Chapter 219: That Day, Him and Me (2)

Chapter 219: That Day, Him and Me (2)

Time is like flowing water, so easily it passes by even if you don't hold on to it.

And so it seems all the more swift to those who have nothing to hold on to.

-The Dark Hall of Morg-

This place, always immersed in shadow, takes the form of a tall tower.

Towers that rise sharply under a gloomy sky where crows fly in flocks.

And on the highest of them, on the throne of the Great Council, sat a man.

Skinny and tall, with a sinister aura radiating from his back.

A grim-looking man with black hair and black eyes stared down at the ground below.

Morg Snake.

Responsible for the Mage Master Morg's Dark Hall and considered the third in rank within the family.

After Morg Respane, the head of the family, and Morg Adolf, the representative of the Light Hall, he is the most powerful man in the House of Morg.

However, unlike Respane and Adolf, who are close siblings, they had a good friendship, but Snake, who was a bit distant, was different from them.

And Dark Hall also gives the impression that he is somehow distant within the family, in keeping with Snake's personality.

Whatever. The Dark Hall lurks in the shadows, conducting secret research and experiments, and the fruits of their labor are the spear and shield of the Morg, so Snake, who oversees all things Dark Hall, is clearly indispensable to the Morg.


Such was Snake, now frowning and looking down at the tower.

There was a girl standing there, looking up at him with a chubby face.

Morg Camus. A member of the Light Hall and the future owner of Morg House.

Snake spoke in a low voice.

" ..., a member of the Light Hall, what are you doing here?"

There was little reason for a Morg from the Light Hall to come to the Dark Hall.

Except for the quarterly exchange of skills.

Even then, it's only between established practitioners, so there's even less reason for the recently turned seventeen-year-old Camus to come here.


"I left the Light Hall."

Snake's eyes widened a little at Camus's words.

His eyebrows wiggled at the next words.

"I wish to join the Order."

The bombshell. It's not normal to switch factions.

Especially not from the position of young master, the man responsible for Morg's future.

Snake was dumbfounded and speechless for a moment.

Only after a long moment did he finally speak.


"Because I'm tired of struggling."

Camus answered immediately, and Snake fell silent again.

Snake knew from reports that Camus had been searching the Black Mountain depths for Vikir for years. RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

He also knew from reports that Camus had not only been unsuccessful in his search, but that there had been no small harvest in recent years.

"...I guess you didn't find it after all."


Camus nodded coolly, admitting her failure.

They had spent the last hour frantically searching the depths, but in the end, they hadn't found Vikir's remains.

A bond at age eight. And reunited at fifteen.

Snake, his face set in a stern expression, had slid down from his throne and was now standing in front of Camus.

"Did Adolf tell you that I'm a filthy human being? Did he tell you to go and mock me with those words?"

But Camus was unfazed.

"My mother and uncle never told me that, I only knew it from the rumors that circulated among the elders."

"Bullshit. The elders are all old and dead already."

"The will of the dead. Even the dead talk a lot."

With that, Camus drew up her mana.

A black aura formed behind her, and the spirits of old men with graying beards began to float around.

They were the ghosts of the elders.

Seeing that she had already learned to use black magic, Snake asked in surprise.

"What is this black magic! Who taught you this?"

"I'm self taught."

"...What, what?"

Snake was speechless.

Self-taught black magic? Was that even possible?

It's not an exaggeration to say that she broke new ground by herself. A truly remarkable talent, if true.

"...I'm not kidding. So it's true that you're a once-in-a-hundred-years talent."

Snake stroked his chin.

But that didn't change his demeanor.

"But that is irrelevant. I cannot allow young lady to enter the Dark Hall."

"Is that because you don't want to offend my mother? Because you still love her?"

Camus's retort left Snake momentarily speechless.

And Camus's next move was even more baffling.

She untied her clothes and walked forward.

Suddenly, all of her clothes fell to the ground and she was naked without a single thread.

Camus said to Snake

"I looked just like my mother when she was young. And if I were to take you into my body, would that change the story?"

She stepped up to stand directly in front of Snake.

Camus's eyes glowed with desire, a desire so strong and so hot that it would do anything to reach its goal.

And Snake's pupils shake when he sees those eyes.

" ...Get dressed."


"Get dressed, young lady."

Snake turned his head and gestured.


The clothes rose up like a snake and wrapped around Camus's entire body.

In front of Camus, who suddenly looked like he was dressed casually.

"Don't you ever insult my feelings for her again."

The Marquis of Morg Snake shook his head.

For a moment, she stared at him in silence.

Then her mouth opened.

"Thank you for the favor. Master."