Chapter 332: The Mating Room (2)

Chapter 332: The Mating Room (2)


[9th underground floor, 'Dragon Majin's Laboratory' -Mating place/Object code 12B-S73062190/Human/Classification: 1 pair]

[Conditions for 2 people have been met]

[Creating a mating environment]

[1st time limit 10:00:00]



Unidentified notification sounds rang out loudly.

However, the girl in the center of the warren didn't seem to understand the situation.

"Humans? Mating? What does this mean? There are no fairies here...."

She brushes the sawdust out of her white hair with her hands.

Eyes as big as a deer, face as gentle as a puppy. The cloak she wears, symbolizing the first year of Colosseo Academy, is torn and stained with blood.

Sinclair, Bourgeois J Sinclair.

She stood on the sawdust of the warrens here.


Vikir hunkered down on the hill and thought for a moment.

But there was no way to hide all the way in the barely spacious warren.

What's more, Sinclair would soon realize that there was a two-person limit to the warren.

'We'll have to hold hands.'

After assessing the situation, Vikir turned to Sinclair.

"Hey. Here."


Hearing Vikir's voice, Sinclair instantly crouched down and assumed an alert stance.

Her face was as rigid as ever, a sign of the trouble she'd been through in the tower.

But Sinclair's expression quickly softened when she realized it was Vikir's voice calling her.

She broke into a wide smile and started to run.

"Brother, My brother, fell here too! Ah, ah ... Isn't this something you'll like... I guess I was so excited for a moment because I saw a familiar face."

"Did you also go through hellhounds and blood daylily?"

"...Yes. You too?"

Sinclair was happy to see Vikir, but regardless of her expression, signs of hardship were evident all over her body.

Her clothes were stained with blood, and she had lost a lot of weight.

She seemed to have suffered more in her mind than in her body.

Vikir wondered how many levels Sinclair had warped from.

"Did you meet with the Shadowless King of the Black Sea?"

"No? What level of mission is that? I came over from the 5th floor."

Apparently, Sinclair had done a different mission on the same floor as Vikir.

"What was the mission on the fifth floor?"

Vikir asks, and Sinclair suddenly pauses.

She hesitated, and then looked at Vikir.

"It was...."

Just as she was about to open her mouth.

A loud bang!

Suddenly, the cage shook once.


Vikir quickly jumped up and ran down the hill.

He looked around to find the source of this sudden earthquake.

... thump! ... rumbling, rumbling, rumbling!

The loud noises and vibrations were definitely coming from the mating room next door.

"...What is that?"

Sinclair came to stand beside Vikir, his expression a mixture of wariness and wonder.


The female shook her head to clear it, and then slapped the male on her back with her wings, knocking him off.

The male sprawled on the ground and tried to get back up, but she was having none of it and stabbed him with her scythe.


Giant Mantis are enemies in their own right and top predators in the Black Mountains.

Their physical prowess rivals that of a Graduator-class knight, and they are comparable to Masters in terms of strength and the sharpness of their scythes.

Their mental prowess is so great that countless mages of the mental realm have attempted to tame them and failed.

Is that why? Fully grown, the massive female spreads her wings, clearing away all the blue mist, and lunges at the male.

She would not mate with such an inferior individual, not even in death.

Just then.


[Entering mating environment]

[Begins third attempt]



Another external intervention has begun.


The ceiling, which was filled with darkness, opened, and two giant hands shot out.

The backs of the hands covered in blue scales, fingers with sharp nails at the ends.

They grabbed the two struggling mantis, one each, and began to squeeze them down.

They grabbed the hips of the female mantis as she struggled, swinging her scythe, and then grabbed the hips of the male mantis as he struggled to escape.

Like a violent trainer forcing a dog to mate, the female is held down and the male is squeezed in front of a huge, irresistible force.

And with that, the mating of the two mantis is over.

The blue hand slipped back through the darkness of the ceiling as if it had no regrets.

The overwhelmed male fell to the floor and began to shiver, while the female, who had been stressed to the breaking point, slit his throat with her scythe.


The female mantis then proceeded to chew on the severed head of the male mantis.

And then the severed neck, chest, stomach, intestines, and toes.


The blue mist was completely gone.

When the female mantis had finished eating the male mantis, she wandered around the enclosure on her own, until she was picked up by the blue hand that reappeared and carried to the other side of the room.

It was a room that had been labeled "spawning room" on a sign earlier.

Next to the spawning room where the forcibly impregnated female mantis had been transferred, another spawning room was already piled high with monster eggs that had undergone a similar process.

A truly horrifying sight.

"...This is a scary place."

Vikir muttered in a low voice.

Now he understood. Why the fairies had sent him down here.

A place to fight to the death, to mate to the death, to give birth to the death, to be bled to the death, to be caged to the death.

It was a terrifying place where all animals and plants, including humans, were reduced to experimental livestock.

Vikir recalled what he had known about this floor before his regression.

'... Doesn't look easy at all. All or nothing, this one.'

Turning his head to look up, he sees the same kind of status window floating above the warrens on this side of the room.

[enters creating mating environment]

[1st Timeout 09:54:59]

Even as this happens, that euphemism "timeout" is getting shorter and shorter.

Apparently, the time limit is only 10 hours.

If something is not done within that time, there is a high possibility that forced intervention will occur from outside.

You know, like the "blue hand" that was forcibly snapping the mantis earlier.

"Whoa... what was that? Is this some kind of cage match where monsters kill each other?"

Meanwhile, at the clear voice of Sinclair, who seemed to not yet fully understand the situation, Vickir had no choice but to place his hand on his head for a moment.

'...How do I explain this?'