Chapter 226: Tuition (4)

Chapter 226: Tuition (4)

The next day.

Minpin opened his eyes.

"...Is this a dream?

But it couldn't be.

He woke up face-down on the cold floor, and his jaw was swollen shut.

There was nothing but a blanket covering him.

Suddenly, an ominous intuition flashed through his mind.

"Oh, no, honey, baby girl!"

Minpin kicked the floor and ran down the stairs to the second floor.


"Are you up?"

"Daddy, good morning!"

Minpin was greeted by his wife and daughter, both in good spirits.


Minpin looked dazed.

The fire was warm in the fireplace, and sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn were cooking.

The kitchen was bubbling and smelling like chicken stew.

Flower petals floated in the teacups, and outside the window, white laundry was drying in the sun and wind.


Minpin was dumbfounded by the way everything looked.

His wife and daughter's attitude toward him was no different than usual.

The house was no different from yesterday.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor? You're so heavy, I couldn't even move you. What's wrong with your sleeping habits?"

"Uh, uh, me on the floor?"

"Yeah. You were sleeping soundly on the floor. I woke you up a few times, but you didn't wake up, so I just put a blanket over you. Is your neck stiff?"

She slaps Minpin on the back.

"Uh, no. Did everything go well last night? Did a burglar get in?"

"What? A burglar? How can I hear something like that when you're here? Some big guy with a big liver...."

"Oh, no. I had a bad dream."

"Ew, that's because you sleep in a weird position! By the way, get the sweet potatoes and corn out of the fireplace – they should be ready. Oh, and leave the potatoes, I put them in a little late!"

His wife didn't know what to say.

Minpin sat down at the table and ate his wife's breakfast in disbelief.

Then, as usual, he left the house on time and headed for the guild office.

The streets were just as normal and routine as ever.

Neighbors greeting me as I left the fence, subordinates bowing to me on my way to work.

"...Was this a dream?"

But no.

My jaw was definitely knocked out and the hole in the wooden wall was still there.

So some crazy person broke into the house, punched Minpin in the jaw, and left.

He didn't even rob anything!

"What the hell was he doing?" Follow the latest novels at

Minpin shook his head in disbelief.

He vowed to be extra careful with the door tonight.

* * *

That night.

Lying in bed, Minpin closed his eyes only when he saw that his wife was safely asleep.


If only it hadn't been for another small noise from the window.

"Whoa, no way!"

Minpin looked to the window.

The madman from yesterday was standing there again.

The intruder had picked the lock and stepped over the threshold without a sound.

He was even crumpling a piece of paper in his hand, deliberately making noise to show off his ghostly presence.

Rushing- Rushing-

The scene is so eerie that it sends chills down your spine.

"... won't let me this time."

Minpin had hidden his favorite sword under his bedside table, just in case.


It's a good thing my wife is the type of person who won't notice if I go to bed with her once she's asleep.

But I can't mention this to the guild leader, so I just groan.

"If I told the Imperial Guard, I'd be laughed at. Ha, that clever bastard. You only come after me when I'm alone, so what's this...."

Who in the world would believe that a man over six feet tall was constantly stalking and assaulting me?

For the first time in his life, Minpin could only feel frustrated.

Just then.

"Guildmaster. Your request has arrived."

The adjutant waved a stack of papers in front of him.

There were fewer this time. Only one sheet.

Minpin narrowed his eyes.

"It's the off-season and we still get requests?"

"Uh, yeah. They've been sending me statements for days. It's the same person every time."


Minpin realized something was wrong.

Each time, the new statement was in bad shape.

It must have been written on new paper, and it was badly wrinkled.

"What's wrong? Isn't this a new order? Why is it crumpled?"

"I don't know, he always comes in and leaves with a crumpled one. He's a student at the academy I told you about."

"... Academy? Who is that?"

"You know who it is, a young man from the Colosseo. The one the guild leader sent back with a glass of milk."


I suddenly remember. I remembered the outrageous client who came and chased me away.

"Whatever. I have no intention of joining in the fun of the rich and famous...."

This time, Minpin didn't think much of it and just crumpled it up.


At that moment.

Minpin stiffened as if struck by lightning.

He'd heard that crumpling sound before.


Minpin quickly moved his hands, unfolded the request form he had just crumpled, and crumpled it again.


This paper is made of a special material, so its crinkling sound is slightly different from other papers.

It was definitely the unpleasant noise of a nighttime intruder.

So why was the request form, which he always crumpled up and threw in the trash in his office, back here?

Minpin looked back at the adjutant and stammered.

"Are you, are you... cleaning my room these days?"

"What? Yes, I do, all the time."

"And the trash can in your room, do you empty it?"

"I haven't emptied it, because it's always empty."

The adjutant's words shocked Minpin.

He'd thrown the request form in the guild office trash a few days ago.


Some lunatic sends a request and then picks it up from the trash and puts it back again and again.

And it's been raiding in the night, fumbling with it!

"What the hell, what kind of crazy person does this...!"

Minpin's face turned blue as he opened the request fully.

<Request Form

Name: Vikir

Affiliation: Colosseo Academy

Request: Hire a guide

Purpose: Defeating monsters

The paper is crumpled and barely recognizable.

Minpin is staring at it with a blank expression.


An unfamiliar voice came from behind the adjutant.

Behind the adjutant who was expressing his disapproval that he was not allowed to come in here, Minpin had a blank expression on his face.

'This is a warning.'

A first-year student at Colosseo Academy. Vikir.

"Do you feel like taking on a request now?"

He was speaking in the same voice as the intruder from last night.