Chapter 2161 Beginning of the Secret Hunt

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2161 Beginning of the Secret Hunt

When the Secret Hunt began, the participating groups soon made their way to the spatial distortion on this platform. The Spatial Kingdom where the Secret Hunt took place had a special entrance that gave access to it, but one had to be able to manipulate space to pass through that entrance. Without that, it would be impossible to enter that region of space and participate in the race.

Once the event was underway, several Sages moved forward into the spatial distortion, manipulating the space in front of them and thus entering the Spatial Kingdom where the event would take place.

Meanwhile, the arrays showing the interior of this Spatial Kingdom began to function, indicating the arrival of the first participants in the Secret Hunt.

Sarah's group began to move, each one passing through the distortion until it was the brothers' turn.

"Good luck. We'll try to meet you inside it." Sarah said to Kendrick before disappearing in front of him.

The entrance to the Spatial Kingdom from this event not only depended on the strength of those who tried to pass through it, but it also wouldn't take you to the same place as the others.

Each person who passed through this passage would arrive at different points in the Spatial Kingdom. Knowing this, Sarah's group would try to meet there as soon as possible when they arrived.

Kendrick clenched his fists and used his abilities to the limit of his strength, slicing through the space in front of him and opening a path into the Secret Hunt.

As the audience watched the only Spiritual Saint in this competition enter the Spatial Kingdom, the crowd erupted with the first Spiritual Saint to accomplish such a feat in the history of the Continental Tournament!

"Like father, like son," Vico said as he watched the tournament's main event begin.

The other Gods present had similar thoughts, while some of the high-ranking experts saw Minos' position double with this simple event.

"It seems that Emperor Stuart is betting on his son's performance... Tsk! That shouldn't be allowed. It's quite obvious." Someone complained when they saw the change in the main rankings.

"No one else bet on it, so the tournament organizers must have thought it would be tough to happen."

"It doesn't matter. Emperor Stuart bet on something obvious and won. That should be checked."

Points would be scored in the first few minutes, with a lot of movement in the rankings that would determine the bettor who would receive the collective vision of the island's high elves.

Minos would pick up a few points and drop others, maintaining his position in 5th place at the start of the Secret Hunt.


After the first day of the Secret Hunt, the lesser spectators still watched with excitement, enjoying the battles and adventures that many of them would find difficult to experience without risking their lives.

Amidst all this, the most important specialists on Elves Island met for talks, negotiating agreements for the coming months or the distant future after the invasion.

Some thought of a possible victory for the Spiritual World, while others thought more of a protracted war should the forces of that world survive the first few weeks after the invasion.

For many experts, the fate of this world would be decided in the first month of the war against the native aliens of The Adamant Land.

Basically, there were three possibilities:

The end of the Spiritual World's forces as soon as the enemy forces arrived.

The victory of this planet was because of the possible weakness of the alien Gods compared to the Gods of this world, which could happen based on what the forces of this world knew from the aliens that Minos had fought in the North Sea.

Neither side would win in the short term, and the war would last for months or years.

The third possibility was the one that some thought would happen the most, so these individuals were looking for agreements for the months or years of war ahead.

Minos would meet with some experts from the Spiritual World to discuss the matter and make new agreements, including food from his state to meet the needs of other areas of the planet.

That would be the case for the next three days until the final part of the Continental Tournament gradually makes all the experts focus on the end of this very important competition!