Chapter 1382 Reactions

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect...

The master of that organization, Mortimer Burgess, level 79, had just received news from the battlefield between his forces and those of the Gray Clouds Sect.

"... After that, Emperor Minos Stuart left the battlefield, returning to the Gray Clouds Sect." The person who had reported the recent events finished notifying the leader of that sect.

Mortimer and the high-ranking elders in that area listened to all that with apprehension, trying to understand the situation.

The news of Minos taking over the Grey Clouds Sect was still only known to the elders of that organization itself and the high-ranking members of the imperial family. Besides the people directly connected to this 'circle' of people, almost no one knew about Minos' ascension in that sect.

Consequently, they were surprised that Minos suddenly became involved in their conflict with Oswald's sect.

At the same time, they listened carefully to that man's description of how destructive Minos had been against the forces of their organization.

Such a fusion of techniques from Emperor Stuart seemed tremendous. However, considering high-level cultivators could not get involved in the conflict without justified necessity, they could not help but worry.

The weapon in Minos' sleeves could threaten them!

They were not afraid of that young man ending their lives. What frightened them was that he would facilitate a turnaround in favor of the Gray Clouds Sect regarding the progress of war!

Because of this, expressions of doubt and apprehension could be seen in that central area of the Saints Killing Sect.

"He did all this?" The wife of the leader of that organization was one of the first there to say something and break the momentary silence after the words of the previous subordinate.

"It seems that Oswald's grandson is quite talented... The rumors coming from the northern region are not unfounded after all."

"Yes... And to make matters worse, our conflict with him seems predestined."

Several individuals there commented, feeling that such a young man kept approaching them no matter how hard they tried to avoid Minos.

They did not even know Minos' existence until a lucky individual from the northern region got approval from the Church and hired this sect to eliminate Emperor Stuart.

Then the families of this sect tried to eliminate him in collusion with Abe Vogel, but they failed again and tried to stay out of trouble yet again.

Now it was Minos himself who was beginning to get involved in the conflict between this sect and Oswald's organization, drawing yet another possible meeting between them.

Thinking about this, the former elder could not help but think that an encounter on the battlefield between them and the troublesome Minos Stuart was inevitable.

Mortimer heard all this and clenched his fists, lamenting the defeats he had had since the rise of Minos.

Gavin had suddenly disappeared after going to the northern region. Then, the danger of extermination was upon this sect due to the Spiritual Church constantly watching them, and now this.

Mortimer had long prepared to act against the Grey Clouds Sect and gain more powers by sacrificing that organization. However, when his sect was slowly 'dominating' the battlefield against that organization, Minos appeared as a negative variable to the plans of this local leader.

Considering this recent history, this man was quite stressed that a young Spiritual Emperor at level 67 could do so much against him.

'Bastard Stuart!'

'You must be the biggest curse I've ever faced in all my years up to this point!' He thought about this in silence, feeling that although weak, Minos had the strength of cockroaches.

He was hard as hell to kill!

"If Minos Stuart wants to play against us, we'll dance to the music!" So this level 79 man said to the command of his organization.

"What do you intend, sect master?" Someone asked as the others fell silent.

He then said. "Let's report the terrorist group acting in the Black Plain. Dispatch the information to those people that Minos Stuart is fighting two wars simultaneously."

"That will raise the temperature in that little empire of his!"


"What? Minos fought the Saints Killing Sect?" Isabella questioned one of her subordinates after hearing this urgent news from the battlefield between those two organizations.

"Yes, after becoming the sect master, he moved to the battlefield and fought against the enemies of the Gray Clouds Sect. It was reported that..." That woman gave all the information the princess needed to know, things Harold should have already heard by now.

After hearing everything that had happened in the last few hours, the heiress of this empire was pleased with Minos' performance. She felt it would help him finalize the Black Plain's current problems.

She already knew that her father would also find out this information. So, she did not waste her time and went after him, interested in continuing to help her man.

'My father must act as soon as possible to get the best deal for the empire, as well as help Minos more quickly end the tension in that state...' She thought of the best for both sides as she ran to the imperial throne hall.

Meanwhile, the emperor was already thoughtfully considering the current situation, trying to understand the best step to take now.

'Minos is becoming very strong...' His eyes narrowed. 'He can already influence the battlefield of those organizations.'

'If he settles the situation on the Black Plain, he'll be able to complete the agreement with me in a few years... Besides, he might actually be able to help me regarding the Flower Kingdom.'


While Emperor Edwardstone was considering those possibilities, Minos was already standing next to his wives, recounting what had happened in the last few hours.

Simultaneously, Oswald and the rest of that family were on the outskirts to celebrate alongside Emperor Stuart his victorious return from the battlefield.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Sarah was there, also pleased due to the laughter and good humor of the people in the surroundings.

"Oh, little Sarah..." Minos took that child in his arms, making her laugh joyfully at seeing her father after hours away from her.

But Sarah was also happy because people in the surrounding area spoke well of her father. She was pretty intelligent and understood that positive things were happening to Minos.

Hence, as a proud daughter, she could only smile, improving the mood of that whole area where her grandmother and great-grandparents were with the rest of the family.

"So, shall we return? I believe we will have problems after today, although these accomplishments are what will eventually finalize our current problems." Minos said to his wives.

He knew he would get even more problems in the short term. But that was life. Sometimes to take two steps forward, someone would have to take one back.

Minos knew that before things got better, they would get worse, so he would never regret what he had done, and he was already in the mood to start solving those problems!

Therefore, without further ado, the core of the Stuart family set off back to Dry City!