Chapter 358: Voluntary Escort (2)

Chapter 358: Voluntary Escort (2)

...ttug! pakang! kkigigigig-

The BDISSEM restraint was shattered before their eyes.

At the same time, the cage bends like a stick and the whole cage collapses.

Vikir unbuckled all the restraints with a look of nonchalance on his face.

'So this is the effect of my title in the Hell Tree? That's fascinating.'

Even Vikir himself hadn't realized how easy it was to break the bindings of the BDISSEM.

-Title: 'Daylily Lumberjack'

Deals enormous additional damage to monsters in plant form.

Taunt, Confuse, Blind, Bleed, Burn, Poison, and other status abnormalities last slightly longer.

-New title: 'Leading Boatman'

? Deal massive additional damage to aquatic creatures.

Taunt, Confuse, Blind, Bleed, Burn, Poison, and other status abnormalities last slightly longer.

The untapped energy simmering within him, this was clearly the power of his title, gained within the Hell Tree.

Although it was impossible to see now that the status window had disappeared, this power had set off a strange chain reaction that had broken Bidis M's handcuffs.

'... I don't know exactly what BDISSEM material is made of, but I have a rough idea that it can be shredded by these two titles.'

After easily resolving the BDISSEM restraint, which was the only obstacle to his future plans, there are signs that things will be easier in the future.



Everyone gasped as Vikir broke the handcuffs and stepped out of the cage.

Not only Pedro, Isolde, and Thomas, but also Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad were stunned.

"Oh, my God, you broke the BDISSEM handcuffs!"

"How is that possible?"

"What, I don't know, wouldn't Professor Banshee know better?"

"I've never seen anyone break a BDISSEM. restraint before. Is that how it works?"

With no mana to spend, the only thing they can do is watch the battle between Pedro, Isolde, Thomas, and Vikir.

It was then that Pedro, Isolde, and Thomas showed their true colors.

"I don't know how you managed to get out of the BDISSEM. restraints, but there's no way you could have done it on your own."

"On the contrary, it's a good thing. It gives me a chance to tear you apart myself and earn my master's approval."

"You've only ever dealt with lowly contractors, haven't you? Today you've met a real one."

The three of them opened up completely to the power the demon had given them.

The black blood they had kept hidden in the depths of their hearts pumped through their muscles.

As the demon blood began to flow in the veins of their bodies, the appearance of their human skins began to change.

...udeudeug! ppudeudeudeug!

Vikir had seen this before.

Most recently, perhaps, when he encountered the demonized underdog within the Hell Tree.



[Pooh-pooh... huug!]

Then three giant demons looked down on Vikir.

Whoosh! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

The flames and magical magnetic fields from the demons' metamorphosis ripped through the deck.


Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad quickly scrambled out of the way of the spurred storm.

Even with their mana depleted, they used their extreme physical strength to put distance between them and the demons.

...cheombeong! ...cheombeong! ...cheombeong! ...cheombeong!

It was a blessing in disguise that he was now running on water, stomping his feet like a madman.

Unlike the other two idiots, he thought he was going to make it home alive.

... But it soon became apparent that this was an illusion.

"Too late, you should have turned around and run when you saw the handcuffs break."

Vikir was now holding Pedro's back without a sound.

'Uh, how?'

Pedro felt a chill run down his spine.

He'd been running on the surface of the water, spurred on by his incredible speed.

But how had Vikir gotten here without a sound or a sign of what or where?

Pedro turned his head, and his heart leapt to his throat in surprise.

pang- paang- pang!

Vikir was following him, kicking through the air, stepping on bubbles and droplets of water that popped up with each stroke.

"It might have been a little awkward if you'd self-destructed and blown up the ship."


"But it's too late for that, you should have done that before you jumped into the water."

Vikir sliced off Pedro's limbs in a flash, then dug his fingers into the back of his neck.

Like removing a bomb's detonator, Vikir ripped out the nerve bundles inside Pedro's neck, sending him sprawling back to the surface.


Vikir landed on the railing with a limbless Pedro in his hand and Isolde and Thomas at his feet.

It had all happened so fast.





Isabella, Banshee, Mozgus, and Lovebad could only stand there with their mouths half open, unaware that their powers had returned.

But even though they are convoys, they don't dare to restrain Vikir again.

The atmosphere doesn't even call for him to be handcuffed again now.

In the first place, Vikir didn't care about them at all.

Vikir crouched down on the floor and turned to Pedro, Isolde, and Thomas.

"Your masters will be quite sad when they find out."

Probably three of the remaining Ten Corpses had sent them. with the plan to blow up the ship by self-destructing in the middle of the ocean.

But now that all that has come to naught, all that remains is the interrogation.

Pedro, Isolde, and Thomas snorted as Vikir gave them a look that demanded answers.

[Just kill me].

[We can't betray our master].

[We're not blowing anything up].

The demons were determined.

But Vikir only smiled weakly at the sight of it.

For a moment, unease flashes across their faces, the first time they've seen Vikir smile since the convoy began.

Then, sure enough, Vikir spoke up, a hint of anticipation in his tone.

"Yes, please don't blow."

The stress of the trial process had been building up quite a bit.

He planned to blow it off before going to prison.