Chapter 2175 Siege of the North Sea

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2175 Siege of the North Sea

After a few days, the troops of the Black Plain Empire arrived at the place where they and their allies had agreed to siege the North Sea.

The allies of Minos' group were naturally surprised to see more than 30 spaceships arrive at the location, accompanied by 40 high-level warships.

Each of these ships had many soldiers between levels 80 and 97, while only a few of them had people above that level.

Among those with such people, Minos' spaceship was the most notable of all, containing him, his allies, and his most important family members.

"Your Majesty Minos Stuart, welcome to the battlefield!" A high-ranking elf shouted from his ship when he saw the ship Minos was standing in a little ahead of the others.

Minos' hologram appeared in front of the ship, and he asked. "How is the schedule for this post? Have all the allies arrived?"

"With your group, we have 65% of the promised specialists for this area. But we have news that the other groups are already on their way and should arrive in the next few days." The elf commented, imagining that they would all show up.

"Good! The aliens could arrive at any moment, so be ready." Minos said to the elf. "Anyway, I'll go ahead with my group. Good luck in the battles ahead."

"Good luck to your group as well." Said the elf leader of this post, already knowing that Minos and his group would meet at the main location of the first confrontation with the aliens, where the exit from the enemies' universal wormhole was. There had been signs of where the aliens would arrive for days. Thus, the main forces of the global coalition, including the eight Gods, were focused on the area where the enemy base had previously been. Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

Minos was already expected in that area, so he and his group soon left in the spaceship, taking an uneven route full of detours due to the intense weather in the area.

After a few minutes, his ship arrived at the remaining island in the area where he had detonated a black hole bomb about 30 years ago.

There were a dozen ships and five spaceships from forces that had obtained the technology for these vehicles through the Black Plain Empire's development of such means of transportation.

Only Demigods and Gods were in the area, including Willow, Henry, and Aarav, who were already there to join the decisive battle ahead.

Several people in the area looked at Julian, the members of the Pantheon of Honor not knowing if he had been right or wrong not to choose one of them.

Vico liked what he heard and said. "This is good. Callie has a strong ice power. She'll be powerful when she reaches level 100 in the middle of the Ice Age."

Those who knew Callie's name thought the same thing and felt that this had been a hit by Minos.

"Sigh... Too bad she might not get the chance to fight alongside our group." Willow commented in a pessimistic tone. But everyone there knew their chances and that it would be complicated for them to survive the enemy's advance without heavy losses.

It was almost sure that some Gods there would die after the great battle they expected to happen!

As strong as Callie could be in the middle of the Ice Age, having her only in the future wasn't the best scenario. The best thing would be for her to be there now, combining her unusual powers with those of the other eight Gods.

"Well, at least we have someone who can be the light at the end of the tunnel in four years," Merritt said in a low tone but not so pessimistic.

For someone who had not reached level 100 and was at the end of his life, he did not fear death as much as some of the Gods there.

"Anyway, it's good that you contributed like this, Minos," Aurae commented. "With another God, our chances will be better." "Yes, I hope so. Anyway, I wanted to discuss our strategy with you. I have a few cards up my sleeve that might help us a little. But after I use them, I'll have to retire from the battlefield.

I may have to follow a certain strategy I've already discussed with some of you."

Wren asked. "Are you talking about the plan to infiltrate The Adamant Land and seek allies among the enemies of the Mechanic Empire?"

"Yes. After the initial battle, I would be unprotected, and the enemies would certainly try to kill me. If enough strong enemies are left to threaten me, then I'll have no choice but to do so.

I can only promise you that I will try my best to hurt the enemies as quickly as possible. But I can't guarantee anything. The enemies will certainly leave the Gods in their state, so I'll have to be careful over there.

It might take me a few years to get help."