creature he'd never seen before.

And the creature, upon waking, saw Vikir for the first time.

Vikir shakes his head, and the creature shakes his head back, mimicking Vikir's behavior.

Vikir was a little nervous.

Though small and insignificant, this was clearly the young of Madame Eight-Legged, the reigning 'depth nightmare'.

Vikir had nearly died many times trying to hunt the giant spider.


Amazingly, the dust-like thing leapt right into Vikir's arms.

He rubbed his face in Vikir's arms and started making the most unexpected noises.

[Woof- haeg haeg- kkingkking-]

It was like a newborn wolf pup.