Chapter 1287 Maisie’s Strategy

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
The next day, Minos and his wives did business in the morning, having also trained and cultivated in a training area of Ruth's parents' residence.

They stayed in that house where they felt most comfortable, and those two individuals had no problem hosting them.

The only one who was having some difficulty with all this was Talia. She did not find any justification for sleeping in her parents' house to be closer to Minos...

She already had her residence, just as Maisie had before advancing to the 8th stage. So her goal of getting closer to her handsome brother-in-law had not been helped by Minos' stay at her and Ruth's parents' residence.

But on the few occasions they had since their reunion kiss, Minos and Talia would flirt with each other, sometimes kissing when no one else was around.

It was just a shame, Talia thought, that nothing else had happened so far due to a lack of better opportunities.

In any case, this woman was keeping an eye on the routine of Minos and his three wives, being this instant following them from afar as they left a restaurant.

But as Ruth's older sister watched their group from afar, Angelica approached them, intending to take them somewhere.

"Little Minos, my father wants to see you and has asked me to come and escort you to our family residence." She said as she stopped beside Ruth and Gloria and looked into the brown eyes of her nephew.

Minos remembered what that old fellow with white hair and a beard had told him the day their group had arrived at this sect. Because of this, he did not insist on refusing this and was ready to discuss the future with that person.

Abby and his other two wives understood perfectly what this was all about, and as they followed Angelica, they asked him. "What are you going to do? Have you made up your mind?"

Minos continued with a relaxed expression on his face and shook his head negatively. "No. But I can talk to the people he wants to introduce me to."

After they discussed this among themselves, they made their way to Oswald's residence, talking to Angelica about various issues relevant to their relationship. This woman had already learned from Maisie in the previous days that she should not act as if their relationship with Minos was normal.

Maisie knew that their relationship was not normal. From the times she had been with him, he was always much more approachable when she tried to suppress some of her maternal instincts. When she treated him as a person she had good feelings for, but he had no 'obligation' to return them, he was always more willing to talk.

In fact, this was Maisie's strategy to fix her relationship with her son. To approach Minos without demanding too much or expecting him to consider her as a mother, but eventually gain some of his trust.

If she could become his friend, she would be already delighted!

Angelica had heard something like this when talking to her older sister after her first meeting in years with Minos days ago and was now following that same strategy.

That way, they had no problem reaching the sect master's residence!

When they arrived, the Spiritual Saint on guard in the vicinity immediately focused his eyes on Minos, recognizing Oswald's grandson.

'That boy has a determined look in his eye!' He praised quietly, having nodded to Minos in recognition.

So Minos and his wives entered his grandparents' house, where Patience, Maisie, and Oswald were eating in the dining room of that residence.

Spiritual Saints did not have to eat, but many would do so either out of habit or to enjoy the culinary experience.

High-level dishes could also help them cultivate, which was another important reason for people like these three to do this.

"Minos, sit here! Let's eat!" Oswald said as he noticed that his grandson was over there, waving one of his hands and indicating for that young man to sit next to him.

Minos' group went towards that place but did not sit down since they had just finished eating.

"We just finished eating, so let's leave it for another time..." He said, ignoring the delicious smells of the dishes on that big table where the three Spiritual Saints were eating.

But then Angelica and Gloria sat down on chairs over there and promptly started eating.

"What? I'm hungry..." Gloria said as she saw the look on her family members' faces, seeing her holding a red vegetable in her hands as she ate it.

Seeing that, Patience ran one of her hands through Gloria's red hair and said. "It seems that our great-granddaughter is quite talented. This young lady has an admirable appetite!"

Meanwhile, Maisie watched Gloria's belly, imagining the day she could hold her granddaughter in her arms. 'Ah, soon I will be able to feed my granddaughter...'

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Spiritual Saints could produce milk in their breasts of their own volition, even without becoming pregnant. So, feeding Minos' baby would be easy for women like Maisie and Patience.

But something like that was impossible for men, even considering the physically altering ability that Spiritual Saints had.

A man in the Spiritual World could even change his appearance to look like a woman if he so wished after passing level 70. But this would not change his original sex, so he could not become pregnant or breastfeed.

The reverse was also true. A woman could change her body to look like a man, but she could not impregnate other women.

Anyway, Maisie was aware of her capabilities and could not help but wait for this moment when she could bond with her granddaughter.

Minos' other wives probably would not have the opportunity to make it to the 8th stage in time, so she would not have to compete with these women!

Minos and his wives had no idea of Maisie's plans and just laughed at Gloria, who was getting bigger daily as her pregnancy progressed.

They then sat around and talked among the people there until everyone finished eating.

"Minos, have you made up your mind?" Oswald asked as his back relaxed on the support of his chair. "I plan to introduce you to the high-level elders of the sect so you can get to know who you will be working with very soon."

"Very soon?" Minos found this unexpected. "Is it in your plans to leave the sect in the 'lap' of your successors in a short time?"

"Yes. When you reach my stage, I will leave the sect with you and go for the Divine Continent with your grandmother." He said with a smile on his face.

"I haven't given my answer yet, so you shouldn't make plans this far ahead," Minos commented as he saw the smile on that old fellow's face.
