Chapter 189: Attack Land (2)

Chapter 189: Attack Land (2)


A drop of cold sweat trickles down Dolores' cheek.

However, her gaze is filled with laughter.

"Hohoho what do you see?"

Ms. Sady. She turned to Dolores.

A black military cap, a long purple ponytail, hair spiked like horns in places, skin as pale as a corpse.

Underneath her black studded uniform, she wore a loose belt, and in the middle of it hung a rolled-up whip.

The heel of the black kill heel she was wearing was a whopping 31cm long, and the tip was sharp like an awl.

There were terrible scars burning like flames on the tips of her ten fingers, where her fingerprints should have been, and there was a rumor that she had been drinking vodka and chewed on her own fingers, thinking they were snacks, while she was drunk.


Dolores broke out in a cold sweat and met Professor Sady's gaze.

Normally, she would have immediately turned a blind eye to that scary woman's gaze, but... having grown up through the Dantalian battle, Dolores was not about to shy away from a look of protest at the injury to her favorite junior.

"What, look at her?"

Professor Sady drew the whip at her waist.

She turned and paced toward Dolores, who glared at her.

"What kind of a bitch with no blood on her bald head gives a grown woman a glare like that and thinks she's the student council president?"


"Hohohoho-honey, even your Abby Humbert can't open his eyes at me like that~"

The cold sweat that was drenching Dolores' body became even more intense as Ms Sady slowly gave off momentum.

Dolores had fought Dantalian before, but Professor Sady's aura exuded an entirely different kind of fear.

A woman who exuded an almost 'demonic' danger.


"Your disdain for the students is in moderation. Professor Sady."

A voice interrupted Professor Sady.

Morg Banshee, who stood in Dolores' way.

Dolores sank back in her seat, feeling the pressure on her body dissipate as Professor Banshee's back blocked her view.

Meanwhile, Professor Banshee turned to Sady and warned her in a low voice.

"What kind of attitude is this in the middle of a sacred midterm? Not only did you overtest a student in your charge, but you crossed the line into verbal abuse and assault... Do you really want to get yourself fired?"


Professor Sady interrupted, spitting phlegm at Professor Banshee's feet.

"What ...?"

Professor Banshee's brow furrowed at Sady's rudeness.

But Professor Sady was unfazed and pulled something out of her waistband.

It was a large glass bottle, half full of vodka.


Professor Sady showed his sharp teeth and bit down on the long, narrow mouth of the glass bottle, breaking it.

Professor Sady continued to call the students in her charge into the arena.

jjaag- jjag!

Her avatar, Mudgolem, slapped the thorny whip in her hand against the floor a few times.

Then the next student stepped onto the field.

Puck! Puck!

The result was what everyone expected.

The student was unable to land a single effective hit on the mud golem, and was retired as his entire body was mangled by the whip.

0 effective hits, 4 effective dodges, 0 effective defenses, 0 critical hits.

Sancho's next student was left in tears, with a miserable score of just four points.

And the one after him, and the one after that, and the one after that.

None of them managed to land a single successful attack on the golem, which mimicked Professor Sady's every move, only dodging the whip baptism.

Furthermore, Professor Sady's whip, writhing and flying like a viper, was nearly impossible to defend against once it began to strike.

Four points. Three points. Eight. Six. Five. 7 points. 4 points....

The parade of disastrous scores continues.

It was a moment of reassessment that Sancho's score of 17 points was outrageous.

Meanwhile. The professors watching were grinding their teeth.

"Sady, that stupid bitch is destroying the entire grade point average!"

"I'm sick to my stomach to see this kind of discriminatory test every year!"

"Why on earth does the principal favor that bitch every time!"

"As a last act of respect for the fallen Marquis de Sade."

"Damn it. How unreasonable and absurd. I thought this was not the way the ranks and classes were supposed to be divided..."

"I can't help but think that the students in that class were unlucky."

"Maybe we should give the sexually victimized kids extra credit for their work or attitude later on to make up for it."

"Well, it's a good thing the assistant principal's faction has her, because she'll bring down the principal's approval ratings."

In the midst of all of their complicated thoughts, Prof. Sady chuckles, sending the students into a desperate state.

"Hohoho – it's fun to make the dogs sweat and train them. Well, not as much as making them bloody."

The good news among the misfortunes was that Professor Banshee's threats were effective and Professor Sady did not end up killing the student.

Still, the idea of treating students like dogs and whipping them with a whip was offensive to many.

This wasn't a teacher educating a pupil, it was just the stronger beating the weaker.

After giving the student she had just beaten a total of four points and retiring them, Sady called for the next dog to be trained.

And then.

"Ho-o? You seem to be the only one with any sense, so you'll be worth training."

Professor Sady's eyes lingered on a student standing at the bottom of the arena.

A man with an expressionless face and a cold aura surrounding him at all times.


Vikir was standing there.