Chapter 2262 Victory Prize

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2262 Victory Prize

After speaking his last words in this challenge, Minos focused all his energy on his body, making his Indestructible Body glow as he made space collapse with the strongest punch of this challenge.

His Soul Avatar grew larger and larger as his fist came down on Oxo, making this individual trapped in a time trap open his eyes wide and see the real size of his opponent.

He hadn't known that Minos could do something so extreme, so he hadn't prepared himself to deal with an opponent with so many weapons up his sleeve.

Taken by surprise by Minos' unparalleled abilities, he could only accept his opponent's move that would hit him full-on, making him shudder to his core before he was thrown hard against the floor of that platform.

All the spectators at the event watched in silence, some with their mouths open, not knowing what to say. In contrast, others closed their eyes as they saw the probable end of this challenge.

'He really is a monster like no other.' Wana thought to herself as she stood on the bleachers surrounding that combat platform.

Meanwhile, Maximillian asked Ruth. "Will that be a problem? He's pitting himself against several guild members by winning this challenge. Does he have a plan for that?"

"Minos always has a plan." The black-haired woman next to Maximillian replied confidently. "But this will certainly get us into trouble. That's the way it's always been. That's how he became so strong and relevant in the Spiritual World."

"This isn't the Spiritual World," Maximillian commented, feeling that even he and the other Sovereigns in their group could end up badly off because of this.

"This isn't our world. However, this guild has its rules. Let's not worry too much for now. Let's see what he's planning, and then we'll go with what comes our way." She said as she stood up from her seat and applauded Minos' performance alongside the thousands of creatures there.

Many were there to see Minos humiliated and defeated by Oxo. But the truth was that most of them had no reason to cheer for one side or the other. Oxo winning was what most expected. But Minos' victory was not entirely unpleasant.

Some even preferred it that way, as it was much more exciting for a person of level 95 to win a fight against someone of level 101 than the other way around!

When they saw the gigantic projection of Minos' soul disappear, and Oxo's unconscious body became visible in the crater where he had been thrown, most of the crowd in the vicinity applauded Emperor Stuart's performance. Thê source of this content n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

Minos' supervisors there looked at him in satisfaction, liking what they had seen today, becoming even more interested in his journey in Armhands.

"Minos Stuart, congratulations on your victory. You beat an Elite Soldier, Oxo, who had 123,352 merit points accumulated. You are entitled to around 90% of that amount, that is, 111,016 merit points."

A creature that looked like a slime said to him as it threw Minos' ID in his direction.

"Your points have already been credited, and you can use them as you wish."

Minos took his ID and stared at the thing in silence for a moment, shocked at the amount he had just earned in one go.

"All that? How many merit points must an Elite Soldier collect to become a Junior Officer?"

"120,000 points." That Officer said directly, scaring Minos with the number of points he would eventually have to collect if he wanted to become an Officer and gain enough freedom to try to return to the Spiritual World.

"And from Rank-and-File Soldier to Elite Soldier?"

"50,000 points."

'So I must collect 190,000 merit points to become a Junior Officer.' He concluded, imagining that this wouldn't be easy, nor would it be quick.

Even disregarding the enemies who would try to act against him and hinder him, it would take him a long time to gather that many points.

Now that he had shown his powers, no one weaker than him would challenge him, so he could hardly use other challenges like this to grow in the guild.

At the same time, he couldn't use much of his current points for promotion exams, as he needed to become stronger to try to be promoted to the rank of an Elite Soldier.

He also had to help his group members, so he would probably have to raise a lot more than the minimum amount needed!

'Shit! I've got a long way to go!'