Chapter 2301 Incorruptible Heart

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2301 Incorruptible Heart

With the speed at which Minos could move currently at level 98, no one in his party could keep up with him if he didn't want them to.

Without realizing it, Minos moved with great speed to the place where he heard a beating heart that attracted him.

He didn't understand what was going on. Still, relying on what the conscience of the seraph who had helped him in the Spiritual World years ago had told him, he followed it, imagining that he would get something good out of it.

After the vision of the future he had had because of the jewel given to him by a level 110 Sovereign, the seraph's hint had been clear. He had narrowly escaped giving valuable information to a potential enemy. Still, he had managed to see something that would help him on his way to power.

Soon, Minos found himself in an area not far from his group's camp, a place shrouded in mist with many similar trees standing close together.

There wasn't much undergrowth. Because the trees there were very tall and prevented the sunlight from reaching the surface, there weren't many undergrowth plants. Most of them were small plants that didn't need light and used the dead leaves of the larger trees as a natural fertilizer.

Then, just as he could hear the sound of his heart beating louder and louder, he stopped 40 meters away from a tree that he could easily identify from his previous vision. Cheêck out latest novels at

It looked exactly like the tree from his first vision years ago when he was at Armhand's headquarters.

Something inside that large tree seemed to be calling him, drawing him closer and closer to touch the trunk of the tree.

He slowly approached the thing while the seraphic wing tattoo seemed to understand where Minos was.

At the same time, the dragon power sensed that Minos was approaching something special and couldn't help but display the young man's terrifying aura.

Even the sealed power of Henricus Longus in Minos' body trembled as if it realized it was in the presence of something superior.

'Upper Realm...'


He then saw what looked like an energy box through the trunk of that tree and used his powers to reach it.

After cutting down that big tree, he saw the box made of a kind of white energy that made it look like a small star suddenly change, revealing an energy heart and a letter.

As soon as he saw these two things, the heart entered his body without him being able to do anything to 'defend' himself, and the letter turned into a ray of light and entered his eyes.

"Unknown cultivator, if you are reading this, you are one of the many natives of my small universe who have obtained the minimum requirements to begin my legacy.

Cultivate until you reach level 100. You will take the first of the 3 tests to reach the Upper Realm at that time. As your first prize for meeting the minimum requirements to compete for my legacy, I leave you the Incorruptible Heart. With this essence, your eyes will understand all that they see, your mind will be unshakable, your instincts will be perfect, and no lie will be able to deceive you.

Prepare yourself. Once you reach level 100, you'll be sent to an alternate dimension. There, you will fight the first Millennial Massacre of your journey.

The message left by this being disappeared as soon as Minos read these last words, and he felt this heart integrate perfectly into his body.

He could feel the impurities leaving his pores, and his cultivation became more solid than ever.

If his cultivation was as solid as a sand cake when he arrived in this world, it was as solid as an ordinary piece of rock before he absorbed that heart. But now, his cultivation base was as solid as a diamond!

Minos no longer felt any energy under his control. But he felt that all his senses had tripled in range as he seemed to have a sudden epiphany about his understanding of reality.

He stood still, his eyes vibrating, as he noticed various things about himself and others, even noticing what was around this area that his group had traveled through.