Chapter 207: Festival Night (4)

Chapter 207: Festival Night (4)

"Vikir should be in the kitchen!"

"What's the point of having a kitchen if you don't have a pimp!"

An extreme case of PIMPY (Please In My Front Yard) as each side tries to get Vikir to join their side.

In this gap between the kitchen faction and the pimping faction, local egoism blossoms beautifully.

"We shouldn't fight."

A man hugged Vikir.


Vikir frowned.

... Why is this person here now?

A familiar face. He was wearing a vampire costume and a mask, but Vikir could tell by the momentum.

Who else could be of this size and age and exude this much intimidation?

Osiris. Osiris Les Baskervilles.

The head of Baskerville, the iron-blooded swordsman, Hugo's legitimate successor.

He is now hugging Vikir in his witch disguise.

For a moment, Vikir's mind raced with thoughts.

The first thing that came to mind was the cryptic message that Sindiwendi had sent him the other day.

1. The Ten Corpse. Information obtained. Need time to analyze. One month.

2. Night Hound. Two copycats emerge. One for praise. The other, purpose unknown.

3. Osiris of the House of Baskerville. Family crest emptied. Supposedly headed for the Imperial City.

The third entry apparently states that Osiris, the head of the Baskerville family, has emptied his household and is headed for the Imperial City.

Although the exact purpose was unknown.

Meanwhile. Public opinion is up in arms about the masked man who appears out of nowhere and takes Vikir away.

"Who is he? He's very tall."

"Is it Vikir's family?"

"I can't see his face because of the mask."

Most people are curious about Osiris' identity.

However, Osiris took Vikir with him and quickly left the scene.

As if he had no intention of making a scene.

And then. Back behind the tent, Osiris set Vikir down.

"You've gotten a lot prettier since I last saw you, little brother (dongsaeng)."

He said, with a hint of gravity in his voice.

But Vikir's expression remained cold.

"What brings you here, hyung-nim?"

"Hyung-nim? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call me oppa?"

"...According to the traditions of the Academy, it would be correct to call you Unnie."

"It was a joke."

"So was I."

Vikir asked again.

"What brings you here, brother."

"It is the duty of an older brother to come to the rescue when his younger brother is in trouble."

Just then.


A hand shot out from Osiris's back.

Vikir's eyes widened slightly.

Clearly, Osiris's personality had changed a lot since I'd last seen him.

Vikir was silent for a moment, wondering if this was another Pomeranian influence.

'perhaps... ... In the face of a wall at the top of the Graduator, regaining one's emotions may be more advantageous for growth. I don't know about Osiris himself, but it must be good for him.'

I had no idea that having a younger sister (actually a niece) in a house full of brothers would have such a profound effect.

Well, aside from that, Osiris gave Vikir a lot of information.

A general overview of what was going on in the family.

"The trade deal you arranged is well underway. It's been in the works since our alliance with Messinadnaro."

The three-way trade between Balak, Baskerville, and Sindiwendy was finally on track.

However, there was one strange thing.

Vikir turned to Osiris.

"House Messinadnaro?"

"That's right. The same family that was outlawed by the Baskervilles."

Osiris seemed to already know about Sindiwendy's past.

Vikir is left to wonder why Sindiwendy, who has a grudge against the Baskervilles, would join forces with them.

Osiris explained again.

"Do you remember the truth commission we created before you entered the Academy? I've been chairing it ever since, and we've re-investigated everything that happened in the past."

Seven families involved in the club burning suspension were disowned.

The misunderstandings and misdeeds between the Baskervilles and the Messinadnaro were also brought to light.

As a result, the Baskervilles have formally apologized to the Messinadnaro and have made restitution.

It was a win-win situation, as many of the old Baskervilles who had participated in the conspiracy were forced to give their heads, and Osiris was able to reorganize the family's order and power structure once more.

In the end, Hugo and Osiris completely overpowered the Senate, led by the Seventh Count, and seized control of the House.

It seemed that Sindiwendy had also been somewhat relieved by this series of events and had joined forces with the Baskervilles.

'Well, that's her own mind.'

...whether she had truly forgiven Baskerville or not, only she would know the exact details.


Osiris turned to Vikir, as if remembering something.

"I have come to see you today not only to tell you these things."

He pulled something out of his pocket and held it out to Vikir.

"Is this ...?"

Vikir's eyes sparkled as he examined the object.

Osiris tilted his head and said.

"It's an artifact that fell from the spot where Set died. I don't know what it can be used for, so I brought it to you."

When demons die, they drop their artifacts.

Just as Dantalian had dropped the Picaresque Mask, Andromalius would have done the same.

It was a shame I couldn't keep it, but now I have it.


A black strange ring appeared in Vikir's hand, shining brightly.

/ Ring

-Finit hic Deus -Off

-Finit hic Deus, the realm of the gods ends here.

It's an orb that contains the skills that Andromalius used to specialize in when he was alive.

It was a covenant-forming ring with the ability to create spaces so secretive that even the eyes of the Rune Gods could not see into it.

The moment he held it in his hand, Vikir couldn't help but think of a clichéd line.

'...You're lucky.'