Chapter 2315 Back to the Guild

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2315 Back to the Guild

The moment Minos understood that he had survived and was safely under the protection of the level 114 General, he sighed, imagining that this man had already heard the basics from Ruth and the others.

"I'll be honest, General. I did it to save my group and, ultimately, my own life. As a member of the Armhands, I know that acting for the good of the guild should be my goal in every action I take.

But the truth is, I can't help the guild if I'm dead. Was this resource worth my death? I can't say. Maybe it was for the elders or other guild members. Not so much for me.

In any case, would there be any guarantee that the resource would reach the guild if I gave up my life in that place? Those Silverdawn members had violated the guild rules by acting against me. I wasn't sure if they would return the resource to the guild after they defeated us..." Minos said, speaking normally since his body had fully recovered in the past few weeks.

The General listened to Minos' explanation without saying anything because it was natural for everyone to have a sense of self-preservation. There was really no way of knowing whether those two traitors would return the resource they had taken from The Obsidian Shore to the guild.

Even so, Minos had deliberately used a valuable resource for the guild when he would never have received permission to do so if he had tried to obtain such permission.

"That will certainly be considered when we get to the guild. But it's not enough to ignore the case," the General said sincerely. "Was that all you got at The Obsidian Shore?"

"No." Minos smiled. "In fact, I managed to preserve some of that black liquid, General. I lost 75% of it, but I figured there was a risk of us being attacked and robbed, so I kept smaller portions of it in the group's various devices.

I also have the corpse of the undead necromancer who was in the area, all the skeletons of our guild mates who fell there, and various artifacts that were there."

Minos quickly removed the seals that blocked some of his and his companions' spatial rings before handing them to the General.

The General's look changed as he began to examine the rings, realizing greater wealth than he had expected from Minos.

In addition to the Chief Commander, one of the Council Elders was there to receive the items that Minos' group had collected on the recently completed mission.

This being was even stronger than the Chief Commander, being a level 119 being, the strongest Minos and his companions had ever seen.

Once they had prostrated themselves, the General handed his boss the items Minos had obtained. By quickly summarizing what happened on The Obsidian Shore and the following problems, he made them understand Minos' mistakes and successes.

"So Silverdawn isn't completely overrun..." The Chief Commander muttered as he looked at Minos. "Young Soldier, why were those two interested in you? Do you have any idea?"

"Commander, the level 110 Sovereign who attacked us was the twin brother of the enemy who almost killed me a few years ago when we were on a mission against Silverdawn. The other level 108 Sovereign was the young master of that sect, and he tried to get close to me years before this mission we've just completed.

I imagine that they didn't like me before. When they found out that I was going to The Obsidian Shore, they probably thought that they could get my fate and kill me before I returned to the headquarters."

Minos would never have said that those beings had tried to steal his destiny of finding the Incorruptible Heart on The Obsidian Shore!

But what he said wasn't a lie. There might indeed be some hatred towards him from those beings, and they really did want something that he got in The Obsidian Shore.

"So that's it..." The Chief Commander muttered, wondering what would motivate such powerful Sovereigns to act against a mere Grandmaster.

The Council Elder then said to him before leaving with the items the General had delivered. "Solve this problem with Silverdawn. In any case, give this group its prize. They've done well."

As much as Minos had wasted something valuable, what he had brought back was already more than his mission required!

So even after this problem, he still completed his mission with extra merit!