Chapter 270: Rich Friend (3)

Chapter 270: Rich Friend (3)

The Headmaster's office, on the edge of the Academy.

Professor Morg Banshee stepped into the dimly lit room and had to gasp in surprise.

In the darkness, a pair of blazing yellow eyes were staring at him.

"...Did you call me? Principal."

Professor Banshee opened his mouth to speak with a trembling expression.

Then a face emerged from the darkness.

A middle-aged man with a vague look. It was a long-haired man who looked somewhat friendly with a young smile on his face.

Winston Smith, the Principal of Colosseo Academy.

Principal Winston said to Professor Banshee.

"I've heard that you've done a good job of cleaning up some of the messes in this University League."

"...No, There were many shortcomings."

"Not at all. You've done an excellent job of filling in for me as principal, and I don't know what to thank you for."

At Principal Winston's words, Professor Banshee coughed once and looked away.

"You have returned to the Academy after a long absence. Have you accomplished what you set out to do?"

At Banshee's question, Winston nodded with a faint smile.

"During training, I had a mana surge and had a difficult time, but I made it through."

"...That's good to hear."

Banshee glanced away and looked at the hilt of a sword beside Winston's hand.

The Winter Sword 'Orwell', Winston's favorite weapon that looks like the horn of a unicorn. It is a legendary sword that only those who have attained the highest level of mastery are allowed to wield it.

Winston was in the midst of a grooming session when it slipped out of its sheath.

So the white lower part of the blade, the black middle part, and the reddish upper part were visible.



Banshee noticed something strange.

There was a large scratch on the hilt of Orwell's sword, a sword that was said to be able to break a thousand swords and not leave a scratch.

It looked like an arrow mark or a snake slither.

'What in the world happened to that sword to cause it to be damaged?'

As Banshee stared curiously at the sword, Winston spoke softly to him.

"I heard that Professor Sady got into a lot of trouble while I was away on sabbatical?"

"...more than I can say, which is why I've been putting together this report."

Banshee reached out and slammed the mountain of papers onto the table.

With a thud!

A mountain of reports crashed onto the table.

Winston broke out in a cold sweat as he laughed in embarrassment.

"...Haha, ha. This must have been a lot for Vice Principal Morg."

"Sady is not fit to be a professor, and to be honest, she's a criminal who should be locked up in the far-off 'Nouvelle Vague Prison', not in a academy."

"Don't be so hard on her. Isn't she the last descendant of the Marquises of Sade, who were so prestigious before the unification of the Empire?"

"The previous Marquis of Sade, who was the patriarch of that house, is also currently imprisoned in Nouvelle Vague."


Winston sighed lightly.

Why shouldn't he know about Professor Sady, who's been getting into trouble here and there.

"Still, it's best to keep her inside the Academy. We can't send her back to the imperial court, and we can't have the descendants of high-ranking nobles living in poverty."

"We've got finals and parent-observed classes coming up, and the final ranking battle is going to be a huge event with all the parents in attendance, and if Professor Sady causes trouble again like she did during the midterms, we're really going to be out of control."

"Let's just keep her out of the actual work as much as possible."

" ...If that's what the principal thinks."

He asked Dolores to do one thing: find a handful of competent people to do office, administrative, and other secretarial work.

Dolores happened to create a temporary club under the pretext of a mock investment competition hosted by the Bourgeois family.

The club was created apparently to participate in a competition organized by the Bourgeois family.

However, the money that is being funneled through it is all real money, and it will eventually become a sharp knife that will cut the throat of the demon lurking in Bourgeois Family.

When Dolores was thinking about various things in her mind.

Knock knock knock-

The door to the empty classroom opened and two students entered.

Two applicants were selected after defeating numerous competitors after a rigorous written test and interview.

They were Piggy and Sinclair.

"Hey, guys."

Dolores stood up from her seat.

Piggy, who had demonstrated exceptional intelligence and analytical skills despite being a freshman, and Sinclair, who was nearly flawless in her administrative, office, and secretarial duties.

"Ms. Chairwoman, just like you said, I've been gathering all the information on the Bourgeois family's celebrities and their latest happenings!"

"I've been analyzing the schedule, organization, and structure of the mock competition to perfection."

Hearing their answers, Dolores felt reassured and smiled with pride.

The information and skills Night Hound needed were now in place.

Dolores was careful to make sure that the Oracle looked like a group of honors students from Colosseo Academy.

'These children must never be caught in the act.'

Soon, the battle with the demon would begin.

Dolores even had a plan to get Piggy and Sinclair out before then.

Then. Sinclair asked.

"Ms. Chairwoman. It's a mock investment, so why do you need seed money?"

"Well, actually, it's just a mock investment, but we're actually going to make an investment."


Sinclair's eyes widened at the audacity of the idea.

So did Piggy.

Dolores spoke again.

"Literally. We're going to win the mock investment competition, and at the same time, we're going to manage real money and make a huge profit. Of course, I'll take full responsibility for any damage that might be caused."

"I-Is there a reason you're doing that?"

"First, because I'm sure of it. Second, to leave a strong impression."

Sinclair and Piggy exchanged glances at the certainty in Dolores' voice.

If Dolores, the student council president, saying this, there was no reason not to do it.

In any case, the seed money is Dolores's own money, and even if she loses it, Dolores takes responsibility.

Besides, isn't she a genius who stands out in all fields?

"I can't believe the chairwoman is saying this! I'll contribute a small amount of seed money!"

"Me too! I'm entering the competition with the intention of winning in the first place, so I'll show you what I'm made of! I'll give you every penny I've got!"

In any case, Piggy and Sinclair realized that they couldn't do well in the competition on their own.

With Dolores on board, they were going to give it their all.

" guys."

Dolores looked at Piggy and Sinclair, impressed.


Sinclair looked back at Piggy as if she'd just remembered something.

It made Dolores' eyes widen.

"...Really! Should I ask my brother to join us? I'm sure he'd be a great help!"

It was a statement that was somewhat concerning.