Chapter 415: End game (9)

Chapter 415: End game (9)


The clash between Vikir and Orca smashed and crumbled everything in its path.

Regardless of whether something was touched by human hands or not, it was an equal ending.

Mountains, hills, outer walls, watchtowers, shafts, piers... all collapsed.

And solitary confinement was one of them.


Numerous solitary confinement cells collapsed. Everything, nothing left.

kwagig- peopeong!

Each time one of Souare's strange structures, such as a cell or a mold, collapsed, skeletal mummies would emerge from within.

...Only one man survived: Marquis de Sade.

The one human being that even the harsh conditions of Level 9 could not contain.

In fact, his presence was so great that it was rumored that the Nouvelle Vague existed solely to imprison Marquis de Sade.

... Jeez!

Vikir took a step backwards at the creepy sensation that shot through his body.

It felt like countless snakes were licking his entire body.

He felt this even though they hadn't made eye contact and were just looking at him.

'...I should have known it when I heard the name Angajumang.'

As he had suspected, the identity of 'Old Man Angajumang' was none other than the Marquis de Sade.

The warmonger who had once incited 47 families to stage a coup, the madman who wanted to return to the days of war, when only the strongest could survive.

He was free again.

"Pushishishi- It's been a while since I've moved my body."

Marquis de Sade moved his skinny arms back and forth.

Each twist of the joint made a dull noise, like something popping and breaking.



Professor Sady, next to me, called out to Marquis de Sade.

Her voice trembling slightly, unlike her.

Sady and Sade.

"Is that you, Sady? Oh, dear. You've grown up so much since I last saw you."

"Hohoho- I went to great effort to save my grandfather, but you'll still be nice to me, won't you?"

"No matter how, come here and hug this old man."

Sady staggered to her feet, covered in blood, and hugged Marquis de Sade.

Marquis de Sade, too, smiled warmly and stroked Sady's hair.

"Thank God you're alive, my dear."

"I'm glad my grandfather is safe."

"I thought our family line was dead, but now there's a day of sunshine."

"What? I'm not looking for a man."

"I'm only saying that because I'm thinking of meeting a woman."

Sady and Marquis de Sade were laughing heartily and chatting.

The atmosphere was so peaceful and relaxed that, for a moment, one might mistake it for a café terrace in the middle of a quiet morning.

But the peacefulness was short-lived.

"You finally crawled out, Angajumang."

Orca growled, his voice like boiling water.

Marquis de Sade turned his head, a bored expression on his face, and met Orca's gaze.

"Long time no see, old Orca. You live so long without dying."

"That's not what I want to hear from you."

Orca immediately picked up his club.

He swung it with all his might at the Marquis de Sade.

"Oh, you're going to persecute an old man, unarmed and empty-handed? That's really too much."

Marquis de Sade smirked and picked up the whip from the floor.

"Granddaughter, I'll borrow your whip."


peopeong- chalalalag!

He swung it back at Orca's flying club.

The heavy iron on the tip of Orca's club met the heavy iron on the tip of Marquis de Sade's whip.


A loud explosion erupted, too loud to be believed to be metal on metal.

Sparks and shards of aura scattered in all directions, upsetting the already devastated landscape once more.

jjeojeog- jjeojeojeojeog-

The air and ground around them shattered like glass as the two ferocious forces collided.

Meanwhile, just a few feet away from the center of the maelstrom, Aiyen asked Vikir.

"What do you think we should do, run away?"

"...No. In a way, this is good timing."

Vikir shook his head.

Maybe he could take advantage of their fight.

'Timing. I have to get the timing right.'

The confrontation between Orca and Marquis de Sade was indeed frightening.

Simply glaring at each other and exuding momentum is enough to warp the terrain, but what happens when they unleash their full power?

...The results were starting to play out in real time right now.


Orca kicked the ground and rushed forward.

Marquis de Sade chuckled and took a step back.

Orca charging like an angry killer whale and Marquis de Sade flying like a pale ghost.

Both of them were holding strong power in their hands, as if they were trying to win the battle with one blow.


Orca channeled all of his aura into the tip of his club.

A tidal wave of energy washed over Marquis de Sade.


Marquis de Sade shortened his whip.

And he rotated the aura that was previously immobilized by the BDISSEM restraints.


Combination. The explosive power and momentum of a punch, a technique that would settle the match in a single blow, was embodied in the whip.

Just then.


Vikir stepped between them.

kuleuleuleuleug! kwaleuleung!

8th Form of Baskerville. The Black Sun fell between Orca and Marquis de Sade.



Orca and Marquis de Sade were greatly disconcerted by the sudden turn of their one-on-one fight into a three-way battle, but they could not take back the blow that had already cost them their lives.

Then, a tidal wave of black from Orca's club, a serpent of strikes from Marquis de Sade's whip, and Vikir's Black Sun descended upon the same spot in unison.

And there was one who moved swiftly ahead of them.

"West, take it!"

It was Aiyen.

She stretched out her hands with all her might.

Toward the blue glowing orb in front of them, Poseidon!


A ferocious explosion occurred near the root, and the ground shook in the aftermath.


Poseidon was pulled out of the ground.

It dropped from the ground like an onion with roots sprouting out of it, and soon rolled tumbling down the slope.

Toward the very spot where Orca and Marquis de Sade were gathering for Vikir's blow!

At the same time.


A blinding light and a tremendous roar erupted.

Aiyen barely covered her ears.

Vikir felt his eardrums burst and blood flow.



The explosion was so loud that even D'Ordume and Souare, who were watching, fell to the ground clutching their ears.

And at the same time.

...! ...! ...! ...!

After being hit by three different types of shockwaves, Poseidon's state began to change.


The sound of an eggshell cracking.

...It sounded like something was hatching.