Chapter 2131 I Own You!

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2131 I Own You!

As Minos positioned himself over the alien robot corpse, everyone involved in the experiment took their positions, raising their guard in case anything strange happened.

At the same time, no one unrelated to the experiment stayed near them, aware that what Minos was about to do could somehow trigger a Lightning Tribulation.

The vast majority of the robot corpses left over from Minos' final battle against the aliens in the North Sea had not been opened to extract their essences. Since Emperor Stuart's group had experience with this before, they didn't dare to obtain such essences casually.

Other powers in the Spiritual World had experimented with it; while some had succeeded, many had failed. However, the Black Plain Empire did not try because Minos wanted to test something first.

He had only reached the necessary level after his breakthrough to level 90 about eight years ago. But only now did he have the time and inclination to do it.

Considering how little the people there had studied about the experiment he wanted to do, no one wanted to be near this creature at the moment.

The only one who risked it was Emperor Stuart, while the scholars hid behind their defenses but were full of curiosity about what was about to happen.

Amidst the growing tension in the background, Minos' cultivation rose to level 93, reaching the highest level that everyone there had ever felt from him.

With the help of one of the mid-level Demigods in his group, he gradually began to manipulate the chaotic energy of the giant bones around him.

Doing basically the same thing he did when he forced the evolution of his guinea pigs in other experiments, Minos infused chaotic energy into the essence of this metallic creature.

The moment he began to do so, the entire armor trembled as if it were a body of bone and flesh, its muscles in an alternating state of tension and relaxation.


"It looks like we're going to get results from this attempt."

'Who am I? What am I?' It realized that it remembered almost nothing about itself, although it realized it needed the energy that such a small being was giving it.

'My instincts tell me to attack everyone around me, but I also sense something familiar about this individual... Is he my creator?' The creature quickly came to this doubt, sensing that this being was not entirely unfamiliar to it.

"Who are you?" It asked, but Minos and the surrounding group didn't understand anything, muttering incomprehensible things to it.

But as it watched the lips of the people in that particular place, the robot became deeply aware of many things, from facial expressions, heart and breathing rates, tone of voice, and body temperature, and associated all of this with the words coming out of the mouths of the people around it.

It gradually began to understand what the beings were saying without understanding how. Rapidly, it mastered their language.

"Who are you?" It repeated its question to Minos, still lying on the ground, while the brown-haired man hovered above it.

Minos understood the robot's question this time and saw that this robot was not only alive but also able to reason.

That was both very good and very bad!

It was good because he and his group could get answers from the enemy. But it was bad because there was a possibility that the enemy could also get answers from them through the robot.

"I am Minos Stuart, the Emperor of the Black Plain Empire of the Spiritual World. I am the one who defeated you and claimed your body, robot. In other words, I am your current owner." Minos said in an authoritative tone as he released his cultivation pressure, Dragon's Eye, and Dark Sea, revealing an aura as terrifying as that of a peak level 97 being.

Even without using his fusions, Minos could scare creatures as strong as that level 94 robot!

By associating the words, tone of voice, and sensations coming from Minos' body, this creature had no trouble understanding its situation.

"Robot? Is that what I am? Do you own me?" The creature asked in a strange tone, making the surrounding people feel uncertain about the next moment.