Chapter 1477 The Battle Of 150 Vs 1

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Immediately after Minos' words, 150 Soul Avatars appeared in that area, causing the spiritual energy in the surrounding area to become chaotic.

Much of the 'mass' of energy in the vicinity began to move towards them, as their soul projections attracted it to use in their techniques.

They then moved to surround Emperor Stuart, intending to impede his escape routes and improve their chances of victory.

Minos' enemies were doing this to try to achieve the possibility of killing him, as his allies did it because they wanted to avoid suffering without at least defending themselves.

And so, soon, several Soul Avatars were moving in to launch techniques against Minos while he stood with his arms open, watching them.

Suddenly, Minos smiled and simultaneously activated the Devouring Art and his innate ability, sucking the powers of his opponents.

These people could not compare to Oswald, who had a massive level 79 cultivation and was not that far from the peak of this stage. Moreover, due to the Gray Clouds Sect and Minos, that fellow had 4 Golden-grade and 4 Silver-grade techniques.

As for the people around Minos, those stronger ones had, at most, Silver-grade techniques.

The weakest, low-level Spiritual Saints, subordinates of noble families, did not even have that. They were people with Black-grade techniques and, at most, Silver-grade.

With that, even the difference between the strongest of them and Minos' grandfather was more than almost 200%, and they did not have as many protections against Emperor Stuart as that old fellow from the Gray Clouds Sect.

Thus, as if in a nightmare, several enemies of Minos among those people, and even some of his allies, felt their cultivation levels decreasing. At the same time, everyone lost their energies to his Devouring Art.

"What? my cultivation has decreased to level 73!" Someone lost focus on Minos and cried out in concern as he noticed that not only were his energies being sucked away by the black ring that appeared around his body.

Everyone on the battlefield opened their eyes wide and paled when they noticed the same thing happening to several of them.

Minos could not do that to many people. Still, he managed to use this ability on more than 10 Spiritual Saints, making several of them worry terribly about it.

But the most shocked in the area were not those who had felt their levels decreasing, but those seeing Minos reaching level 72 after only a few breaths!


"No way!" One of the local leaders shouted upon sensing this.

At that moment, the feeling of being within range of Minos' avatar increased, and everyone in the surrounding area, even those just watching, shivered.

"How can that be? What kind of ability is that?" The Spiritual Church leader for this territory wondered, feeling that under these circumstances, Minos would not lose even if there was someone at level 79 to stop him.

'Hmm, it's nice to have so many people weaker than me and susceptible to me in the area...' Minos smiled, knowing that he had only accomplished such a thing because most of those people had no resistance to his ability whatsoever.

But he could not help but lament the limits of his own ability. 'Although good, this is the most I can do with my current cultivation. I can't steal more people's cultivation, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to increase my own.'

'I could at most distribute those forces to my allies, but now I don't have anyone with me...'

And with that, amid the terror of those people, Minos activated his other abilities to show them why they should fear him.

Chaotic Gravity!

In one part of his domain, Minos made the gravity in the surroundings suddenly increase, breaking the bones and crushing the most fragile organs of those people.

Spiritual Saints could recover from physical damage easily as long as the attack did not seriously injure the part of the soul responsible for it.

Since Minos had no killing intent at this point, he only destroyed parts of those individuals' bodies without destroying parts of their souls.

But even that hurt quite a bit and diminished the fighting abilities of whatever the cultivators were.

Even if a Spiritual Saint could recover, for example, an arm lost in battle, that did not mean they would be able to fight as proficiently as they would in normal situations after losing an arm. That is, they would feel pain, be unfocused, and be unable to regenerate such a body part in time to continue fighting. Then their strength would decrease, and they would become weaker until they recovered.

So when Minos acted against some of those people, they immediately began to scream in pain, with some even plummeting from the sky.

Minos then looked at another group in the area, and his eyes flashed in rainbow colors.

Infinite Dream!

Immediately after shooting in the direction of that group, the avatars about to attack Minos missed their blows, as these people fell into the realistic illusion that would trap them for the next few days.

"Damn it!"

"How can this be happening?" The Matriarch of the Guzman family wondered as she sweated coldly, already feeling quite tired due to the Devouring Art sucking her strength away.

With Minos temporarily at level 72, his ability to absorb the energies of his opponents had improved, and even level 76 individuals were losing their energy quickly.

That was the case with that woman who had just launched an attack in Minos' direction.

Minos saw a huge spear approaching his chest and sensed the woman's murderous intent. But he did not do much to counteract it. Instead, he just activated his defensive technique, causing a protective layer to appear around his avatar.

Indestructible body!

After a millisecond, that person's spiritual weapon struck the left chest of Minos' avatar, causing all observers in the area to look on in amazement.

When such a weapon struck the chest of the golden Soul Avatar of Minos, many thought he would suffer a little. But the truth shocked everyone when such a weapon touched that projection and simply reflected in the opposite direction, flying away without scratching its target's 'skin.'

"Very weak." Minos said for everyone to hear him, showing those people that not even attacking with large parts of the strength of one of the strongest in this territory could harm him.

But with this attack, he decided to get a little more aggressive to show these people what they might have to deal with if they exceeded his limits.

"Let me show you what a strong attack is..."

Chaotic Gravity: Meteors of Destruction!

Minos linked his two hands together and pressed them against each other, causing the energy in his surroundings to track through the body of his soul projection and then condensing several black spots of energy in his surroundings.

When he did this, the ground kilometers below him began to crack, frightening tens of thousands of inhabitants of that city.

Then, in the blink of an eye, several pieces of houses and buildings flew towards the dark balls of energy, starting to form several giant meteors.

Then Minos opened his hands and made these things fly in different directions!

"Oh, shit..."