Chapter 2204 Time to Start Exploring

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2204 Time to Start Exploring?

Minos got up from where he was and went to Ruth's side, who was standing guard around their camp in the middle of the forest.

She was currently at the beginning of level 92, having advanced to this cultivation two days ago.

Ruth was at level 90 when the group arrived on this planet. However, since she had a Divine-grade Physique, something that only Minos and Maximillian had besides her, she had made better use of the resources she had ingested compared to the rest of the group, who had only increased their strength by one level in the past few weeks.

Her cultivation base was the smallest compared to Minos' and Maximillian's, so she managed to go from level 90 to level 92. At the same time, those two had improved by one level and a fraction of their strength, respectively.

Minos was delighted with her progress but didn't want to talk about it right now.

"Ruth, prepare the group. We'll leave this place and explore beyond the area we've already explored as soon as the last meditating wake up." He went straight to one of the three robots there.

She didn't question her husband and went about her business while Minos approached the robots next to the giant egg in that place.

Several men in the meditating group were near this egg, which had shrunk by 50% in the past few weeks but was still very useful in helping those who cultivated near it.

Of the three remaining robots in the group standing in front of the egg, one was currently at level 99, another was at level 98, and the last was still at level 97.

This last one was the one that had many of its parts damaged during the group's initial problem in this world. However, in the months since that battle, he and his fellow robots had used the remaining robot parts they had to solve their problems.

Because this had taken time, he had missed out on the opportunities to advance that his companions had had, even though he was already stronger than when he arrived in this world.

Minos asked the three, "How is this thing coming along?"

The strongest of the robots said. "Slowly, I'd say. We thought we'd have a result after these months of standing here, but the progress of this thing has completely changed since a month ago. I don't know what's behind it, Your Majesty. We'll have to study it when we move."

They weren't as weak as they had been when they arrived here about six months ago, but they weren't as strong as the kind of powerful creatures that could exist in this world.

The robots agreed with Minos, while one was curious to see more of what this world had to offer.

'If there's any chance of completing our plans, it will depend on the existence of intelligent beings that are stronger than we know.' The level 99 robot thought, 'If there are only Gods in this world, it will be impossible for us to return.'

Meanwhile, another of these artificial beings discreetly looked at Minos and thought, 'If there's no way back to our plans, His Majesty will probably become an expert in this world. We must ensure he doesn't get burned by the local experts!'


A few hours passed, and Minos' group finally left this area; everyone had finished stabilizing their powers with the last resources they had left from the items produced from the level 100 root body.

Another reason for them to explore this world was that they had already completely consumed the level 100 root body and wanted to find new ingredients to produce special resources.

The group was willing to make one more major breakthrough before returning to traditional meditation so as not to harm themselves by advancing too quickly.

An increase in cultivation would still do more good than harm to the group, so everyone was interested in finding ingredients to produce new resources.

That was especially true for those people who were at level 99, and they thought they could reach level 100 in a few years if they found good opportunities in this world.

So when they left that area, the group was more hopeful than fearful about their journey in this world.

However, they still left where they had arrived cautiously, scanning the terrain ahead as they moved in formation, ready to fight if necessary.

They would travel this way until they left the 100 square kilometer area where they had spent the last few months, encountering no problems along the way.