Chapter 435: Dreaming the Impossible Dream (1)

Chapter 435: Dreaming the Impossible Dream (1)


The sudden crack in the air was enough to scare Passamonte.

"What's this!?"

What happens inside the Hell Tree is unknown to anyone but its master, Amdusias himself.

Passamonte was horrified to see the blazing portal and the sword protruding from it.

Suddenly, a thick fog formed in front of his eyes, and he began to hear and see strange things.

'...He's a good person.'

A voice as weak and unsteady as the last breath of a dying animal, unknown in source and identity.

Passamonte's ears flicked back, and a strange vision began to form before his eyes.

Swamps of blood and flesh, mountains of bones, an atmosphere drained of all mana, and giant mushroom clouds rising over the distant horizon.

...And an endless, barren desert.

...A massive tower stands tall in the middle of the desert.

...An old man in black walking lonely and alone toward the Tower.

Each vision pierces his mind in fragmented pieces.

"What, these are Amdusias's memories, what did that bastard see before he died?"

Passamonte rubbed his temples as if he was dumbfounded.

An undiscovered substance that twisted the laws of causality. Something with the power to close spaces opened by demons.

It probably has something to do with that sword that's creating the cracks before his eyes.

... Then, it tore open the gate to the Hell Tree, revealing Vikir within.

Passamonte asked in disbelief.

"What did you tear open the Hell Tree with? It doesn't seem to be the sword's inherent power."



Passamonte repeated his puzzlement at Vikir's short answer.

But he was under no obligation to answer the question.

Vikir drew his blade out at length.

"Find out for yourself."

At the same time, the fastest and most efficient swordsmanship, the 4th Baskerville Form, unfolded.

Passamonte grunted and jumped to his feet as Vikir's killing blow stretched out as naturally as breathing.


The stone pillar shattered into pieces, raising a cloud of dust.

Behind Vikir stood Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair, all of whom also wore grim expressions.

And as the dust cleared, the true enemy hiding in the Don Quixote family appeared before them.

Black armor, black skin underneath, and an all-encompassing blackness that obscured his eyes and nose, but revealed his white, sharp teeth.

He held a large spear in his hand, and his lower body was fused with the body of a black horse, with only the horse's head remaining as a skeleton.

With a searing aura covering his entire body like a mane, the black knight was no longer named Don Quixote La Mancha Passamonte.

<Cimeries the 4th Corpse>

Danger Rating : S+

Size: ?

Found in: 'Serpent's Womb', deep within the Gate of Destruction

-Also known as '4th Corpse'.

One of the Ten Plagues, natural enemies of mankind, incomprehensible and unkillable.

"A swarm of reckless frogs shall arise."

– The Ten Commandments 10: Top –

'Reckless Knight' Cimeries.

It was the appearance of the sixth mastermind of the Age of Destruction.

Vikir gave a brief warning to his comrades behind him.

"His breath will give you an unfounded sense of confidence and exaltation that will cloud your judgment. Avoid breathing as much as possible in close combat."

Like a frog that puffs up its belly to match its size with a bull, only to have its skin burst and die, Cimeries has a strange ability to make its enemies reckless.

Combine this with the power of Dantalian and Belial, both skilled in military strategy and tactics, and the results can be devastating.

It's one of the main reasons the Alliance has lost so many battles in a row.

[Then I will respond with all my might].

With that, Cimeries pulled out a blue whistle and placed it in Pasamonte's mouth.

Tudor was the first to recognize what it was.

"That's the horn of the Invincible Cavalry!"

Cimeries had already summoned the cavalry, which was already out on the field of battle, back to the main house.

And soon, the results began to show.


A whistle sounded, and the floor began to vibrate slightly.


Tiny pieces of stone bounced and danced across the floor.

Dolores and Sinclair's faces hardened.

"This sound is...."

"It's the sound of horses running!"

The sound of countless horses galloping from far away.

Don Quixote, who heard the summons order from the head of the family, was returning with the strongest power of the Invincible Cavalry!

The two pillars that symbolize Don Quixote, the 'Invincible Cavalry' and the 'Invincible Armada'. And those who were now gathering were the full force of the Invincible Cavalry.

Tudor shouted.

"Vikir, Don Quixote's Invincible Cavalry is as powerful as the Seven Counts of Baskerville, and if they join the battle, we have no chance of winning!"

It was fortunate that the sea level had dropped too low for the Invincible Armada to reach these shores.

If it had been accompanied by a fleet bombardment, there would have been no answer.

Vikir parried a flying spear and opened his mouth.

"The Invincible Cavalry, I know their power."

Even they would have been rendered reckless by the power of Cimeries.

No matter how strong Vikir was, he would be no match for all the knights of the Invincible Cavalry who would blindly charge at him.

... However.

In the face of all these odds, Vikir remained calm.

"But there is no need to worry. I have a plan for the Invincible Cavalry."

Suddenly, beyond the tattered wall, the form of the Invincible Cavalry came into view.

Don Quixote's Invincible Cavalry, charging over the long horizon, was indeed overwhelming from afar.



A strange thing began to happen.

One of the knights who was running furiously at the forefront fell from his horse and rolled on the ground.

The horse tripped on something and fell.

kwakwakwang! ujijijig!

The same thing began to happen one after another.

The cavalry, which had been charging at a terrifying pace, was thrown to the ground along with their horses.

It was caused by a hook sprouting from the ground.

The ground was littered with tiny traps, just the right size to catch a foot in, that looked like tiny iron skewers bent into arches.

The Invincible Cavalry can't keep up with the speed of the rush, and they get caught in these traps.

Charging speeds diminished in an instant. Collapsing displays.

[No, what the hell is going on!?]

Cimeries' mouth drops open as he watches the Invincible Cavalry struggling, unable to even make it to the shoreline, let alone the main castle.

The situation was so ridiculous that even the demons were stunned.

And at the same time.


A long, reddish streamer of blood fluttered from the roof of the opposite spire.

"Hey, boyfriend, over here!"

All eyes turned to the top of the spire at the sound of a cheerful voice.

The owner of a trap for hunting only cavalry, who stuck countless skewers into the ground and bent them so that they were not visible to the eye.

A woman standing bravely with an expression that reveals the wait, confidence, and reward of the past four years.

Morg Camus stood there.