Chapter 376: The Hounds of Nouvelle Vague (2)

Chapter 376: The Hounds of Nouvelle Vague (2)

The dreamlike Christmas was over in the blink of an eye.

And then they were back to the same old hellish labor.

...ttang! ...kkaang! ...ttang!

Everywhere, prisoners were breaking stones and digging up soil. The sounds of sulfurous gas, steam, and lava were erupting.

Since the discovery of the mysterious explosives in the labor camp on Level Nine, the work had changed a bit.

Where the guards had previously formed a panopticon-like formation to keep an eye on the prisoners, this time the guards have moved to the perimeter instead of the center.

This was due to Colonel D'Ordume's orders to keep the guards as far away from the explosives as possible.

It was also a strategic move to take advantage of the temporary chaos to make it easier to subdue rioting prisoners with concentrated firepower.

However, it is inevitable that there would be errors, large and small, in the process of changing the original system.

The response of the guards, who would normally be able to intervene immediately in the event of laziness or disputes among the inmates, was slowed down even slightly as they adjusted to the change.


Vikir, who had noticed the change, had his eye on a figure since earlier.

"...Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

Sakkuth. He'd been acting a little out of sorts since they'd met at the diner on Christmas Day yesterday.

His gaze, which usually darts from top to bottom in a condescending manner, is now directed from bottom to top.

His bloodshot eyes, the corner of his tmouth twitching, the profanity he recited like a mantra and his obsession with "him" made him look like a definite maniac.

And before anyone knew it, it was lunchtime.

While all the prisoners were enjoying their ten-minute break, Sakkuth walked into a canyon between the red rock mountains and pulled at his hair.

"What happened? How did this happen....?"

He was biting down his fingers beyond his nails.

"Queen, boss, master, what's going on, you said you'd get me out, why haven't I heard from you for two years, you told me to go into Nouvelle Vague and serve 'Him', you said you'd make sure I go out. Of course, I didn't make it into Level Nine because I wasn't good enough, but that doesn't mean you're going to leave me like this. Why aren't you coming to rescue me? When am I going to get out of here, from this hellish servitude, please...."

The mumbling didn't stop, despite the fact that the first word was nearly torn from his fingers and covered in blood.

Vikir, meanwhile, was listening to the mutterings from a distance.

'...It tastes good.'

He was always a bit of a weirdo, but not that weird.

Apparently, like Vikir, he had infiltrated this place with a purpose.

But there was a crucial difference between Vikir and Sakkuth.

Vikir doesn't count on others to help him achieve his goals. He does everything by himself and in silence.

Sakkuth, on the other hand, is desperately waiting for someone else to help him achieve his goals.

This created a huge difference between the two.

'This is what separates the predator from the prey.'

Vikir leaned against the wall and watched Sakkuth in silence.

Meanwhile, Sakkuth was becoming increasingly unstable.

"If it's been a while and I haven't heard from you, that means you've abandoned me. You've abandoned me. No news from the outside world, that's it. It's because I didn't make it to Level Nine. That's why the Boss, the Queen, abandoned me."

Just then.


A horn blared, signaling the resumption of labor.

He could hear the guards shouting.

"Here we go!"

"Hurry up and get to work, scum!"

No one would rush to fight him, not knowing what kind of plague he might catch.


"I'll stay."

Kirko said firmly.

She drew a long sword from her belt and slung it over her shoulder.

"I'll buy as much time as I can, and you, seniors, bring in someone capable of resolving this situation as soon as possible."

At Kirko's words, the other guards began to look at each other.

"Uh, yeah. If it's Kirko, then...."

"She's only a lieutenant, but she's better than most of the captains."

"That's right, she's as good as a senior officer."

"Good, Kirko, I want you to stay behind. We'll go get some reinforcements!"

"Your brave sacrifice will not be forgotten! It will be reflected in your performance review at the end of the month!"

With that, everyone runs off, not sure who's first.

Kirko, alone, with no juniors or subordinates, stood watching his seniors and comrades leave.

And then.

huug- hug-

The sound of ragged, anxious breathing came from behind her.

Swallowing hard, Kirko slowly turned her head.

Behind her stood a plague monster, probably crazy.

And for Kirko, with her skills, it would be impossible to fully subdue him.

'But it must be done.'

It's better for one of us to venture out than for all of us to die.

She would rather perish violently here than engage in collusion among those who care about each other's interests.

Having her mind made up, Kirko looked back with a fierce glare.

Then, through the red mist, she saw a blurry shadow approaching.

At the same time, Kirko's eyes widened.



Shaky legs, anxious breathing.

It was Garm Nord, a.k.a. "Stupid Garm," who remained behind Kirko.

"You, why didn't you go?"

"How can I give up my courage and go on...?"

The words themselves weren't bad, but his voice was as shaky as his legs, which didn't make him sound very cool.

Kirko let out a heavy sigh.


A twisted, maniacal laugh came from somewhere.

Kirko and Garm turned in surprise, and there stood Sakkuth, tears streaming from his eyes.

His eyes were so wide that they were torn open. His mouth was torn open to the base of both ears and dirty drool was dripping from it.

"That's it. Just kill them all and get out of here. Kurururu-"

He looked like he'd gone completely insane.