Chapter 454: Infiltration of the Water Source (3)

Chapter 454: Infiltration of the Water Source (3)

Major General Orca, a master of defensive warfare, has come to the forefront, and the siege has slowed the Leviathan's momentum.

And there was a master of offense who didn't miss a beat.


Sade. The former Marquis de Sade, Cédric de Sade, Ang-gajumang.

His eyes twinkled with amusement.

"I suppose it's my turn from here."

Marquis de Sade looked back at Major General Orca.

"You had trouble with my attack about forty years ago right? I think I'll use that tactic."

"Hung. Wasn't it ultimately blocked by my defense at that time? So you were captured."

"That's because we were vastly outnumbered, you old man."

After a lifetime of fierce battles, the two enemies joined hands.

Marquis de Sade was a man with a genius for tormenting and making others suffer.

Master of mercenary warfare who, forty years earlier, had challenged the entire empire with a coalition of only forty-seven families and had come close to decapitating the Emperor.

Marquis de Sade is also a descendant of the prestigious House of Sade, a family that has been prominent for generations.

He was also a man who received overwhelming support from survivors and successors from defeated countries that fell or were forcibly merged.

"Marquis de Sade, I will follow you!"

"Just give me the command!"

"We will be with you even in death!"

"Ooh! the glory of the past is being recreated!"

The soldiers from the former defeated nations, who didn't mix like water and oil despite being part of the same alliance, threw their full support behind Marquis de Sade in his name.

Vikir nodded at the sight.

'It's worth saving ....'

Before he regressed, he had heard Major General Orca, a fierce defender in the last days of the war, mutter.

'Sade, if only he were alive, the Human Alliance wouldn't have been pushed so far.'

A demonic brain that rivaled Dantalian in military strategy and Belial in mercenary skill.

If Marquis de Sade had been alive to fight the War of Destruction, he would have been the perfect complement to Orca's weaknesses in specializing in defense.

If even his lifelong nemesis, Major General Orca, lamented this, he would have been a great addition.

Vikir decided to take him out alive when he escaped from Nouvelle Vague.

"Pushishishi- I thought the Warring States Period was over and we'd never see such a fun war again, but here we are again, and it's so wonderful, I'll live long to see it!"

'The Strong Survive,' which was the spirit of the times throughout the Warring States Period, and the Marquis de Sade, who can be said to be the embodiment of the spirit of the strong survive, was smiling maniacally at the demon and his minions.

"Come, brave young men, follow me!"

Sade raised his whip, and a maniacal cheer erupted from behind him.

The post-war generation, the resentment and sense of defeat of being from a defeated nation, prisoners and prisoners of war from all corners of the country, united under the banner of Marquis de Sade.


The gates of Tochka opened and Marquis de Sade led his soldiers out to sweep away the poisoners.


The whip, which started moving like a giant snake, cut all the poisonous people in half within a few dozen meters in front of it.

"Pushishishi! Kill them all!"

Sade divided the men who followed him into eight groups.

The Eightfold Formation, which wiped out the demons of the Usher family at once, has been transformed again.

The Life Gate(生門), the Enlightenment Gate(景門), and the Open Gate(開門) that kept them alive.

The Injury Gate(傷門), the Surprise Gate(驚門), and the Rest Gate(休門) that cause serious injury.

Sinclair also pulled her magic back with sword-like timing and retreated.

More poisonous people arrived as reinforcements, but by then all the Allied soldiers were back inside the gates of Fortress Tochka.

* * *

The outpost at Leviathan was a victory for the Allied forces at Tochka, thanks to the division of forces between Major General Orca and Marquis de Sade.

Major General Orca's meticulous preparation and experience in countless maritime battles, coupled with Marquis de Sade's ghastly counterattacks and retreats, resulted in a victory for the Tochka Alliance.

... But the real war had not yet begun.

The siege against the poisonous people has completely exhausted all of the priests who exuded holy power.

It was doubtful that they would be able to hold off the Red Death tomorrow.

The soldiers had also been moving around vigorously, consuming more water than usual.

Tomorrow, they would indeed run out of drinking water and holy power.

There was no way to stop the second and third wave of the poisonous people attack.

Dolores said after taking a walk around the castle.

"I think they're going to try to dry us out. They've got layers and layers of siege nets outside the walls, and they're going to pick a day when the sun is shining."

At this rate, they might not last three days, let alone a week.

Eventually, Vikir had to make a decision.

"We'll go to the water source and draw water."

Leaving Tochka's security to Major General Orca and Marquis de Sade, Vikir himself would go to the water source and build a waterway.

Minpin marked a few X's on his map and handed it over to Vikir.

"This is the terrain of the water source I predicted. If you blow up the area I marked, the water will probably fill up to the moat at Tochka."

But Chihuahua seemed uneasy that Vikir was going to such a dangerous place.

"There are poisonous people of the Leviathan family out there, and it would be impossible to break through their siege lines. With the way things have changed, shouldn't we just give up on the water source...."

"No, we can't. We don't know, but the average refugee can't afford it anymore. We need to secure the water source."

Vikir knows he has no choice now that all-out war with Leviathan has begun.

Soon, an expedition to the water source is organized.

With the exception of Major General Orca and Marquis de Sade, who must defend the fortress, Vikir's supporters have gathered together.

Morg Mu Camus.

Dolores Lun Quovadis.

Bourgeois Ju Sinclair.

Don Quixote La Mancha Tudor.

Usher Poe Bianca.

Sancho Barataria.


A group of eight people, led by Vikir Van Baskerville, organized the expedition.

The goal: to draw water from a volcanic lake on the opposite peak.

"It would be suicide to lead an army. We can't afford to leave the fortress unguarded, so we'll take a small group of trusted friends to break the siege."

Everyone nodded at Vikir's words.

The plan is to sneak past the Leviathan's surveillance under cover of night.

Tudor, who was wearing an explosive belt on his stomach, asked with a very nervous expression.

"So. When are we going?"

Everyone looks at Vikir with a common question.

Vikir, gazing out into the night sky, replied with his usual casual demeanor.

"Now. Right now."