Chapter 2177 Arrival of the Aliens

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2177 Arrival of the Aliens

A few more days passed, and the forces of the Spiritual World were already fully focused on the North Sea, with all those who had promised to join the first battle of the war already in that maritime area.

The whole world lived in anticipation of the start of the war, with those who feared their own end contemplating the possibility of surrender if the worst came to pass.

Those who still believed in surrender were just as nervous as those who believed the world had to fight the aliens with everything it had until the last hope. For those who wanted to surrender, the forces of this world moving in to fight would only make their situation more difficult later on.

So, of course, everyone who thought about surrendering nervously watched the news in their respective regions, waiting for the sign of the changing times.

As soon as the news of the aliens coming to the world was announced, it would be time for each side to move!

This day was closer than anyone expected!

Just this afternoon, the universal wormhole showed signs of change!

That was the arrival of the aliens from The Adamant Land in the Spiritual World!


In the central area of the North Sea, warships and spaceships were circling the area where the distortion of the universal wormhole was.

The Gods, the strongest Demigods, Minos, and his wives were flying around, not far from where the spatial distortion had been vibrating violently for the past 30 minutes.

Everyone in the area could sense that the arrival of the enemies was imminent, as they had already been in their respective positions for the past few weeks.

If one were to observe closely, one would see many unusual things in this area. For example, many coffins were scattered around the only island in the area, while several sea beast corpses were floating in the sea nearby.

At the same time, some distance away from the universal wormhole, there were cannons and many men dressed in special armor that made them look like robots, surrounding the area in front of the ships and spaceships.

"Mechanical Emperor," Minos said as he looked at the being in front of his enemies, feeling an aura that he found difficult to quantify.

To put it simply, the aura of the Mechanical Emperor was even stronger than the aura of the strongest God in the Spiritual World, the level 100 Sky Whale!

All eight Gods of the Spiritual World realized this simultaneously as they stared at this being in astonishment.

Not only did the Mechanical Emperor seem to have infinitely more strength than they thought such a being would have, but all the other seven biological Gods seemed to be strong as well.

That was completely different from what they had expected because the beings of the Mechanic Empire that were previously in the North Sea were too weak for their level. The powers of this world had considered the possibility that the alien Gods might be like that.

However, the reality was quite different from the expectations of those people. Not only did the biological Gods there seem much stronger, but the artificial Gods there didn't seem easy either, even though they seemed weaker than the biological Gods.

'We're screwed!' Aarav thought as he broke into a cold sweat.

"Minos Stuart." The Mechanical Emperor looked at Minos and then at the Voyager, standing among the members of the Black Plain Empire.

The alien leader looked at the spaceships with the golden tree symbols and understood what had happened. 'Damn you, Minos. You used one of my subjects to develop yourself... It's too bad for you that I'm here. Otherwise, things would have been different.'

The Mechanical Emperor raised a finger, and Voyager immediately knelt in the air, recognizing his true master.

"Forces of the Spiritual World, I'll only give you one chance." The Mechanical Emperor began his speech of dominance. "Surrender to me. I am willing to take all of you here into my domain, with the exception of Minos Stuart.

The population of this world is of no interest to us, so we will cleanse this planet from north to south and east to west. But the strongest of you are welcome in my realm.

Don't worry, I'll allow you to bring 10 people with you. You won't have to leave everything and everyone behind."

"Tsk!" Aurae stepped forward and said. "Is the Mechanical Emperor afraid? If you can easily overpower us, do it by fighting. There's no point in negotiating with us if you're not afraid!"