Chapter 2116 The Experiments Begin

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2116 The Experiments Begin

After bringing Henry to the Spatial Kingdom, Minos stayed permanently in that region of space to finally begin his experiments with Torne and develop methods compatible with what he had received from the ancient curse in Albano.

Before coming to his Spatial Kingdom, Minos took care of all his affairs in Dry City, even placing the idols that gathered the power of faith throughout the empire.

His wives stayed behind in Dry City to run the army and government, continuing their work to improve the empire's position in the face of the ice age and the alien invasion.

Gloria continued to deal with the Spiritual Church, increasing her importance not only through her level and position in the empire but also through her increasingly influential faction.

As for Minos' children and his wives, they were all in Dry City, living a little and enjoying the weeks they would have before returning to cultivation in seclusion.

Comfortable with his family's situation in Dry City, Minos was now with Titus and some of the best minds in his domain.

He wasn't worried about the three level 99 Demigods who were cultivating to reach level 100, who were scattered throughout the Spatial Kingdom, and who were already making a difference to the people there with the effects of their medicines.

Each of them had understood why Minos had acted as he had, and there should be no problems if they succeeded in their progress. In any case, it wouldn't be quick or easy for them to reach level 100.

It would take 5 to 10 years for them to succeed, which was long enough for Minos not to pay attention to any of them at the beginning of their retreat toward level 100. Alll latest novels at

Now, Minos explained what he had in mind to Titus and the others in his experimental group.

According to Minos' theory, what differentiated the talents of members of the same race was their ability to absorb chaotic energy, or rather, how much of Panvuter's old energy they could accumulate.

As such, Titus was the main guinea pig among the creatures in the group about to begin their work.

Minos explained his theories to his group, glancing at Titus occasionally as he felt the time had come to finally put his theories to the test.

If he succeeded, many things in the world could change immediately, but much more could change over the next decades if, of course, his side won the war against the aliens.

"Titus, are you ready?" He asked as everyone looked at the old fox. "What we're about to do has never been done before. We have prepared well for this day but still don't know what might happen next. You could evolve easily, become a whole new being, and reach level 90, or die with terrible consequences."

"I understand the risks," Titus said with an excited smile.

"There's no turning back once we start, so I hope you know. Are you really prepared?" Minos asked again.

Titus said as he looked into Minos' eyes. "If I go on like this, I'll die in a few years. Even if I survive until then, I probably won't survive the beginning of the war. There's nothing to think about. If the experiment goes badly, I'll ask you to put me out of my misery and kill me.

But before that, use your time to study me as best you can. I don't want to go without making this contribution to the world first."

Everyone in the group who would participate in these experiments fell silent when they heard this, touched by Titus' commitment.

Titus wasn't just a guinea pig who didn't know what would happen. He had actively participated in the group's plans over the past few years as they prepared for this great moment.

Minos said. "All right, let's get started."