Chapter 2311 Leaving The Obsidian Shore (1)

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2311 Leaving The Obsidian Shore (1)

With Minos' help, but also with their situation much better than it had been years ago, his group quickly exterminated the aliens and monsters in their path.

They were now much stronger and had better support from their companions, such as Ruth, who, with Minos' help, improved her regeneration after reaching level 99 and helped the group much more than before.

At the same time, being stronger and equipped with the weapons they had acquired in Obsidian City, the group naturally stood a better chance against those creatures that were unprepared or hadn't improved as much as they had.

The key to all this, of course, was Minos. His allies had improved at about the same rate as some of his enemies in Obsidian City over the years. But he was different. He had improved much more and reached a level that gave him the chance to completely upset a confrontation like this.

Soon, all the enemies in his group would die under his powerful attacks, which in itself would scare away other creatures interested in what Minos had collected earlier.

Aware of this, when he finished killing those creatures, Minos immediately consumed a spiritual restorative potion before collecting the bodies of the enemies and their belongings.

Normally, he would have fled after finding an opening. But today, he had the luxury of taking his enemies' precious resources before leaving with his team still in good fighting condition.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong at level 99, Your Majesty." Said the Spiritual World native who was standing next to Minos and Ruth as they flew toward the exit of The Obsidian Shore.

"Me neither." Minos smiled, feeling sincere. Cheêck out latest novels at

Without the opportunities he'd found in Zocarro over the past 15 years, he wouldn't have reached level 99, let alone his current fighting skills.

Minos estimated that if he had been in the Spiritual World and had reached such a level without leaving this planet, he would have been more than 90% weaker.

Even if level 99 in Zocarro and the Spiritual World were the same, anyone who reached such a level of cultivation in that magnificent world would naturally be more powerful than someone on the home planet of these three individuals.

In the midst of all of this, today, the group once again encountered a problem on their journey as they faced yet another atmospheric calamity common to this area.

Strong winds, capable of cutting through mountain rocks and injuring Sovereigns, were showing up where they were now, while colored lightning bolts, similar to the Lightning Tribulations of the Spiritual World, were cutting through the sky.

In the midst of this, spatial and temporal distortions were on the outskirts, threatening to disintegrate this group amid the disaster that had suddenly appeared around their group.

Everyone was tense as they positioned themselves in the defensive formation Minos had devised, using his Space and Time Avatar to try to mitigate the atmospheric effects on his group.

The ideal would be to stay away from an area affected by such things. Unfortunately, the phenomena had suddenly started all around them. The only option for them there was to cross the stormy area!

So Ruth and the group's support members were inside Minos' soul projection, supporting him and the strongest men there, while he and the group's level 102 Sovereigns cautiously walked through the area.


A bolt of red lightning struck a huge tree not far from them, shattering it into thousands of pieces in a matter of moments.

Ruth saw the wood splinters flying through the surrounding area so fast that they could hurt Grandmasters like her!

The chaos in this area was so bad that the secondary effects of its phenomena could be deadly dangerous!

Minos also sensed this and continued to move slowly and cautiously.

While he and his stronger companions were sweating and expending their energy to resist the chaos of the area, their eyes widened when some of those phenomena suddenly weakened.

"Now!" He shouted for everyone to fly, already moving to carry those inside his soul projection.

Everyone in the group moved quickly, aware that these phenomena would suddenly vary in intensity, which could be their chance to escape from this piece of chaotic space.