Chapter 2273 Risky Action

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
After a few days of observing their target, Minos and Maximillian had the chance to act this afternoon!

While they were walking separately in the center of Misthall, the two saw the level 104 Sovereign they were following enter a commercial establishment unaccompanied.

Maximillian noticed this and stood guard outside the place, paying attention to the individual's guards, who stood on the far side of the anthill-shaped building.

Minos followed alone in the footsteps of the individual who had just entered the place where various kinds of services were offered on the levels of the large building.

Minos couldn't say for sure why that being was there alone, but considering that this was a place where most of the beings were weaker than his target, he went ahead, determined to carry out this mission.

Upon entering the large, anthill-shaped building, Minos came across many individuals coming and going through wide corridors.

He followed his target until he reached the middle of the anthill, where the stairs and ramps leading to the lower levels were located. From there, one could see dozens of meters below or above the floor they were on.

Minos' target descended those stairs and was soon on floor -6, a less-trafficked part of this grandiose building with the highest average strength among the beings that were there.

When the Zocarro native Minos was following stopped at a store and came across a female of his own species, Emperor Stuart understood the creature's motivation for going there alone.

'Tsk! Males, of whatever species, will put themselves in danger for females.' He laughed to himself as he realized the motivations behind that individual.

But he didn't miss his chance when he saw that most of the individuals near that area, of which there weren't many, were working or busy with other things, he moved.

Instead of going directly against the level 104 individual, Minos stole the cultivation of a level 100 alien in his path, quickly raising his cultivation to level 98.

Feeling more powerful than ever, he spread his wings and circulated his immortal energy as he attacked that level 104 being 15 meters away from him.

When Minos attacked that native of Zocarro, that being realized it before he was hit.

The female Atar loved felt her powers being sucked away as she seemed to be watched by death itself, and she couldn't help but express her fear on her face.

Atar cursed this foreigner, but he told the truth. "Some members of the Armhands found out about the young master finding The Scroll Of Hearts."

Minos' eyes lit up at this confirmation, getting enough from that being to alert the guild to the actual situation in this area.

He flapped his wings and tried to lure that female into his black hole before flying away quickly.

"Son of a bitch!" The Zocarro native cursed at Minos as his level 104 aura shook the entire floor of the building.

He didn't pursue Minos immediately and focused all his strength on avoiding the worst.

Minos didn't see what would happen in that place, but for the first time in his journey, someone used their claws to tear through the space region of one black hole, destroying it as if it were nothing.

The destruction of a black hole was no simple matter. The moment that Sovereign destroyed it, a tremendous amount of energy spread violently throughout the surrounding area, causing everyone within a kilometer's radius to immediately feel such a disturbance.

Immediately afterward, the level 104 Sovereign made a shrill sound as he narrowly saved his beloved from the enemy's blow.

"I'll kill you!" He shouted as he made sure she was okay. Then, he took off at high speed.


Minos appeared at the top of that anthill-shaped building, flying as fast as mid-level Sovereigns could fly. At the same time, several experts around the city turned their attention to him.

Just as the level 104 Sovereign's guards were about to fly towards Minos, having already felt his lord's aura stirring, Maximillian joined his companion in attacking the two enemy guards from behind.

He was close to advancing to level 102, so creatures one or two levels stronger than his couldn't ignore his blow!

The moment he acted, Maximillian surprised the two, knocking him out temporarily and preventing them from following after Minos.

"Time to run!" He said to Minos as the two began their escape from Misthall.