Chapter 252: Five Stars (2)

Chapter 252: Five Stars (2)

The quest for five stars had come to an unfortunate end.

'I thought it would be easy, but I never thought it would be this easy....'

Vikir was just about to turn away in disbelief when Hugo stopped him.

"Hey. Son, since you've been home for so long, why don't you get yourself a 'promotion'?"

One of Vikir's eyebrows twitched as Hugo spoke soothingly to the Pomeranian.

"Promotion. Literally, an increase in rank within the House. RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

"From now on, I will appoint you as a 'Senator'."

It was Hugo, making such a huge statement seem so casual.


Vikir was silent for a moment.

What is a Senator?

Beneath the Senate and above the House of Representatives, the backbone of power, capable of carrying countless hounds.

Unlike the House of Representatives, who are primarily responsible for the affairs of the House, Senators are also responsible for affairs outside of the House, and are granted enormous power to fulfill their duties.

In fact, a senator's only consolation is his or her family name.

Of course, in reality, it's also the seventh counts and the senate, so considering that the throne of power and the Seven Counts, which is the fifth position in the Baskerville family's hierarchy, are also in the same senatorial rank, and the Senator is an honorary position for those who have retired from active service, the senators can be said to be the highest power in the family.

"Probably, even if you look back at the family's history for about a hundred years, you're the youngest senator."

"Thank you. I'll do my best."

At Hugo's words, Vikir nodded silently.

Hugo might have been a little silly after Pomeranian showed up, but he was still a determined man.

Hugo had promoted Vikir to Senator, but he had also thought about his future duties.

"You're a senator, but for the time being, you're free to roam as you are now. Your title is still 'Provincial Correspondent'."

Currently, Vikir was known within Baskerville as a 'special agent' rather than an 'academy student'.

Unlike the Highbro, Midbro, and Lowbro, who were actually traveling to the Imperial Family to study, Vikir was tasked with identifying and secretly assassinating forces hostile to the Baskervilles in the Imperial Family.

The 'student at the Colosseo Academy' status is merely one of the agent's cover stories.

Hugo continued.

"I will extend your assignment for as long as you wish. However, if you feel your work is done, return to your family and assume your duties. The position of Magistrate of Underdog City is still vacant."


And so, at the age of 18, Vikir officially became a Senator, a member of the House.

As the backbone of power, the Senator enjoys a number of privileges.

For starters, he could appoint eight aides at his discretion, without reporting.

Once appointed, an aide is officially recognized as a member of the House of Baskerville and can take the Baskerville surname. Of course, it is not impossible to have more than eight aides, but they must report to and receive permission from the House.

Aides can be taught up to four levels of Baskerville-style swordsmanship and are provided with all medical, ceremonial, and state accommodations.

They receive a generous salary, a vehicle, all transportation expenses paid, tax exemption, selection of knights and a host of other privileges, including the ability to view imperial military secrets of the second level and above, and the right to recruit civilians for wartime service.

They can also command their own conscripted or demobilized troops, which means they can form their own armed forces.

Now that Vikir is a senator, he can form his own task force (TF).

Of course, he already has a few people lined up.

'I'll start by recruiting Cindiwendy, Chihuahua, and Minpin....'

The addition of the economically savvy Cindiwendy, the administrative master Chihuahua, and Minpin, a master of terrain and monster ecology, as well as a bit of brute force, would be a great addition to the team.

'And there's plenty of talent among the natives of Jungle.'

The first thing that came to mind was Aiyen's face.

Her archery skills, shooting mosquitoes from hundreds of feet away.

There are many other warriors and shamans in the jungle that would shock the empire.

It seemed to be a fitting end to his promotion to Senator.


...if it weren't for Pomeranian who had suddenly burst into the conversation.

"I'm going to take this!"

Vikir looked down at Pomerian's hands, searching for something.

Pomerian was holding a small book.


Pomeranian flipped through the pages and opened to a chapter.

It was an old myth, one that no one believed anymore, one that had been lost to history.

A book about the life of 'Morg Tzersi', one of the distant ancestors of the House of Morg.

Pomeranian showed Vikir one of the illustrations in the section.

It depicted a blackened, dead tree.

'Wraith Tree', a legendary artifact that black mages could only dream of.

It was about a strange tree that was planted by Tzersi, a master of magic.

"Close creeper!"

Pomeranian looked up at Vikir, his eyes glowing.

Feeling uneasy, Vikir turned his head slightly, and there was Hugo, his eyes shining.

"I don't know what it is, but bring it to me, son."


"I wish I could go myself, but I am currently engaged in a nerve war with Morg and cannot leave."

Currently, the Morg is busy due to the change in the leadership of the Dark Hall.

For the Baskervilles, it was an opportunity to capitalize on the chaos and expand their power.

Hugo threw something at Vikir.


It was the Black Whistle, a terrifying object that could command the entirety of Baskerville's military power.

Vikir was taken aback by the unexpectedness of the situation, but Hugo was serious.

"I'll give you the entire Knights Order if you need it. Go and get what Pomeranian wants. Ah, I guess that can replace the scroll quest."

Vikir sighed softly.

Does Hugo even know what this is and want me to bring it?

'The Wraith Tree is a real artifact.'

And even Vikir knew where it was located, thanks to his pre-regression memories.

'It's surprisingly close to the Baskerville estate, and it's a place I've been meaning to visit anyway, because....'

Vikir is practicing the 7th Baskerville Teeth.

The hint of the next level was there.

So it's a place I've been meaning to visit during my visits home.

'The level next to the Sword Master. And where the clues to the Baskerville Form 8 lie.'

I was going to investigate anyway, and now that I've taken over House Baskerville's military power, it's only fair.

I've already solved the quest for the scroll, and now all that's left to do is to meet with Decarabia the 7th Corpse, but it would be nice to have a clue about the 8th Form before then.

After all, Pomeranian is a pot belly.

"Then I'll be on my way."

Vikir patted Pomeranian on the head and turned away.

Quick Victory

I planned to finish everything in three days and return to the academy.