Chapter 2104 Returning to the Continent of Beasts

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2104 Returning to the Continent of Beasts

When the bodies of the last two Demigods fell to the ground, the battle on this island of terrorists was finally over!

After a few minutes of fighting, Minos and his two subordinates had eliminated all the opponents in the area, with this emperor being responsible for more than 99% of the deaths there.

Even after killing so many people with his supreme weapon, Minos didn't seem tired!

With the progress he had made since the last time he used his supreme weapon, Minos could now withstand the use of the Divine Sword without any major losses. Before, he would have had to sacrifice months of cultivation or use a very high-level resource to fully recover. Now, all he needed was a few days of meditation, and he would be back to 100% of his best.

The two Demigods, still at level 96, realized this as they looked at Minos, feeling great respect for him but also awe.

Thinking that they had almost fought this man to death, they couldn't help but feel their mortality as they realized how close they had come to death.

"Your Majesty is truly impressive." One of them commented. "We only managed to kill four people before you ended it all, haha."

"Hmm, fortunately, we escaped His Majesty's move." The other man commented as he looked at his partner and then at Minos. "But Your Majesty, please warn us before you use something like that next time. Your attack nearly killed us."

"Really?" Minos laughed as he felt his Divine Sword disappear, and the fatigue set in. "You were so strong, I thought you'd get away easily." This material is derived from n0velbin¶

"Don't joke, Your Majesty. We've never been this close to death before." The other one said, knowing that Minos was joking with them.

"It's all over now." Minos sighed as he sat on the ground and prepared to meditate. "Collect all the items from the spatial rings from the bodies nearby and the bodies in the area. Then I want you to search this island and keep anything that might be of use to us. I'll give you new orders when I finish my meditation."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two immediately set about doing what they were told to do: collecting the belongings of the dead, cataloging them, and then storing the bodies of the dead as requested.

They didn't know why, but as Minos' subordinates, they would do as they were told!

"Time to go back." One of them said as he looked opposite to where Minos had gone.

The two of them left the area, heading back to the Central Continent, where news of the fall of the terrorist leaders would soon spread.

After that day, the information of the end of the terrorist group defending the capitulation of the Spiritual World would become public, leading to the weakening of the rebel cause around the world.

Few would actually know who was responsible for the end of the terrorist movement, but everyone would seize the moment.

With the end of the terrorists, tensions would ease somewhat in the places most affected by the radicals. At the same time, states and organizations worldwide could better focus their attention on what is most important.

The beginning of the ice age and the arrival of the aliens!


Days after the death of the leaders of the terrorist group, Minos finally arrived on the Continent of Beasts after a long but very quiet journey.

But compared to the months-long sea voyage he had made with his old crew a few years ago, this voyage passed in the blink of an eye.

Arriving in these lands, Minos sighed as he remembered the companions he had gained in this area who had fallen on his journey to the North Sea.

Some had died before reaching the North Sea, while others had perished fighting the alien robots.

Either way, Minos considered them all his companions. When he arrived on this continent, he couldn't help but think of them all, including Bella, the Nine-Tailed Fox who had died in the North Sea.

'I'll take care of the Gorgons first and then pay a few visits to this continent.' He planned as he opened a spatial rift, aiming for the location of the Gorgon Tribe.

It was time for him to meet the beings who had caused him the most trouble before the terrorists!
